Panther Commando

Chapter 2252: restless


"Hahahaha" Everyone laughed, Bao Ya grinned and said: "Grandma, it's nervous enough, I'm really afraid that Xu Liang will rush up with the team, then we people will be uncomfortable. Now, I dare not fight, and I can't defend, but these guys are all real guys!"

As the people were talking, an open-top jeep dashed out of the night and rushed into the training ground with a puff of dust, followed by a sudden brake and stopped in front of Wan Lin and the others. Hong Tao, Qidong and Wei Chao jumped out of the car. =

The three of Hong Tao jumped out of the car and looked nervously at all the Leopard team members. Hong Tao followed up and said, "You guys are so relaxed, you are still laughing here? We are restless! It's okay, you all It’s all about coming back, scaring our brothers to death!”

Wan Lin and the others all laughed, with a moved look on their faces. They know that these leopard team members are sparring with the training team members, but these big brothers are restless in their hearts, and it is estimated that they are not at ease this day.

Sure enough, Wei Chao strode up in front of Wang Hong, raised his hand and gave him a punch, followed by shouting, "Stinky boy, don't tell us anything about the situation when the war starts, and the three of us got stabbed in the bottom of the buttocks. Like a nail, sitting is not standing!"

Wang Hong replied with a smile: "I know you are not at ease. Soon after the war, I really wanted to inform you, but I didn't expect Leopard Head to directly block the battlefield signals. You can't rely on me."

Hong Tao frowned and looked at Wan Lin up and down, and asked in surprise: "What's going on? If you lose command and communication on the battlefield, there may be an accident at any time in this kind of real gun and live ammunition exercise."

Wan Lin quickly waved his hand and said, "Oh, I had no choice but to do it at the time. When the training team members were facing a desperate situation, the captains of the four training teams were all red-eyed, and suddenly they led the team to the flanking hillsides without fear of death. I can only cut off the connection between them to prevent accidents. You think, once they rush to the top of the mountain, the guns in our hands can only be regarded as fire sticks, but the ones they hold are real ones. Hehehe, so I hurriedly asked Lingling to block their communication, and after we observed the performance of the players for a while, we immediately stopped the exercise."

When Hong Tao and the others heard Wan Lin's remarks, their eyes suddenly lit up. Wei Chao's eyes flashed brightly and asked, "Are these training team members rushing up to meet the fire of your guns?"

Wan Lin nodded and said, "Yes! So I'm very relieved that most of the team members here have the blood of our special forces members. At that time, I really saw the scene of us people fighting abroad."

Hong Tao and Qidong's eyes also lit up, Qidong said excitedly: "Your training method is too good! Letting them die and then live, not only let the officers and soldiers feel the real combat environment, but also can really test their training results and train them. To establish a soldier's courage to move forward, we should also adopt this live-fire exercise method."

The people around Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa all laughed, and Wang Hong said with lingering fear: "Forget it, I was scared to death at that time. The guns of those training campers were all live ammunition. Seeing their bullets roaring to the top of the mountain, I was so angry that I wanted to lift the gun and sweep the canyon twice. Damn, the enemy would hesitate to pull the trigger at our leopard team, but this group of stunned boys raised their guns to the canyon. Shooting from the top of the mountain!"

"Hahahaha" Everyone laughed, but everyone was really nervous when they remembered the scene at that time. Hong Tao also shook his head and said, "Yes, it's too dangerous! That is to say, our Hua Leopard players can play with them like this. If the sparring staff didn't have our Hua Leopards, it would be fatal! However, we do You can think about how to create such a real battlefield environment to train officers and soldiers. This kind of exercise can really detect the real technical and tactical level of a soldier. Of course, you can't play like a leopard head, it is too dangerous. By the way, What were the casualties of the tactical dummy during this exercise?"

Wan Lin glanced at Xiaoya next to him, Xiaoya immediately took a step forward and stood at attention and reported, "Report, 12 tactical dummies were injured or killed in this exercise, and the rest are intact." Hong Tao asked in shock after listening to this. : "Why are there so many casualties?"

Wan Lin replied: "At that time, Zhang Dahu and the three team leaders were crazy and led the team towards the two sides of the hillside. We were afraid of injuring the team members and did not dare to carry out fire suppression. We could only use dummies to shoot blank bullets, so the training camp was carried out. The team's firepower was all focused on them."

Hong Tao and Qidong glanced at each other, nodded and said, "Okay! This is the scout we want!" Hong Tao also nodded gratified and said, "Are you going to conduct field survival training next?" "Yes. , take a day off, let the training team members sum up the gains and losses of this exercise, and pull them out the day after tomorrow," Wan Lin replied immediately.

Hong Tao nodded, then glanced at Wan Lin and the others who were covered in mud and said, "After a night of tossing, the brothers have worked hard, so hurry back and rest. By the way, Xiaoya and Lingling are going to report to me tomorrow. "Wan Lin smiled and looked at Xiaoya and Lingling, and then returned to his station with the Hua Leopard team.

The next morning, Wan Lin got up and went to the bathroom to wash up. As soon as he walked out with a towel, he saw that the team members had come to the Wan Lin greeted everyone and immediately said: "Today Cheng Ru and Zisheng, you continue to train Xie Chao, Xiaoya and Lingling and I will go to the electronic reconnaissance brigade, and the rest of the team members will go to the training camp to chat with them and help them summarize the battle last night", "Yes!" Everyone said in unison After answering, they all hurriedly went to the bathroom to wash up and clean up.

At this time, Xiaohua and Xiaobai also ran out of the room. The two leopards ran up to Wan Lin and stood up, raised their front paws and dangled, staring at Wan Lin, as if asking, "They are all There's something to do, so what are we doing?"

Wan Lin smiled and bent over to pick them up and said, "Hahaha, are you lonely during this time? I'll take you out for field training with the team tomorrow." It also followed up and shook vigorously.

Xiaoya and Lingling packed up neatly and walked out of the room. They walked over with a smile and took the two leopards and hugged them in their arms. Xiaoya smiled and said, "When you go out tomorrow, will Xiaobai also go? I won't go."

Xiaobai looked at Wanlin in astonishment, then turned to look at Xiaoya, wondering why they suddenly separated? Wan Lin said with a smile, "Listen to Xiao Bai, if you are willing to follow you, stay at the camp, and if you are willing to follow me, go out for a walk."


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