Panther Commando

Chapter 2276: dangerous lake


Xu Liang knew that if the Chief Instructor hadn't kicked him away just now, and Instructor Feng threw out his flying knife in time to cut off the snake's head that had been thrown at him, he would have been bitten by the poisonous snake that suddenly stood up.

He quickly turned over and stood up, thanking Wan Lin and Fengdao with a pale face. Wan Lin waved his hand and looked in horror at the group of snakes in the water that had already pounced on the dead snake that fell to the surface.

At this time, Yan Ying walked over to Xu Liang with lingering fears, grabbed his right hand and glanced at him and said, "Fortunately, thanks to the quick response of Chief Instructor and Instructor Feng, your hand would have turned black. On the unfamiliar seaside. , everyone remember that you must not reach out easily, there are no sea snakes in the sea water, there may be poisonous jellyfish and the like, and there is also a kind of stone fish that often lurks under the reef. It is also very powerful and poisonous."

Yan Ying said, raised his finger and pointed at the group of yellow sea snakes wriggling on the shore and said: "The venom of this sea snake is very poisonous, far more poisonous than that of land poisonous snakes, you must not be injured by it, it is said that it is bitten by it. The chances of survival are very low. The fishermen there are afraid of this thing at sea, and these poisonous things like to live in groups, usually in groups, I didn’t expect there are so many in this desert island lake, it’s too scary!”

At this time, the wind knife flipped his wrist and put the flying knife in his hand, and he continued: "Yes, I have read the relevant introduction, the toxins of sea snakes are mainly neurotoxins, and the poisoned people mostly suffocate and die due to respiratory muscle paralysis, which is very dangerous. We didn't come out with the serum to treat this kind of poisonous wound this time, it's really dangerous to be bitten." He said, squinting his eyes and looking at the snakes that were already all over the lake, and whispered: "No wonder there are no Inhabited by people, I didn’t expect to hide so many dangerous things!”

Wan Lin also looked at the lake with lingering fears, followed by a loud whistle. He saw so many sea snakes on the shore, and he was really worried about the little flowers that had penetrated into the lake.

With Wan Lin's loud whistle, the figure of a small flower suddenly appeared in the center of the lake, and then saw it like a speedboat galloping on the water, with a white waterline behind it swimming quickly towards the shore.

Wan Lin then made another low whistle, reminding Xiaohua to pay attention to the poisonous snakes by the lake. When Xiaohua was approaching the shore, a blue luster suddenly appeared in its eyes, followed by a loud roar, and with the blue light and the huge roar, the green seaweed and kelp floating on the shore immediately rolled over. It got up, followed and calmed down again. Obviously, the snakes hidden under these marine plants had panicked into the depths of the lake when they heard the deafening roar.

Xiaohua's roar has not ceased, a yellow figure has already jumped from the lake, with a drop of water dripping down to the shore, and then stood on the shore and shook his body suddenly, and the shore immediately flew up. The crystal water droplets reflected a colorful halo in the sunset.

"Okay!" The team members behind Wan Lin and the others saw the group of terrifying sea snakes just now, and they all had a creepy feeling in their hearts. Now they suddenly saw Instructor Xiaohua driving away those terrifying poisons so fiercely, and now they stand again. When they came to the shore, they threw such a wonderful halo unrestrainedly, and everyone couldn't help crying.

Xiaohua shook off the water droplets from her body, raised her big tail and shook it vigorously at the training team members not far away. Wan Lin and Feng Dao saw that Xiao Hua had returned safely, their nervous expressions relaxed, and a smile appeared on their faces.

Wan Lin turned his head to look at the little flower on his shoulders. Seeing that his belly was round, he knew that he had already had a delicious meal in the sea. He smiled and patted Xiao Hua's back, turned around and said to the people around him, "This lake is really sea water, and Xiao Hua's body still smells of bitter sea water. It seems that it is too difficult to replenish the water source here."

After speaking, he looked up at the lake in front of him, raised his finger to the black cliff on the side of the lake shore and said, "Now we can only follow the cliff and bypass this dangerous little lake from below. Let's go, Everyone should still have water in their kettles. Don't use seawater to distill fresh water unless it is absolutely necessary. It's too troublesome. Let's bypass this small lake and go to the front to see if there is a suitable campsite. Captain Zhang, order the team to set off."

The sky gradually dimmed, the sun had quietly disappeared behind the black shadows of the mountains on the deserted island, and a cool sea breeze came from behind everyone with a faint salty smell, making the training team members who were walking fast on the island. , suddenly had a cool feeling, very comfortable.

At this time, the training team had circled along the steep cliff and the lake bank to the opposite mountain. Zhang Dahu panted and ran to the chief instructor Wan Lin at the back, pointed to the foot of a mountain in front and asked, "Chief instructor, you see we are here. How about camping there?"

Wan Lin strode to a rock next to him, raised his binoculars and looked forward. A steep cliff stands quietly in front of a few hundred meters. The steep cliff is concave, which just encircles a safe haven under the cliff, and a sparse small forest grows horizontally under the cliff.

Wan Lin nodded and said, "Go and have a look." Zhang Dahu immediately ordered the team in front to march towards the Xu Liang raised his binoculars and looked at the forest in front of him as he walked, muttering in his mouth: "Isn't that a place where poisonous snakes gather?" A team member next to him covered his mouth and smiled, "Captain Xu, aren't you afraid of snakes now?"

Xu Liang turned his head and glanced at him, licked his chapped lips and said, "Hey, I'm not afraid of one or two snakes, but if we camp in a snake's den, maybe a limp thing will crawl to it in the middle of the night. Sleeping with you in your sleeping bag, oh my god, that tastes too scary!" He shrank his neck vigorously, as if he had a layer of goose bumps on his body.

At this time, Wan Lin and Zhang Dahu had already walked to Xu Liang's side. When Zhang Dahu heard Xu Liang's words, he raised his hand and tapped Xu Liang's head vigorously, and said with a hoarse smile, "Look at how cowardly you are. You should be thrown into the snake's den in the middle of the night to sleep!"

"Hahahaha" The surrounding team members all laughed softly, Xu Liang turned his face and saw that the chief instructor and the captain had come to his side, and shrank his neck awkwardly. Zhang Dahu looked at Xu Liang's already darkened face and said with a smile: "How come your little white face in this city has become so dark in one day? If it wasn't for the poisonous snake to make it whiter, wouldn't it look like black coal balls? "

Everyone smiled and looked at Xu Liang, and saw that his iconic little white face had indeed turned dark, with a layer of white skin on his chapped lips, and only two eyes were shining brightly on his dark face.

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