Panther Commando

Chapter 2266: charming coast


Yan Ying on the side came over and smiled: "Xu Liang, there seems to be water in the woods over there, can you go there and see?" Xu Liang's face turned pale, and quickly said: "Forget it, forget it, That big bug scared me to death last night, I don't wash it anymore, I don't wash it anymore." After speaking, he hurriedly stuffed the toiletries into the backpack behind him.

Zhang Dahu smiled and looked at the team members around, and loudly ordered: "Put away the tent, put out the bonfire completely, bury the ashes, and get ready to set off." Then he pulled Yan Ying to the hill where Wan Lin and the others were located. .

At this time, the three Wan Lin, who were standing on the top of the hill, had raised their glasses and looked towards the forest where the training team members met the snakes. A low plant extends into the island along the coast and the foot of the mountain.


Wan Lin and Zhang Wa's faces became a little serious. The environment here is indeed much harsher than they expected. At this time, Zhang Dahu took Yan Ying, the captain of the second squad, to the side of Wan Lin and the three of them. Zhang Dahu said in a low voice, "Chief instructor, Yan Ying has lived on the island since he was a child. He knows a little about the situation on the island."

When the three Wan Lin heard the sound, they all turned their heads to look at Yan Ying, with surprise in their eyes. Yan Ying raised his hand in salute, and then said: "Our Yan family has lived on an island that was isolated from the world since childhood. I grew up on the island since I was a child. Now that the sea transportation is developed, our place has become a tourist destination. That's why I came out."

Feng Dao hurriedly asked: "That's great, we basically all grew up inland, and we don't know much about the island situation. Do you understand the plants in front of you?" He raised his finger and pointed to the woods in the distance.

Yanying raised the telescope and looked at it for a while, then said, "Yes, I don't know the names of these plants. These are plants that are resistant to drought and salinity. There may be no fresh water on this island."

As he said that, he raised his finger and pointed to a few plants emerging from the rock peaks near the side of the mountain and said, "The plants on the islands are different from those on the land. Most of the plants on these desert islands are resistant to salt, alkali and drought. And some are poisonous. Look at those green plants, their leaves and fruits are like small mangoes, they look beautiful when they bloom, but their roots, stems, flowers and fruits are highly poisonous. Eat it, and don't touch it, if you have a wound on your hand, it's easy to seep the toxin into the bloodstream."

Wan Lin and the three looked at each other, and Feng Dao said, "Very well, it is necessary to tell everyone what you mentioned. Before you set off, you will tell everyone about these things that you should pay attention to, so as to prevent other team members from being accidentally injured."

Wan Lin also nodded and said: "Yes. Captain Zhang, after everyone is finished, you can ask Captain Yan to introduce these precautions to everyone. When the action is on, your second team will scout in front." "Yes" Zhang Dahu and Yan Ying replied quickly, raised his hand to salute the three instructors and walked down the hill. Yan Ying said to Zhang Dahu as he walked: "Captain, I'll go around and find some poisonous plants for everyone to see. This way it will be more intuitive." After speaking, he ran to the side of the forest.

Wan Lin stood on the mound and observed the surrounding terrain for a while, then pointed to the dark hill on the side and said to Feng Dao and Zhang Wa: "Come on, let's go to the mountain and look down at the whole island." Looking around, he murmured, "Why hasn't Xiaohua come back yet?"

Zhang Wa and the two also raised their binoculars with worried expressions and looked around. At this moment, Wan Lin suddenly laughed. Zhang Wa and the two beside him heard Wan Lin's laughter and quickly turned their heads to look at the side of the coast.

Over the coast covered with black rocks, dozens of seabirds of different colors are flying. Each seabird stretches its huge wings and rises and falls over a rocky reef, flying down from time to time. Then, from the splashing waves, he picked up a small silver-white fish, and vigorously flapped its huge wings to fly to the distance.

Bare black reefs in the sea, Xiaohua is lying on a rock with her **** pouted, and a little seal is lying on another rock with spray in front of it. The little seal is black and bright, and its body is like a football. The round, round head has a pair of big bright eyes, and is staring at the little flower in front of him. The short front legs are dangling against the little flower, and the splashing waves are flying one after another over the two small animals.

Wan Lin immediately felt relieved when he saw Xiaohua on the reef, and then raised his telescope to look around the coast. A few black spots were slowly moving on the coast covered with black reefs. Wan Lin quickly adjusted the focus and looked carefully. It turned out that a few turtles the size of grinding discs were moving on the shore. There were several yellow marks vertically and horizontally on the huge brown carapace. Under the tortoise shell, four legs like oars were sticking out and pulling on the rocks. Crawling towards the island, the movements are extremely slow.

Wan Lin laughed when he saw the slow crawling turtle, and said in a low voice to the wind knife and Zhang Wa next to him: "Look at those Why are they so big?" Zhang Wa and the wind knife He also held up his binoculars and looked at a few big turtles with great interest. Zhang Wa heard Wan Lin's voice and laughed: "Hehehe, this thing is called a sea turtle. It is said that the largest sea turtle is a leatherback turtle, which is 2 meters long. It weighs 1 ton. The smallest olive-green scale turtle is nearly 60 to 70 centimeters long, and can grow to 30 to 40 kilograms." Several people said, and all pointed their telescopes at the small flowers on the reef.

At this time, Xiaohua is also stretching out her front paws and gestures to the little seal to express what? And the little seal stared at Xiaohua with two big round eyes, shaking her head and outstretched front paws, as if she didn't understand what Xiaohua was saying?

Wan Lin and the others all laughed. At this time, the training team members in the hills also saw this scene. Xu Liang and several team members all ran over with a smile. Xu Liang jumped on the reef on the shore and ran to the little seal. , bent down and picked up the little seal, happily stroking the little seal's smooth fur, but the little seal did not show any fear, but stretched out its small head to the face of Xu Liang who was holding him, and used A few long white whiskers beside his mouth gently touched Xu Liang's cheek.

At this time, Yanying hurriedly shouted into the microphone: "Xu Liang, put the seal in the sea water, otherwise the seal will be exposed to the air for a long time, or the baby seal will be dehydrated and dangerous."


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