Panther Commando

Chapter 2251: life and death test


Wan Lin's passionate voice suddenly became stern, and his voice suddenly became deep and powerful: "The moment of life and death is the best test for a soldier! An excellent scout, if he does not have the spirit of seeing death as his home, he will not welcome the moment of life and death. The tactical action of charging with bullets and fighting the enemy to the death, without the psychological preparation of being wrapped in horse leather on the battlefield, he does not deserve to stand here!"

Wan Lin's deep words were like a rounded drumstick, hitting the hearts of every training team member hard, and every team member's face became extremely grim. Just now, they really felt the moment of life and death, and they really felt the howling bullet rain and flying shrapnel on the real battlefield. The deafening gunshots and explosions seemed to still echo in their In the ears, it is mixing with the deep and powerful voice of the current chief instructor, making the hearts of each of them tremble in the voice!

Wan Lin and all the instructors had a gleam in their eyes. They quietly looked at the training team members who had just undergone a life-and-death test, but suddenly there was a look of relief in their eyes.

Wan Lin paused for a while, then slowed down and continued: "If you don't understand tactics, we can teach you. If your technical and tactical level is low, you can improve it through your hard training. What the instructors can't teach you. The purpose of this exercise has been achieved. You have lived up to our instructors and the title of scout training team members! The twenty officers and soldiers standing here have passed the test with real guns and live ammunition. , you can all enter the next stage of the training camp. Now, on behalf of all the instructors, congratulations on passing the assessment in this harsh environment!"

Following Wan Lin's voice, Zhang Dahu, the captain of the training team, suddenly took a big step forward, raised his chest and roared hoarsely, "Salute...! Salute to all the instructors who are training with our bullets!"

All the members of the training team were stunned for a moment, but then they understood the meaning of the captain's words. They suddenly realized that the dust-covered instructors in front of them were just sparring themselves with the bullets they shot! As long as they are a little careless, it is very likely that they will fall on the cold rock on the top of the mountain forever like those tactical dummies who have been shot, and will always fall under the guns of their own training team members. It was not an exercise just now, it was a test of life and death; it was these dozen or so instructors ●5style_txt; who were teaching themselves how to be a real soldier with their precious lives!

The complexion of each training team suddenly became solemn at this moment, and there was a bright light in his eyes. One by one, they raised their arms suddenly following Zhang Dahu's order, and their right hand swung to the forehead with a "swoosh". In between, a pair of twinkling eyes stared at the instructors who were covered in gunpowder and mud.

"Shuh", the arms of the dozen or so instructors followed, and their dazzling eyes shot a firm, resolute, and somewhat indifferent look, facing the respectful eyes shot by the training team members.

The training team members looked at the instructor's firm eyes, and their eyes were full of gratitude and reverence. From the eyes of the instructors, they seemed to see the figures of these instructors fighting the enemy in the hail of bullets and gunfire, and saw the steel-like special soldiers who were still calm at the moment of life and death!

They have already understood that only these people with iron will and superb killing skills can dare to face the bullets fired by them as sparring partners! The instructors in front of them are the embodiment of bravery and fearlessness, and they are the role models of these soldiers!

The bodies of all the training team members were straight, and their arms raised in salute seemed unusually calm, but their respectful eyes were slowly changing, gradually turning into a look that was as firm as those of the instructors in front of them! Because they suddenly understood from the eyes of the instructors, what kind of soldier is a real iron-boned soldier!

After a long time, Wan Lin shouted in a low voice, "Bi Li!" Then he glanced at the bloodstains on the faces of the team members scratched by the gravel, as well as the combat uniforms torn by thorns and sharp stones, and followed the order to Zhang Dahu. Said: "Captain Zhang, lead the team back to the station to clean up the wounds. After getting up tomorrow, the team will be used as a unit to summarize the post-battle. Remember, we must summarize the mistakes on the battlefield, and also summarize what each team member should do in this situation. Tonight, I saw your bravery on the battlefield, but I hope to see you use your hard-earned killing skills to deal with this complex battlefield environment!"

"Yes!" Zhang Dahu raised his hand in a salute, replied in a deep voice, then turned back and shouted, "Everyone has it, take a rest, stand at attention, turn right... turn, run... go!"

The bright searchlights still shone on the training ground, and a group of players who had just experienced a fierce battle ran to their quarters neatly, covered in gunpowder smoke. At this moment, every team member's footsteps are very firm, and there is a resolute look on their faces. Today's live-fire exercise has made every team member understand what a brave and fearless soldier is!

A group of instructors who had just finished sparring quietly looked at the backs of the training team members who were running Each had a look of relief on their faces. They have seen a faint murderous aura from this group of slightly tired team members, and this murderous aura can only be brought out by those officers and soldiers who have really experienced gunfire. This is by no means what ordinary training and general exercises can inspire. murderousness.

A group of instructors quietly watched these training team members gradually disappear into the vast darkness. At this time, Wan Lin turned around and whispered to the team members in a line behind him: "Disband", then turned around and grabbed Wang Hong's hand and said, "Old Wang, hard work!" Wang Hong has been following the training camp. The team members ran dozens of kilometers of mountain roads with heavy loads, which was really hard.

Wang Hong smiled wryly and waved his hand: "Oh, it's really **** hard work! It's making my legs feel weak now, what kind of exercise is this? It really makes me nervous than fighting a battle in person on the battlefield. There is one injured, and my sin is a big one." After speaking, he turned his head to look at the surrounding leopard players and asked, "Are you all okay?"

"Hehehe, just these rookies can still hurt us?" Wang Dali raised the machine gun in his hand and laughed, Wang Hong raised his hand and gave him a punch and laughed: "You kid is already addicted to guns, hug him. A burst of 'bang bang bang' shooting with machine guns into the sky frightened me. Just now, these training campers were beaten with red eyes. I'm really afraid that their bullets will find you with eyes! I'm so nervous."


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