Panther Commando

Chapter 2229: last player


Wan Lin and the others saw that all the training team members rushed to the shooting scene one after another, and they all turned their heads to look at Xie Chao, who was at the end.

At this time, Xie Chaozheng ran out of the swamp with his body covered in mud panting, then stood on the edge of the swamp, stopped and took a few deep breaths, raised his eyes and took a closer look at the terrain in front of him. the single-plank bridge.

He rushed up a narrow single-plank bridge along a slope, tapped his feet a few times on the logs that had been covered with silt, dashed over the slippery logs nimbly, and then rushed to the front of a low wall and jumped, Grabbing the top of the low wall with both hands, he neatly turned over and jumped over...

Since Xie Chao entered the obstacle area, Bao Ya has been trotting along with Xie Chao with an automatic rifle in his hand, loudly reminding him to pay attention to tactical movements, and the muzzle of the gun has bursts of rapid fire from time to time, bullet after bullet. Whistling into the soil behind Xie Chao's feet, the clods caused by the hot bullets "cracked" on Xie Chao's legs, so frightened that Xie Chao's rabbit seemed to rush forward all the way over obstacles one by one.

Wan Lin and the others stared at Xie Chao's somewhat deformed tactical movements while running. They all knew in their hearts that his training time was too short, and he couldn't control the continuity and accuracy of his movements despite the roaring bullets behind him. It's just that in the low-pile net, because of the irregular movements, the sharp barbs on the net sometimes affect the speed of travel, so I keep a distance from the players in front.

However, he performed extremely well in overcoming other obstacles, showing the advantages of light power, speed, physical coordination and stability are quite good. Therefore, as a new recruit who has just joined the army, he can gradually catch up with the veterans who have rich training experience in the back. The overall result is already very rare.

Wan Lin watched Xie Chaoyue run to the shooting range over the last obstacle, waved at the wind knives around him, raised his feet and strode towards the shooting range.

Xie Chao staggered to the shooting range. At this time, the gunfire on the field had stopped, and the muddy training team members had already stood up from the shooting target position, and automatically walked to the back and lined up according to the training group. into three rows.

As soon as everyone stood in line, they saw a muddy player running with a gun. Everyone's eyes unconsciously turned to the last player.

Xie Chao was panting heavily, his body and face were covered with dark silt, but there was not a single bead of sweat on his forehead, and he stumbled to the 100-meter shooting target on the side of the training team. Before, followed the fish and jumped to the target position, quickly raised the gun and extended it forward, pulled the bolt and aimed at the target at a distance of 100 meters.

A group of training team members looked at the team members on the 100-meter shooting target in surprise. The orders they received at the time were to quickly pass the obstacle and shoot at the 200-meter target on the shooting range, but this kid actually ran to the 100-meter target. Ready to shoot.

Xu Liang smiled and wiped the sweat from his face, and shouted loudly, "Boy, are you dizzy? That's the 100-meter target, and the 200-meter target is here!"

The surrounding training team members all laughed, then turned their heads to look at the teammates beside them, wanting to see which team member was last. At this time, everyone's bodies and faces were covered with silt, and no one could see who the last player to arrive was.

Following Xu Liang's shouting and everyone's laughter, three crisp gunshots, "Papapa", followed, and immediately saw the figure lying on the ground kneeling with a gun, raising the gun at the person in front of him. The target "papapa" pulled the trigger three more times, then stood up and fired three more bullets in a standing position, then quickly retracted the gun, turned and ran to the side instructor Bao Ya, shouting loudly: "Report, Xie Chao has completed cross-country shooting, please instruct!"

When everyone heard the shouts, they realized that the last player to complete the live ammunition task was actually the recruit Xie Chao, not a member of the training team. No wonder this kid ran to the 100-meter target to shoot.

Everyone then squinted their eyes and looked at the target at 100 meters. Their eyes suddenly widened. There was a small hole in the center of the target at 100 meters. Obviously, Xie Chao, a new recruit, used three shooting positions just now. Hit all nine bullets on the bullseye accurately, and the score should be above the eighth ring!

This is indeed an amazing shooting score for a recruit who has only been in the army for a few weeks. Xu Liang raised his hand to wipe the muddy water on his face again, turned his face like a melon, looked at Xie Chao and shouted, "Good boy, amazing! Is this still the new recruit?" Then he applauded vigorously. The surrounding training team members laughed when they heard Xu Liang's cry, and then raised their arms and clapped vigorously.

When Wan Lin and the others heard Xu Liang's applause, their faces showed gratifying smiles. It was indeed beyond their expectations that a recruit could have such a high level of shooting skills in such a short period of time. Bao Ya, who was standing in front of Xie Chao, also grinned widely, raised his hand and patted his shoulder and said, "It's still passable, but the speed is far from enough, it's far worse than the big brothers like Xu Liang, keep working hard! "

Saying that, he took Xie Chao to the front of the training team and said loudly, "See? This is a new recruit, you veterans, hurry up, otherwise this recruit will catch up and kick your ass! "

"Hahahaha" Everyone All fixed their eyes on Xie Chao's face. Xie Chao, who was originally pale, was gasping for breath, but his face suddenly turned red. His expression was full of joy. Obviously, this result was beyond his own expectations. The hard work during this period of time was not in vain.

The laughter of the training team members suddenly stopped, and they suddenly realized that their position in this training team was not secure, and they could be overtaken by others at any time. Once he relaxes his training, not only this recruit, but also someone may take his place.

Sure enough, Wan Lin walked to the front of the queue, looked up at a group of team members and shouted: "Stand at attention, take a breath", then looked at the training team members who were still panting and said loudly: "See, here is the In a place where the strong are like forests, don’t be complacent when you think that you are all the best selected from the troops below! You may be overtaken by the latecomers at any time. Now, the brother troops are still in full swing for the competition selection, and they may appear here at any time. A stronger opponent than you. As long as you relax your vigilance, there may be replacements behind you at any time, and you may get out of here and return to your troops at any time!"

As he spoke, a cold light suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he shouted at the queue: "Zhang Qiang, Xu Erhu, Zheng Sanqiang, get out of the queue!"


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