Panther Commando

Chapter 2228: off-road


Wang Dali and Kong Dazhuang stood behind the low-pile net with their squad machine guns in hand. They shouted loudly at the team members for speeding up their progress, and swept out fire snakes at the top of the team members' heads. A string of flying bullets swept past the crawling team members with hot wind. Each team member unconsciously moved forward with their bodies tightly attached to the soil, with extremely nervous expressions on their faces. One eye had turned red, and sweat was dripping on the dirt floor of his body.

At this time, Bao Yafengdao and several others also stood coldly beside Wan Lin, their eyes fixed on the team members whose limbs were moving fast, and their eyes were almost fixed on the last person who was crawling.

The last person in a camouflage uniform is desperately moving his limbs. The camouflage uniform on his back and buttocks has been scratched by sharp barbed wire. There are bright red blood marks all over his dark skin. The bloodstains on the back came out.

It turned out that Bao Ya saw that the training camp members had carried out obstacle training on the training ground, so he ordered Xie Chao to join the training team. Sweat was falling from his face.

At this time, Bao Ya frowned and looked at Xie Chao at the end, strode to the barbed wire, suddenly lowered his body and raised the muzzle, "Da Da Da" a deafening gunshot suddenly sounded, and a string of bullets stuck tightly As the top of Xie Chao's head was flying fast, the hot wind whizzing past almost lifted Xie Chao's military cap from the barbed wire, and Xie Chao stubbornly pinned his head on the ground.

"Damn, what are you hiding? Don't come to be a soldier if you are afraid of death! Pay attention to the essentials of movement, and climb quickly!" Bao Ya scolded angrily, raised the muzzle of his gun and fired another "da da da" at Xie Chao's back. String of bullets.

At this time, the first three team members had already drilled out of the barbed wire, and immediately jumped up from the ground covered in mud, bent over with automatic rifles and rushed out a distance of 100 meters, followed by jumping into a waist-deep area without hesitation. In the quagmire, one by one, holding the weapons in their hands, they walked through the tens of meters of quagmire with difficulty, then climbed out of the quagmire with their bodies covered in muddy water, got up and ran to the front of the thick logs. Single-plank bridge.

The team members in the back also drilled out of the low-pile nets one after another, and then jumped into the quagmire in front of them without hesitation. At this time, each team member's body was covered with black mud, and a pool of black mud was left behind. Each team member's face was covered with black mud spots and sweat, and they were all covered with a pungent nose. The smell, each team member carried guns and rushed forward in the waist-deep swamp, followed by climbing to the shore and rushing towards the obstacles in front.

Wan Lin and the others closely watched every movement of the players. At this time, Wan Lin suddenly noticed that Xu Liang, who was running in third place, was carrying an automatic rifle and rushed to the single-plank bridge in front of him with his body covered in mud. His feet slipped and his body fell heavily from a log that was more than one meter high.

He was panting heavily, looked up and saw the team member named Yan Ying behind him quickly catching up from behind, running to the single-plank bridge, nimbly leaping on the narrow deck and rushing over his head, there were a few more A team member has also crawled out of the quagmire, and the team members with guns rushed in quickly.

An anxious spirit appeared in Xu Liang's eyes. He pressed his hands on the ground, got up and hugged the slippery log full of mud and turned it over again. He just stood up tremblingly from the log and was about to run forward. Once slipped, the body fell heavily again.

Wan Lin frowned and stared at Xu Liang's movements. At this time, the single-plank bridge built with thick logs was already covered with slippery mud. Even if the log is turned over, it will fall again.

At this time, Xu Liang saw the team members rushing over one after another, with anxious expressions in his eyes. The sweat beads on his face had already made a few white marks on the mud-splattered face. I tried to climb up twice in a row, but each time I fell again.

He stared intently at the slippery log in front of him, and suddenly his left hand slammed the log hard, shaking off the silt on it, then his right hand pulled out the saber from his leg and slammed it into the log in front of him, pressing his right hand hard. The saber's foot jumped up sharply, and jumped onto the slippery log again, followed by pulling out the saber and stood up, and ran away.

Wan Lin nodded when he saw his movements, and the wind knife, who had been paying attention to Xu Liang's movements, nodded, and said to Wan Lin in a low voice, "This kid's brain is very flexible." Wan Lin said with a smile on his face, "Yes. , it is really good to be able to generate wisdom in a critical moment."

As he said that, he turned his face to look at the team members who were running across the single-plank bridges and said, "That Yan Ying's feet are very light, and the overall tactical movements are quite smooth. Qing Gong should be regarded as the best among all the training team members. The kid still has reservations, and he didn't let go of his speed and rush to the first place." Feng Dao smiled and nodded and said, "Hehehe, this boy doesn't seem to want to show up, so try to suppress his speed."

As the two of them spoke, they turned their heads to look at the mud-covered team members behind them rushing onto the single-plank bridge. Several soldiers fell from the slippery single-plank bridge while running, but they all saw Xu Xu in front of them as they climbed out of the swamp. The bright method, at this time, he pulled out the saber and inserted it into the log, turned over and jumped on the crossbar, UU Reading followed and ran forward.

At this time, the entire obstacle course was covered with muddy water from the players' bodies, and the ground seemed slippery and slippery. Some players kept slipping to the ground when running, but after falling down, they all got up quickly and rushed towards the obstacles in front of them. go.

Yan Ying and Xu Liang, who rushed over the single-plank bridge, had already climbed over a barrier wall that was more than two meters high in front of them, and when they landed, they quickly ran forward for several dozen meters, and a few people grabbed one hanging from a bracket in front of them. A rope, hands and feet together, quickly climbed up, and after reaching the top of the ** meter high, it quickly slid, and then ran to the shooting range with an automatic rifle.

Xu Liang, who rushed to the shooting range first, had already run behind the shooting position, lying on the ground and raising their guns to aim at the 200-meter target in the distance, followed by intermittent gunshots. At this time, the training team members who were covered in mud and dirt also rushed over one after another, lying on their respective shooting positions and quickly fired their guns, and pulled the trigger one after another at the target in front.

Xiaoya and Lingling were standing behind the shooting position, holding a folder in one hand and a telescope in the other, observing the shooting situation of each team member, and recording the completion time and shooting of each team member on the folder. score.


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