Panther Commando

Chapter 2244: rush into the canyon


Wang Hong said, carrying his gun and chasing the three squads in front of the left. Zhang Dahu answered in a low voice "yes" in surprise, followed by pulling down the night vision goggles on his helmet, raised his feet and chased after the second team on the right.

The night is getting darker and darker, the rolling hills reveal the dark shadows in the night, and the roads between the mountains are rugged. A group of training team members have already pulled down the monocular night vision goggles on their helmets, and ran to the front of the gunfire with their feet, each with a grim expression on their faces.

The sound of the gunshot was getting closer and closer, and the flames of the explosion had clearly flashed in the eyes of every training team member, and the team members were rushing forward at their feet. As the distance got closer, the night sky behind the mountains in front of them flashed clear fire from time to time. The sound of gunshots and explosions seemed particularly harsh in the silent mountains. ring.

"Prepare to fight!" Zhang Dahu commanded nervously into the microphone, followed by pulling the gun bolt to speed up and running forward, while running, facing the microphone, he ordered: "Xu Liang, the two-arrow battle formation is searching forward, pay attention. Mutual cover", "Yes" Xu Liang's nervous voice followed into his ears.

Following Zhang Dahu's order, a low sound of pulling the gun bolt immediately rang out in the valley. According to the original combat formation, each team member immediately put the gun stock in the shoulder pocket, forming a number of battle groups in twos and threes. Scattered among the mountains, bent over and rushed forward.

Wan Lin was on the top of the mountain on the side of the canyon, holding night vision binoculars and quietly looking at the direction of Taniguchi. From the hillside behind, there were intermittent sounds of assault rifles and explosions of grenades. At this moment, a few swaying figures suddenly appeared in his eyes, followed by other training team members who were running fast from the mountains.

Wan Lin held the binoculars to observe the black shadows rushing towards them, and whispered into the microphone: "Zhang Wa, throw a few more grenades. Bao Ya and Yuwen, make things louder when you get to the back of the mountain." With his voice, the gunshots behind the mountain suddenly became intense, and several explosions of fire also rose into the dark night sky.

At this time, Xu Liang, who rushed in front of the first team, saw the fire bursting in front of him, and immediately ordered his team members to the microphone: "The first team should stop advancing, hide on the spot and prepare for battle" and follow to the side. He jumped behind the rock, raised his gun and looked forward through the scope of the gun ↗style_txt; went, and hurriedly reported to the microphone: "Report, the sound of gunshots sounded in the canyon ahead, do you continue to move forward? No? Keep going?"

Following his nervous voice, a figure was already rushing over from behind, Zhang Dahu jumped to Xu Liang's side, raised the binoculars and looked forward, then whispered into the microphone and asked, "Captain, the gunshots came from the canyon in front of you. I heard that the terrain in the canyon is unknown, can I contact the chief instructor now?"

As soon as Zhang Dahu's voice fell, Wang Hong's urgent voice sounded in his earphone: "I can't get in touch, immediately order the team to rush into the canyon, hurry! This battle is under your full command!" "Yes!" Zhang Dahu heard Sheng replied immediately, and then whispered to Xu Liang: "Get ready for battle, rush into the canyon for reconnaissance, and pay attention to both sides of the canyon!"

"Yes! The first team, come with me!" Xu Liang took the gun, bent over and rushed out from behind the rock, followed by ten dark figures standing around, raising the gun and rushing towards the front canyon.

The canyon was quiet, the gunshots in front suddenly quieted down at this time, and the gunshots and explosions that were still flashing deep in the canyon suddenly stopped. Zhang Dahu nervously raised his binoculars to observe the first team rushing into the canyon. , It took a while to hear Xu Liang's low report: "Report, be safe!"

Zhang Dahu immediately commanded into the microphone: "Second team, come on!" "Yes" Yan Ying's voice followed, and the team rushed into the dark canyon ahead.

"The third team protects the battalion commander and pays attention to the break, come on!" Zhang Dahu's voice followed, and then he got up and rushed forward.

Just now, Zhang Dahu saw the dark canyon with the sound of fierce gunfire, and he really had an ominous premonition in his heart. Jin was likely to be ambushed by his opponent, so he quickly asked the battalion commander to contact the instructors who arrived early to learn about the enemy and the situation.

But he didn't expect that the battalion commander couldn't get in touch with them. At this time, he could only lead the team to rush up, and he couldn't watch the instructors fight fiercely in front of him, while he was on the sidelines.

At this time, Wan Lin had raised his sniper rifle and lay in the crevice of the rock, aiming at Taniguchi below. He stared at the three team members who formed a battle echelon in front and back and rushed into the canyon vigilantly, and couldn't help but praised in his heart: "It seems that these team members are indeed very high in military literacy. When facing the battlefield, each and every tactical action is extremely Normative. Zhang Dahu was a company commander in the end, and this captain's command in the first real battle was barely passable, and he didn't show panic."

But he looked at the dark canyon below and frowned again. Under such circumstances, the training team hurriedly led the team into the valley. Once his own side launched an attack, Zhang Dahu did not know that this was an exercise. If he really organized his team to rush to the top of the two wings, it would be really troublesome. The atmosphere, the tactical actions of the team members in the battle, and the psychological quality of the wartime. Once the training team members organize an effective counterattack, they are really facing great danger. At that time, the bullets in the hands of the training team members were aimed at the firepower point on the top of the mountain. He frowned, turned his head to look around, and whispered into the microphone: "Lingling, block the radio signal of the training team and cut off their command system!" At this time, he must cut off the training team below. Otherwise, once Zhang Dahu, the training captain with commanding experience, suddenly concentrates his forces and organizes an effective counterattack, it will be really difficult for his own side to deal with it.

Following Wan Lin's order, Lingling, who was behind the rock on the side of the mountain, immediately opened the electronic countermeasure box to call up the communication frequency of the training team, and then pressed the shield button.

Zhang Dahu rushed into the canyon with the second team. Xu Liang and the first team in front had spread out in the canyon in front. They were bending down and rushing towards the depths of the canyon. He rushed up the side hillside and seemed to want to control the commanding heights on the two flanks of the hillside.

At this time, Wang Hong followed the third team to Taniguchi. He looked at the players who were scattered deep in the valley in front of him, and whispered to the leader of the third team, He Shuai, and ordered: "Go ahead and lead the third team to speed up the march. , you don't have to worry about me." He Shuai hesitated for a while, and just about to say to send a combat team to protect him, Wang Hong stared and ordered: "Execute the order, hurry up!"


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