Panther Commando

Chapter 2268: island scenery


Wan Lin and the others carefully observed the surrounding terrain. Wan Lin pointed to the sparse forest at the foot of the mountain and said, "Let's take everyone there to experience it today. At present, the island has complex terrain and many poisonous snakes. , and found no other danger."

Zhang Wa and Feng Dao nodded, and Zhang Wa followed up: "The threat of poisonous snakes is great now. Last night, Xu Liang and several people saw the poisonous snake's faces turned white, and they must be allowed to practice. If you see a snake on the battlefield I'm all scared, what kind of battle is there!" Then he turned his head and glanced at the crater, and suddenly asked, "Where's Xiaohua?" Wan Lin and Fengdao quickly turned their heads and looked at the crater, which was quiet and was lying on the ground just now. Xiaohua, who was watching from the side, has disappeared now.

Wan Lin looked around and said with a smile: "This kid must be out of curiosity, and ran into the crater. Let's go, he will follow him up himself." Then he made a whistle, followed by raising his feet and walking down the hillside. .

Following Wan Lin's whistle, Xiao Hua quickly jumped out of the crater. It bit its tail and ran to Wan Lin, raised its right paw and took out a small golden ball from its mouth. Zhang Wa was overjoyed. He bent down and snatched the ball from Xiao Hua's claws, watched the sunlight carefully, then lifted the ball to his mouth and bit it lightly, and a stamp appeared on the round ball immediately.

Zhang Wa grinned and said, "Haha, it's really gold! Lao Feng really has a golden mouth! You're right, what kind of dog is this from?" Feng Dao and Wan Lin also stared at Zhang Wa's hands in surprise. The small ball with bright golden light, Feng Dao heard Zhang Wa's question and quickly replied: "Shigou Jin is a naturally formed gold nugget. The shape is generally irregular. I didn't expect this one to be so round?" He turned his head as he spoke. Looking towards the crater.

Wan Lin also took the golden ball and looked at it in surprise. He turned his head to look at the surrounding rocks and said, "If gold can be found here, there may be gold mines here. If you go back, you must tell the geological department." Turning his head and pondering, he said, "It is estimated that this piece of dog head gold has been lying in the deep crater all the year round. It was washed and rolled back and forth by the rain to form this small round ball. It is said that the big dog head gold weighs more than ten pounds."

At this moment, Xiaohua suddenly jumped up from the ground. With a wave of her right paw, she grabbed the golden ball in Wan Lin's hand and stuffed it into her mouth. She wagged her tail and turned around and ran down the mountain. Wan Lin looked at its back and scolded with a smile: "Stinky thing, I don't want you!" Then he walked down the hill with the smiling Feng Dao and Zhang Wa.

At this time, the team members in the hills were all sitting on the soil **** of the hills. Yanying stood on the top of a soil hill holding a cluster of green plants and was explaining to everyone how to identify poisonous plants. There were several kinds of green plants under his feet. The plants are obviously to warn everyone to stay away from this kind of plants that look beautiful but can kill people.

At this time, Xiaohua ran to the top of the slope, raised her head to look at the plants in Yanying's hands, then lowered her head to smell the other plants on the ground, suddenly stretched out her claws and grabbed these poisonous plants, turned around and jumped down the hills .

The surrounding training team members immediately exclaimed: "Xiaohua, that's poisonous, you can't eat it!" Before she could finish her sentence, Xiaohua had already jumped hundreds of meters away. She raised her claws and threw the plant out of her hand. Running back, his eyes were fixed on the plants in Yan Ying's hands.

At this time, Dali picked up Xiaohua and said with a big laugh, "My little baby, they are giving a lecture, why did you throw away their props? Hahahahaha" Only then did the surrounding training team members understand that it was A flower instructor with a keen sense of smell smelled that the plants were poisonous, so he threw them out immediately.

Yan Ying also smiled and saw Xiao Hua, and quickly said: "It's okay, those have already been said, it's time to throw it, it's time to throw it!" Seeing the chief instructor approaching, he quickly stopped talking and turned around and raised his hand in salute.

Wan Lin smiled and waved his hand and said, "Keep talking, you must remind everyone to pay attention to these poisonous things." Yan Ying said with a red face: "Haha, it's all finished." Then he raised the plant in his hand and said. : "Everyone must pay attention to the characteristics of these poisonous plants and try to stay away from them." After speaking, he turned around and walked down the mound.

Wan Lin walked up to the mound and said to the team below: "This deserted island covers a large area and the terrain is extremely complex. Everyone must be vigilant to avoid being bitten by the poisonous insects on the island. In addition, there are still unknown people on the island. What danger? Everyone must not be careless!" After speaking, he looked at Zhang Dahu and ordered, "Zhang Dahu, the battle formation is scattered into the woods!"

"Yes" Zhang Dahu stood up and raised his hand to salute, turned around and ordered the team members to run in a battle formation to the side of the woods. Wan Lin immediately ordered several teachers to also divide into three groups, and each followed the three teams to run towards the forest in front.

The sun has risen high, and the bright sun is shining on the barren island with a heat wave. Flocks of snow-white seabirds are up and down around the coast. The surfing waves danced in the air like pearls.

A group of fully-armed soldiers strode into the forest ahead with their weapons in hand. Everyone's eyes unconsciously looked at the rough coast on the side, and their eyes flashed with surprise.

When the training team arrived on the deserted island yesterday, it was already dusk, and it was overcast. The first impression they gave on the island was a gloomy feeling, and everyone did not observe the deserted island carefully when they were nervous. Today, the blue sky is clear, the sun is shining, the clear air, the turbulent waves and the soaring let these team members who have lived in the mainland feel the unique beauty of the island for the first time, and have a kind of feeling in their hearts. Feeling refreshed.

Wan Lin followed at the back of the team with a sniper rifle. Xiao Hua, who had spent the night on the island, was lying on his shoulders, with Zhang Dahu, the captain of the training team, beside him. At this time, the two suddenly found that the first team running at the front stopped by the forest, and their feet were retreating.

Zhang Dahu frowned and shouted into the microphone in a low voice: "Xu Liang, report the situation? Snakes, all... all... all snakes" Xu Liang replied with a trembling voice, "There is no future, just a few snakes will kill you. Are you scared like this?" Zhang Dahu scolded angrily, and trotted to the front with Wan Lin.

At this time, all the team members who ran to the edge of the forest have stopped, and they all stared at the low trees in front of them in astonishment. He pulled out a long whip and blocked it in front of the team members, and there was a nervous look in his eyes.

Wan Lin stepped forward quickly and looked up and looked forward. The branches in front of him were covered with dozens of yellow-brown snakes. If you don't pay attention, it is difficult to find out there are terrifying poisonous snakes entrenched here from the dead branches and green leaves.


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