Panther Commando

Chapter 2265: desert island morning


Wan Lin's heart moved, he put down his arms and raised his feet and took another step forward. The surrounding training team members were shocked and exclaimed: "Chief instructor, be careful, there are poisonous snakes on the treetops!" Zhang Dahu He also stretched out his left hand and grabbed Wan Lin's arm.

Wan Lin stared at the tree canopy in front of him, his left hand gently blocked Zhang Dahu's grabbed arm, and took another step forward under his feet. As Wan Lin took a step forward, the snake body that was dancing wildly on the low tree branch in front of the group of demons and rapidly retracting towards the surrounding team members suddenly all shrank back, and the snake letters that were swallowing and swallowing were also quickly retracted into their mouths. , followed by a "rustling" crawling sound in the canopy.

A long brown poisonous snake suddenly climbed down the tree trunk from the crown of the tree in panic. The thick tree trunk swayed violently under the surging of dozens of poisonous snakes, and the long snakes that were squeezed out fell to the grass. Panic twisted his slender body and quickly crawled into the dense forest behind.

In a blink of an eye, dozens of poisonous snakes that covered the canopy of the tree ran away, and the dense canopy suddenly became much sparser, while the "rustling" echoed in the forest behind. The sound of long snakes crawling, this kind of sound in the dark night mixed with the sound of the waves hitting the shore is extremely terrifying and creepy.

"Run?" Zhang Dahu shouted in astonishment. The surrounding team members were also stunned when they saw the wonder in front of them. They raised their flashlights in disbelief and lit the tree branch that was full of poisonous snakes in front of them, and then they were all shocked again. Looking at the chief instructor in front, I don't understand what magic this young chief instructor just cast? Dozens of poisonous snakes were frightened away in one fell swoop.

At this time, Zhang Wa also took a step forward in surprise and came to Wan Lin's side, and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter, why did these venomous snakes run away when they saw you?"

Wan Lin also looked at the dense forest in front of him in surprise, then looked down at himself, he suddenly grinned, raised his hand and took out a slender thing from his waist and threw it forward suddenly, a faint tinge of light. The aroma followed Wan Lin's gesture toward the forest in front of him, and there was a dense rustling sound in the forest immediately, followed by the sound of animals crawling on the surrounding hills.

"Hahaha, it turns out to be this good thing!" Zhang Wa laughed in a low voice, raised his hand and took out the long whip that his grandfather gave him from his waist, and said to Zhang Dahu beside him: "Hurry up and order the soldiers to find dry branches, Now there will be no more poisonous snakes around here." At this time, he already understood that it was Wan Lin's long whip made of incense sticks that drove away those terrifying poisonous snakes.

Zhang Dahu stared at the long whip in Wan Lin and Zhang Wa's hands in surprise, and then took a deep breath. Although the whip was tightly covered by the snakeskin cover, there was still a slight aroma.

Wan Lin hurriedly said to Zhang Dahu: "Don't take a deep breath, quickly find dead branches and light a bonfire!" The scent of the whip was poisonous, and he was afraid that the surrounding team members would react by inhaling too much. At this time, he already understood that it was the faint scent on his body that made those cold and poisonous snakes with a keen sense of smell flee!

Zhang Dahu quickly turned around and led a few team members to the surrounding area. The team members immediately turned on the flashlight, took out the multi-purpose engineer shovel, cut down a few dead trees that were already bare, and dragged them back to the campsite, and then around the campsite A few bonfires were lit.

The hills in the dark suddenly became brighter with the burning of several bonfires. Small tents stood among the rolling hills. The waves splashing on the beach were all reflected red in the firelight, as if this piece of land was in the dark. The gloomy and terrifying hilly area is suddenly full of life with the rising fire.

Early the next morning, a red sun suddenly rose from the sea level in the east, and the sea facing the red sun was reflected in a red color, as if a red road suddenly appeared on the endless blue sea. Pieces of white seabirds chirping and soaring over the sea.

Wan Lin, Feng Dao and Zhang Wa were standing on a higher hill, holding binoculars to observe the terrain around the deserted island. From the tents scattered among the hills, one after another, fully armed training team members emerged one after another. After spending the tense first night on the deserted island, everyone raised their binoculars with pale faces and looked around.

At this time, everyone could see clearly that there were black reefs scattered around the side of the hills near the coast. The rocks were of various shapes. The sound is like a terrifying war drum, sometimes like a low sound of sand, and countless splashing white waves rise into the air one after another, giving the whole coast a thrilling feeling.

Wan Lin retracted his gaze from the shore and turned to look at Feng Dao and Zhang Wa and said in a low voice, "This coast has high winds and rough waves, and the reefs are dark. It is indeed impossible to land on the island from the sea." Zhang Wa and Feng Dao also put down their binoculars and nodded. , Fengdao said: "No wonder no one has landed on this deserted island. The island is densely populated by poisonous snakes, and the surrounding seas are surrounded by reefs. Ships really can't get close. The people who landed on the island mentioned in the information are probably also killed by shipwrecks. The survivors who were washed up on this deserted island by the waves."

Zhang Wa also sighed and said, "I really don't know how those people who survived the disaster escaped this deserted island? It's too difficult! Look at those seagulls, they just fly over the coast, but they don't fall on the rocks. Hehehe, isn't this film no longer pooping?"

Wan Lin and Feng Dao both At this time, Bao Ya stood on the ground and looked up at Zhang Wa and smiled: "Hahaha, birds don't **** anymore? Then I have to go and solve it. It's settled." He said, hugging his stomach and running towards a reef on the coast.

"Hahaha" The surrounding training team members and Wan Lin burst into laughter. Zhang Wa shouted to his back: "Old Bao, be careful of your butt, this place is full of poisonous snakes!" "Haha, don't be afraid, I circled me with this thing." Bao Ya ran towards the reefs on the coast, waving a long whip. After being harassed by poisonous snakes last night, the leopard team members already knew that the long whips on their bodies could drive away these poisonous insects, so Bao Ya had already made preparations.

The training team members laughed when they saw the relaxed look of several instructors, and several team members quickly shouted at Bao Ya's back: "Instructor Bao, wait for us" and quickly chased after him.

Zhang Dahu looked at the team members who were running to the coast and shouted with a smile: "Hide away!" At this time, Xu Liang took the toiletries and looked around and muttered: "My mother, where do I go to wash in this place?" Zhang Dahu glared at him and said, "Washing? You thought you were staying in a hotel? This is field survival training, and you're washing up! It would be nice to have water to drink."


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