Panther Commando

Chapter 2237: rapid whistle


After listening, Wang Hong nodded and replied: "Yes, just to test their leadership skills through tomorrow's exercise. Then I will take the two of them to the camp of the training team first, and let them familiarize themselves with the other team members first," said He dragged Wan Lin into the yard and came to the room of the two of them.

At this time, Xiaoya and Dali were in the room of Company Commander Zhang and He Shuai. Company Commander Zhang was talking about the conflict between Wan Lin and the gangsters in the county hotel. When he saw Wan Lin and Commander Wang coming in, he quickly stopped Shuai and He Shuai stood up straight, Wan Lin smiled and waved his hands and said, "Sit down, Major Wan has already introduced you to the situation here just now, right?"

Company Commander Zhang hurriedly stood at attention and replied in a loud voice: "Yes, thank you Chief Instructor, thank you Major Wan" and raised his hands to salute the two of them.

Wan Lin waved his hand and said, "Thank me for what? This is a training team. Whether you can stay here depends on your own efforts." Then he pointed to Wang Hong and said, "This is Commander Wang of the spy battalion. Our special reconnaissance team belongs to the spy battalion!"

Company Commander Zhang and the two quickly turned around and saluted Wang Hong, Wang Hong raised his hand and said in return, "You are now following the instructions of all the instructors here. Since you have entered the training team, you and I will go to the training team to set up camp, and follow the instructions there. Brothers, get acquainted."

"Yes." Captain Zhang replied loudly, then turned around to salut to Wan Lin and the instructors, and followed Wang Hong with their backpacks.

Wan Lin sent Wang Hong and the three out of the courtyard, then returned to the courtyard and whispered to the leopard team members standing in the courtyard: "According to the predetermined plan, go to the weapons depot to get the weapons and ammunition for tomorrow, and act on time at five o'clock tomorrow! Disband." "Yes!" All the team members replied in a low voice immediately, then turned around and walked towards Wan Lin's room, where there was a special passage leading directly to the underground weapons warehouse.

At four o'clock in the morning the next day, the thick night still enveloped the undulating mountains. "Beep", a sharp whistle suddenly sounded from the camp of the special reconnaissance and training team near the mountain, followed by a group of people who were walking towards their shoulders. Soldiers with backpacks ran out of various rooms and ran straight to the black shadows standing upright in front of the camp, followed by a low-pitched sound of the whole group.

When the team members lined up in three rows and looked up to the front, everyone realized that the one standing upright in front of the team was not the instructor of the training team, but Wang Hong, the battalion commander of the spy battalion, who was fully armed. There were actually rows of sub-ammo boxes.

"Take a rest...stand at attention!" Wang Hong ordered in a low voice, followed by his eyes and said in a low voice with a serious face: "The first team, get the ammunition, hurry up!" Following his voice, the members of the first row were stunned. Immediately, he quickly rushed to the medicine box, took out the ammunition, and inserted it northward to his equipment, then quickly returned to the place.

"Team Two"..."Team Three" Wang Hong's voice was hurried and steady, with a very nervous tone. The eyes of the team members who received the ammunition showed a nervous and excited look. They had already discovered that they were receiving live ammunition.

"Look to the right", "Look forward!" Wang Hong saw all the team members lined up after receiving the ammunition and looked at himself, and immediately issued a stern password, and then whispered: "In a sudden battle, a group of armed elements escorted the contraband. Suddenly appearing near Longtoushan, 60 kilometers away, your instructors have rushed to the scene. Order: All members of the training team rush to reinforcements immediately, and be ready for battle at any time! The target Longtoushan, the three groups of members are formed into battle formations, Let's go!" After saying that, he turned around and ran quickly towards the gate of the camp where he entered the mountain.

Hearing the hasty and concise order of the battalion commander, the eyes of all the team members lit up, and armed gangsters appeared. This was a rare opportunity for these team members to fight! One by one, they immediately spread out according to the battle formation, carrying their guns and running forward behind the battalion commander, with nervous and excited expressions on their faces.

At this time, Wan Lin was lying on Xiao Hua's shoulders, one person and one leopard quietly stood in the shadows at the entrance of his station, staring coldly at the training team members who ran out. He watched all the team members run out of the camp, and then patted Xiaohua on the shoulder, turned and walked back to his room, followed by picking up the sniper rifle leaning against the bedside to check it, and sitting with his eyes crossed on the bedside, he silently pumped his infuriating energy. .

At one minute to five o'clock, Wan Lin suddenly opened his eyes and jumped off the bed, raised his hand to carry the backpack on his shoulders, and Xiaohua, who was lying on the bed, also jumped on his shoulders. Wan Lin turned his head and glanced at Xiao Hua, hesitant in his eyes, and then strode out of the room with a sniper rifle. The fully armed Leopard team members were already standing neatly in the courtyard, and Xiaoya's shoulders were also lying on her back, her eyes looming red. Light white.

Wan Lin glanced at Xiaoya's shoulder, raised his hand to hug the little flower on his shoulder, and then ordered to the two leopards, "This is an exercise, don't go there, let's move freely." Putting Xiaohua on the ground, Xiaoya also quickly patted Xiaobai on the shoulder and picked it up and put it on the ground.

The two leopards looked up at Wan Lin, their big tails were drooping on the ground, and their eyes were filled with disappointment. Wan Lin grinned and explained, "This is an exercise, it's no fun, and if you make trouble, you will accidentally hurt you. Go play in the mountains by yourself." After listening to Wan Lin's words, the two leopards glanced at each other, turned and ran towards the courtyard, then jumped up suddenly, passed over the high courtyard wall like blue smoke, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. In the vast darkness of the Wan Lin watched the two leopards leap out of the courtyard wall, then waved to the team members in front of him and said, "Let's go!" Pressed a few times in the bedroom bedside table.

As Wan Lin straightened up, the side wall suddenly cracked open silently, and a metal door of the same color as the wall slowly moved to the side, revealing a dimly lit hole.

Wan Lin lowered his head and walked into the hole. The team behind him followed Yuguan and got in. Zhang Wa, who finally entered, twisted and pressed against the wall inside the hole. The thick metal door at the entrance of the hole slowly closed again... …

In the dim mountains in the early morning, a figure with a gun suddenly appeared at the foot of a mountain covered with wormwood. The figure leaned out and quickly raised the gun to take a look around, then jumped out from below, and then a dozen black figures emerged from the wormwood one after another like a ghost.

"Lingling, inform the helicopter that we have reached the assembly point. All the team members rushed to the top of the mountain immediately!" Following Wan Lin's low voice, a group of leopard team members immediately dispersed at the foot of the mountain, turned around and ran towards the hillside.


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