Panther Commando

Chapter 2243: Earth's axis


Lingling on the side saw that Zhang Wa stopped talking at a critical moment, and quickly put the water bottle in his hand into his hand, then raised her fist and threatened Zhang Wa's head: "Don't betray me, tell me quickly!"

Zhang Wa took the kettle, shrank his head and said quickly: "When those soldiers climbed the mountain in front, they immediately found that white mist was spewing out from the black and steep cliff below, a strange black hole like a It was an ugly big mouth open, coldly facing them, making them feel eerie, and a suction was pulling them hard, as if calling for them to get into the hole as quickly as possible."

"At this moment, one of the leading astrologers suddenly shouted 'Haha, found it, the axis of the earth is calling us the descendants of the Atlantis Protoss! Go, brothers' follow like crazy He ran up the steep hillside to the cave in front, and a group of soldiers around heard his shout, with excited expressions on their faces, and followed the suction force. They had already listened to these astrologers for a long time. I said that as long as you enter the axis of the earth, you can obtain huge energy, you can become a member of the undead army, and you can live forever."

Zhang Wa raised the water bottle and took two sips. Looking at Wan Lin and the others who were attentively speaking, he continued, "These people rushed into the crypt in a swarm, but they have never been heard from again. According to the man who fled back halfway, The guide said: When he was running away, he suddenly heard an earth-shattering explosion, and then saw a dazzling red light erupting from a distance, the dark night sky was dyed bright red, followed by The red light flashed away again, and everything returned to normal, but no one will see those soldiers in full armor again." He stopped speaking here, raised his head and raised Lingling's water bottle beautifully, and turned to his mouth again. Take a big mouthful.

"It's over?" Lingling asked, staring at Zhang Wa who stopped talking, "It's over" Zhang Wa hurriedly returned the kettle in her hand to Lingling.

"Stinky boy, you lied to us for so many delicious food, and that's the end of it?" Lingling shouted angrily, raising her fist and smashing it at Zhang Wa. Wan Lin, Xiaoya and Cheng Ru also raised their fists at the side. Throw it at Zhang Wa. After Zhang Wa answered Lingling's question, she had long felt that something was wrong. A donkey rolled and rolled to the side, followed by a burst of laughter while covering her mouth.

Wan Lin and the others also laughed. Zhang Wa smiled and climbed up from the side of the hill, patted the dust on her body, walked back to the rock and sat down. At this time, Lingling hadn't recovered from the scene of the story. She stared at Zhang Wa and asked, "Did those **** find the axis of the earth?"

"Hahahaha, I found it, everyone who fantasized about being an 'undead army' has all gone back to my grandma's house and became an 'undead army', can you still find it?" Zhang Wa replied with a smile. , Wan Lin and Cheng Ru also laughed.

Lingling and Xiaoya also giggled. Lingling stared at Zhang Wa while laughing and asked, "Is this true or false? There are noses with eyes." Zhang Wa smiled and waved her hands and said: "Hehehe, this is just a legend, do you really believe me if I know?"

At this moment Wan Lin raised his head with a smile and looked at the sky, followed by raising his hand to check the time, waving his hand at Zhang Wa and the others, and then ordered to the microphone: "Everyone has it, go into their respective battle positions to hide and do a good job. Prepare for the exercise!"

Following his voice, Cheng Ru, Xiaoya, and Lingling immediately raised their guns and stood up, bent down and ran to their predetermined positions. In the blink of an eye, the silhouettes of people who were scattered on the top of the mountain on both sides of the canyon suddenly disappeared. This inaccessible canyon instantly became very quiet. A group of migratory birds flying in the air seemed to feel the tense atmosphere, and all of them suddenly accelerated in the air. The speed of the flight also disappeared behind the mountain in a blink of an eye.

The sky gradually darkened. Wan Lin was lying on the back of a rock on the side of the canyon, raised his binoculars and looked out into the dim mountains outside the canyon, then raised his hand and tapped the microphone beside his mouth a few times. come over.

Wan Lin heard the echo, and immediately whispered into the microphone: "Attention everyone, Commander Wang announced that the training camp team has reached five kilometers away from the canyon. Zhang Wa, Xiaoya, Lingling, made the sound of a war, and gave them to the training camp. Team members, come on!" "Understood!" The voices of Zhang Wa and the three of them immediately came from his earphones.

The automatic rifle sounds followed by "Dada Da" and "Dada Da" suddenly sounded, and the explosions of several grenades of "Boom" and "Boom" also sounded on the hillside behind. Lights up and down.

At this time, the thirty or so training members who were forming a battle formation and rushing forward in the dark mountain suddenly heard intermittent gunshots and explosions in the distance. The gun was aimed at the dimly lit mountains ahead.

"Get ready for battle! The first team reports the situation!" Wang Hong's urgent command sounded in the ears of every team member.

"Report to the battalion commander, there are explosions and gunshots in front of you, the distance is five kilometers away, please instruct?" The voice of Xu Liang, the captain of the first team, came from Wang Hong's earphones.

Wang Hong pondered the order for a while and said: "Received. Keep the battle formation and speed up, and prepare for battle!" After answering Xu Liang's report, he followed the command into the microphone: "All of them, from now on, This operation is under the full command of the training team captain Zhang Dahu, and each team follows the command of Captain Zhang! Remember This is the first time your training team has performed a real combat mission. Don't embarrass the training team, don't give Shame on my spy battalion!"

"Understood," Xu Liang replied immediately, and then asked for instructions again into the microphone: "Report Captain Zhang, there is gunshots and explosions in the mountains ahead, please indicate the next course of action?"

Zhang Dahu turned his head in amazement and glanced at Commander Wang who was not far away, and then lowered his voice and ordered: "Order: A small team of positive triangle attack formation speeds up the march, the second and third teams pay attention to follow up on the left and right flanks, and The small team is one kilometer away, ready for battle at any time, and speeding up!" He did not expect that at this critical moment, the battalion commander would suddenly hand over command to himself.

Following Zhang Dahu's order, Xu Liang of the first team immediately rushed forward with his ten members, while Yan Ying and He Shuai, the captains of the second and third teams, ordered their members to spread out between the mountains on both sides in a low voice. , One by one the training team members bent down and ran forward quickly.

Wang Hong raised his head and glanced at the team members who were quickly dispersing in the mountains and nodded, and then whispered to Zhang Dahu who ran over: "Very good, judging from the gunshots, the incident is five or six kilometers away from here. This battle is under your full command, ready for battle at any time, you don’t need to worry about me.”


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