Panther Commando

Chapter 2238: Appointed Yamanaka


Wan Lin and his party quickly climbed to the top of the side in the dark, knelt on one knee and raised their guns to alert the surrounding area. It didn't take long, suddenly there was a low roar in the hazy night, a black shadow like a giant eagle flew towards the top of the mountain, and then slowly landed, a huge helicopter gradually hovered over At a height of more than two meters from the top of the mountain, two ropes were thrown down from the hatch.

"Go!" Following Wan Lin's shout, Wang Dali and Kong Dazhuang, who were carrying machine guns, got up and jumped up and grabbed the rope near the cabin door. The door, and then the figures stood up one after another on the top of the mountain, jumped up suddenly, grabbed the rope and disappeared into the helicopter dexterously.

As the last figure disappeared into the cabin, the roar of the helicopter suddenly became intense, the fuselage rose slowly, turned its direction and flew quickly into the mountains with mountains and peaks, and disappeared behind a towering mountain in a blink of an eye.

The dark night sky gradually became gray, and a white piece suddenly appeared behind the rolling mountains in the east, followed by a dazzling ray of light sprayed from the back of the distant mountain, and a golden fireball suddenly rose from the top of the mountain. He got up and jumped into the air immediately, and the dark mountain was instantly shrouded in a pale yellow morning light.

The crisp birdsong echoed in the mountains in the early morning. The green grass in the mountains and the dangerous rocks were steep. The rolling hills showed a tender green color in the clear morning light. Large trees swayed their branches and leaves quietly in the breeze. Every mountain is full of vitality.

A group of heavily armed soldiers in camouflage uniforms were dashing forward. Looking closely, the sparse teams that seem to be scattered among the mountains are actually distributed in groups of several people in the center of the mountain road and on the slopes on both sides. Several hundred meters in front of the team are Xu Liang, Yan Ying and the scouts. Another reconnaissance team composed of training team members.

Wang Hong ran in the center of the crowd with his assault rifle, surrounded by two battle groups, one of the team members had sweat on his face, and the trouser legs of each team member had already been wet with the dew on the grass in the mountain.

At noon, Wang Hong, who was running in the center of the team, raised his wrist to check the time, and whispered into the microphone: "Stop moving forward, rest on the spot to replenish energy, and a group will occupy the commanding heights of the surrounding area and be alert!"

Following his voice, the surrounding team members who were running wildly stopped immediately, turned around to look at the surrounding terrain, and quickly sat down, while the team members in one group ran to the top of the mountain on both sides.

Wang Hong raised his eyes and glanced at the guard position occupied by a group of team members, nodded with satisfaction, and then walked to the foot of the side of the mountain to find a rock and sat down. He raised his eyes and looked at the surrounding team members. Everyone wiped the sweat from their faces, then took out the water bottle to replenish water, and then took out the individual rations and placed them on their knees.

Wang Hong's eyes immediately focused on the newcomers Zhang and He Shuai last night. The tall and well-proportioned Captain Zhang and the well-proportioned He Shuai were walking towards the hillside and sat down on the grass. The two silently took out the water bottle and rations from their backpacks. There seemed to be no sweat on his face, his breathing seemed well-proportioned, and his movements seemed steady and neat.

Wang Hong secretly said in his heart, "No wonder these two were chosen by Wan Lin. They do have excellent physical strength, and their military literacy is different." He raised his head and shouted, "Zhang Dahu, come here." Rations, I heard the battalion commander's cry and quickly got up and ran here. Wang Hong waved to Zhang Dahu, who ran to the front to salute, and then pointed to a rock in front of him and asked him to sit down.

Zhang Dahu hurriedly sat on the rock, looking at Wang Hong nervously, wondering what the battalion commander was looking for at this time? Wang Hong looked at his captain and asked, "You were the company commander in the original unit?"

"Yes" Zhang Dahu replied in a low voice, Wang Hong raised his eyes and looked into his eyes and asked about his situation in the original army, and then said: "The basic situation of you and He Shuai, I have already sent the information from your division. I saw it on the Internet, and the technical and tactical levels shown in the data are very good. You have practiced hard qigong since you were a child, right?"

Zhang Dahu glanced at the battalion commander in surprise, and then asked, "battalion commander, how did you figure it out? I didn't reveal this in the original army, so it shouldn't be in the documentation."

Wang Hong smiled and looked at He Shuai on the opposite hillside, and said, "Hehe, most of us here have some kung fu. I have seen from the rapid march just now that both you and He Shuai have a good foundation in martial arts, He Shuai. It should be a disciple of the internal power sect, and the internal power foundation is very solid."

Zhang Dahu suddenly understood in his heart that the battalion commander in front of him could become the battalion commander of the special operations battalion in the special operations brigade. Immediately a look of reverence flashed in his eyes,

Wang Hong smiled and took out the individual rations and ate it, then pointed to the ration box in Zhang Dahu's hand and said, "Eat it quickly, let's chat while we eat."

Zhang Dahu picked up the lunch box and lowered his head to eat. Wang Hong chewed the food in his mouth and asked, "You were already a captain and company commander in the original army, so you really want to be an ordinary soldier here as a company commander?"

"Hehehe, I never thought I wanted to be an official when I came to be a soldier. When I am a soldier, I want to be the most elite soldier. I don't care about that company commander. I want that name to be used!" After speaking, he suddenly realized His words were disrespectful, and he quickly blushed and waved his hands awkwardly. Wang Hong stared at him without speaking, and there was no expression on his face.

Zhang Dahu then looked around at a group of training team members wearing bulletproof vests and night vision equipment fixed on their There was a light in his big eyes, and he looked down at the same equipment on his own and said: "Commander Wang, to be honest, I don't feel like a real soldier until I put on this special equipment! Hey, I have dreamed of wearing this special equipment only when I was a child. I have fulfilled this dream, hehe, this is the real soldier of my dreams! Otherwise, my kung fu since elementary school would not have been in vain, do you think so?" As he spoke, he beat his strong chest twice. .

Wang Hong listened to this sturdy Zhang Dahu saying these words, and there was a light in his eyes. He did not answer Zhang Dahu's question, but whispered into the microphone: "All attention, temporarily appoint Zhang Dahu. Captain Hu is the captain of the training team! Xu Liang is appointed as the captain of the first team, Yan Ying is the captain of the second team, and He Shuai is the captain of the third team! The appointment will take effect."

As soon as he finished speaking, three black shadows suddenly stood up on the hillsides on both sides and on the side of the mountain, followed by a low answer from Wang Hong's earphones: "Yes!"

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