Panther Commando

Chapter 2267: marine life


Xu Liang heard Yan Ying's voice in the earphones, and quickly put the seal into the sea again, and squatted on the rock with the team members around him, lifted the sea water and sprinkled it on the seal.

The other team members on the shore were happily surrounding the reef, carefully scrutinizing the huge sea turtles in front of them, each with a look of joy in their eyes, and a few team members shouted: "Look at it. , there are crabs over there!"

Everyone turned their heads to look at the scene at the seaside, and there was an intoxicated look in their eyes. Most of the team members here grew up on land, and there are very few opportunities to have such close contact with marine animals. Take a look at the flowers, so everyone feels novel and wonderful.

At this time, Yanying ran to the shore, bent over and grabbed the edge of the carapace of a large turtle, and turned the turtle over with all his might. But no matter how hard he tried, it was in vain. The cauldron-like carapace was buckled upside down on the rock, and he couldn't turn over when he swayed from side to side. The yellow plastron on his stomach shone with golden colors in the sunlight, which looked very funny. funny.

The surrounding team members all laughed, and several team members also followed Yan Ying's style and turned the turtles over, laughing and watching the sea turtles swinging their limbs and turning their backs to the sky.

Wan Lin and the others also looked at the scene by the sea in amazement. Zhang Wa said with a smile, "Why aren't the seals and turtles here afraid of people?"

Wan Lin said with a smile: "This is the same as the animals in the deep mountains and wild forests. They rarely see people. They don't know that some people will hurt them, so they are not afraid of people. In fact, many ferocious animals do not take the initiative to attack people. Because humans have hurt them in the past, they will attack when they feel threatened."

Saying that, he helplessly shook his head and let out a whistle, followed by striding up the dark side of the hill with Zhang Wa and Feng Dao. When Xiaohua heard the whistle, she quickly wagged her tail at the little seal in front of her, turned around and chased after Wanlin and the others.

The little seal saw Xiaohua suddenly left, and immediately swayed its bulging body and climbed to the rocks on the shore, swaying and chasing after it, and its movements were very funny and cute. Xu Liang and the others quickly stretched out their hands to pick up the chubby little seal, and gently put it into the sea water, smiled and waved goodbye to the little seal, turned and walked towards the hills.

Yan Ying on the coast heard the whistle from Wan Lin, and saw Xiao Hua running back, quickly grabbed the sea turtle that was upside-down, turned it over with all his strength, and then called to his companions to take the rest of the turtles. The turtle turned over, then turned around with a smile and ran towards the hills.

Wan Lin, Zhang Wa and Feng Dao saw Xiao Hua running towards them, and immediately turned around and strode towards the foot of the mountain on the side. When they came to the foot of the mountain, they all stopped and looked up. The mountain in front of you is only two or three hundred meters. There are pieces of weathered black-gray rocks on the hillside. The whole mountain looks like a big cone standing in front of you. The top of the mountain is connected to the ridge of another big mountain on the side. The depths stretched away.

Xiaohua ran over and glanced at Wan Lin, then quickly ran up the mountain. "Let's go, let's go up and have a look. Everyone be careful, these rocks are all weathered," Wan Lin told Zhang Wa and the two of them, mentioning Qinggong and chasing after Xiaohua.

As the three quickly rushed to the top of the mountain, the rock surface under their feet continued to collapse downwards, and pieces of gravel rolled down the hillside. Climbers may fall down with the gravel if they are careless. very dangerous.

At this time, Wan Lin and the three of them had already mentioned the light work, and they would rise as soon as they touched their feet.

The three of them rushed up the round top of the mountain like a smoke. Only then did they see that there were rocks of different colors on the top of the mountain. Some were reddish-brown, some flashed white crystals in the morning light, and some showed a large area. The gray rock mass is nothing like the black rock seen at the bottom of the mountain.

Several people glanced around in astonishment, and then looked towards the center of the top of the mountain. The middle of the top of the mountain is like a big bowl sunk deeply, and Xiaohua is lying there with her head stretched out and looking down.

Wan Lin and the others walked quickly to Xiaohua's side and looked down. A funnel-shaped crater appeared in front of the three of them, and some broken stones under their feet were sliding down the funnel. It took a while to hear the sound of falling to the bottom.

"This is a volcanic crater, no wonder the rocks at the bottom of the mountain are dark." Feng Dao looked down and said, Zhang Wa looked at the surrounding stones of different colors and asked, "Why is the color of the rocks at the top of the mountain different from those at the bottom of the mountain?"

Feng Dao turned his head to look around and replied: "This is the ore brought out by the volcanic eruption. The red ones should be iron-bearing ore. It is estimated that the eruption was not severe at that time. The underground pressure brought a small amount of magma from the depths to the top of the mountain and stopped the eruption, so the rock composition of the top and the hillside is different. Zhang Wa, hurry up and find out if you can find something good? Volcanic eruptions can bring out a lot of ground. precious minerals."

Wan Lin raised the binoculars to observe the surroundings, and said with a smile: "Zhang Wa, hurry up and find out if there is any gold mine?" Zhang Wa Really turned his head and looked at it carefully, the wind knife beside him Then he smiled: "Don't say it, it is really possible to bring out a lot of valuable things. It is said that some tiger's head gold with extremely high gold content has been found near the crater. If you pick it up, you can make a fortune."

The three of them laughed and raised their binoculars to look around. There were continuous mountains on the island, and a mountain higher than the other blocked their sight. The tops of each mountain were of different shapes, some towering and steep, and blocks of strangely shaped rocks were high. Standing on the top; some are like steamed buns with a gentle angle, and the **** is very gentle. But there are very few plants on all the tops of the mountain, which are basically composed of different shades of gray or black rocks. Green plants are rarely seen, but on the sides of the hillsides, a touch of green can be seen from time to time.

"Strange, the top of the mountain here is basically composed of stones, and there are many plants growing around the hillside and the foot of the mountain," Zhang Wa said while observing.

Feng Dao carefully observed the surroundings for a while and replied: "Look now, we are under an extinct volcano, which is estimated to have erupted tens of thousands of years ago. If an active volcano can feel the temperature of the crater, a volcanic eruption will bring out a large amount of Volcanic ash, volcanic ash is a good thing to form fertile land, if it is not in the sea and lack of fresh water, the surrounding area must be lush.”


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