Panther Commando

Chapter 2277: thirsty fresh water


Everyone looked at the surrounding players in amazement, and everyone grinned. Over the course of a day, those faces, which had been tanned by the sun during training, had now turned black.

At this time, Yan Ying turned his head with a smile and said: "The ultraviolet rays in the sun on the island are really powerful, and coupled with the sea breeze blowing from the sea, people's exposed skin will soon turn black. Fortunately, we They are all rough-skinned and thick-skinned people who train outside every day, if those people from the city stayed on an island like this for a day, they would have lost a layer of skin long ago.”

Xu Liang looked at the people around him in astonishment, and laughed hoarsely: "Hahaha, when we go back to training this time, others don't think we came back from Africa? A group of **** suddenly rushed into the special forces brigade. Now, the sentries at the brigade still don't drive out armored vehicles to deal with us? Hahahaha."

Everyone laughed. A few jokes seemed to temporarily dispel the tiredness and thirst in the mouths of the team members. All of them raised the water bottle and shook it, and then they put it down helplessly, all sticking out their tongues and licking them. With dry lips, they all quickened their pace and strode forward on the rugged rocks.

Seeing everyone's actions, Zhang Dahu also picked up the kettle and shook it, stretched out his tongue and licked his chapped lips and asked Wan Lin in a low voice: "Chief instructor, everyone's kettles are basically empty, and we must find a way to replenish fresh water. If there is no fresh water, we will not be able to last for long." Wan Lin's face also darkened, and he replied in a low voice: "Yes, first find the campsite, and then find a way to solve the fresh water problem. "

He had already seen everyone holding up empty kettles from time to time during the march. The island in the daytime looked unbearably hot under the dazzling sunlight, and the terrain on the island was rugged and complicated, with dense rocks and thorns around. Everyone wasted on the march. The physical strength is far greater than that of training on land, so the demand for fresh water is increased several times.

Fortunately, now that the sun has set, the temperature on the island has dropped a lot, and the gentle sea breeze has also brought coolness to the island, which relieved everyone's tired body and anxious mood. He saw this just now, so he ordered Zhang Dahu to find the camp as soon as possible, so as to prevent the team members from exhausting their stamina on the first day of action.

After a short time, everyone carefully followed the cliffs and the shore of the lake, and stopped under a cliff on the side. At this time, the sky had become hazy.

Wan Lin and Zhang Wa walked to the bottom of the cliff. Wan Lin patted Xiaohua on his shoulder and pointed to the surroundings. Xiaohua's eyes flashed with blue light, and he ran from his shoulders quickly. A low growl came.

Zhang Wa walked up to Wan Lin with a smile, and while looking at the surrounding environment, she whispered, "It seems that this place is relatively safe. Did Xiaohua report the surrounding safety just now?"

Wan Lin held the binoculars to observe the surroundings carefully, and replied in his mouth: "Yes, I will let Xiaohua scout the surrounding area. The poisonous snakes on this desert island are indeed scary enough, and they are all in groups. If there is a large group in the campsite Snakes are too dangerous." He said, looking sideways at a sparse forest at the foot of the cliff's side.

The sparse woods are densely covered with thorns, and sturdy vines turn left and right between the trees and extend up the trunk, and there are green or yellow vines everywhere between the trees. On the side of the forest is a steep cliff. The black-brown rock wall is covered with huge cracks. Pieces of black huge rocks protrude from the cliff from time to time, as if they may fall from it at any time, giving people a sense of A very dangerous feeling.

Wan Lin put down his binoculars and whispered to Zhang Wa, "This place looks pleasing to the eye. It's similar to what we usually see in the deep mountains on land. It seems that this desert island really has all kinds of terrain."

At this time, Yan Ying, who arrived early as a scout, ran out of the woods, with a long, wrist-thick green vine behind him. Wan Lin looked up at Yan Ying's hand, and suddenly said in surprise: " Katsura?"

Yan Ying happily dragged the long vine and ran over and said, "Chief Instructor, do you know this too? It's really kudzu vine. There are many vines of this kind in the woods, and they contain clean fresh water. Come here first." The tree vine handed it to Wan Lin.

Wan Lin took the tree vine and looked at it carefully, then said with a smile, "Don't try it, I know this, there is indeed clean fresh water in it, and you can drink it directly. Zhang Dahu?" "To" Zhang Dahu, who is holding a binocular to observe. Hearing the scream, he ran over.

Wan Lin handed him one end of the kudzu vine in his hand and said, "Put the cut end of the kudzu vine in your mouth and **** it hard!" He and Yan Ying lifted the long vine vine tall.

Zhang Dahu took the tree vine and glanced at it in surprise, then put it into his mouth and took a deep breath, his face immediately showed a look of joy, and followed the Adam's apple and swayed up and down twice. He took off the vine and shouted, "Haha, it's great, there is really clear water in it, and there is a sweet smell, it's so comfortable!"

Wan Lin smiled and shoved the kudzu into his hands and ordered: "Gather the team members to identify them, and while the line of sight is still good, hurry to the forest to find this kind of vine to replenish fresh water."

Yan Ying also hurriedly said: "We must let everyone think about this kudzu vine, and don't drink it indiscriminately. Not all vines can be put in your mouth, and some are poisonous." "Understood" Zhang Dahu called happily. Dao, hugged the vine and turned around to greet the surrounding players.

Wan Lin looked around, raised his hand and took out the water bottle from his waist and said to Zhang Wa who was beside him: "Come I didn't add much water today", Zhang Wa raised her water bottle with a smile and drank it. After taking a sip, he immediately said: "Don't worry, we all have at least half a pot of water in the kettle!" He handed the kettle to Yan Ying in front of him and said, "You also have some."

Yan Ying, who was on the side, took the kettle and shook it, and found that there was at least half of the kettle in it. He looked at the two instructors in astonishment, raised the kettle and poured a little into his mouth, followed by greedy "guru" in his mouth for several times. Only then did he slowly swallow half of his saliva, and then returned the kettle to Instructor Zhang with admiration.

At this time, he already knew in his heart that although the instructors in front of them had not shown their real kung fu in front of them, they must all have profound martial arts and super physical strength. Unlike his teammates who sweat profusely and lose a lot of water in the body early.

He gratefully returned the water bottle to Zhang Wa, whispered "thank you", and then turned around and ran into the forest. The movements under his feet were flexible and powerful, not as tired as most of the team members.

Notice: Because I have something to go out, I will change it every day from 5.2 to 5.10, please forgive me.


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