Panther Commando

Chapter 2278: dark clouds in the distance


Wan Lin and Zhang Wa looked at Yan Ying's back and both nodded. Zhang Wa said, "This Yan Ying's physical strength and dexterity are indeed not weak." Wan Lin looked at the surrounding players and replied, "Yes, the team is indeed There are a few team members who are not weak, and these people seem to be at ease in the action just now." He turned his head and saw Bao Ya and Xie Chao walking from the side of the cliff, both of them holding a large amount of money in their hands. Green weeds.

Bao Ya came over and said with a smile: "Xie Chao found some wild vegetables in the shade at the bottom of the cliff, which can add some water." Wan Lin took a careful look and asked Xie Chao: "What kind of wild vegetables are these?" Xie Chao replied: "I also I don't know what it's called? We have this thing in Lingxiu Mountain. In the past, when we were hunting, when we were thirsty, we would pull out some jerky and eat it, which contains a lot of water."

Wan Lin took a grass stalk handed over by Xie Chao in surprise, put it in his hand and gently rubbed off the floating soil on it, then put it in his mouth and chewed a few times, then said with a smile: "It's true, there is a lot of water in it, The taste is also acceptable. You bring a few team members to find more, and let the team members clean up before eating." Xie Chao agreed and turned his head to greet the team members and ran down the cliff.

Bao Ya watched Xie Chao run away, turned his head and said to Wan Lin and Zhang Wa: "This kid is not bad, I did so much exercise today, I didn't see this kid sweating, and the water in the kettle was given to the surrounding comrades to drink. "He has been training Xie Chao all this time, and he really likes this new recruit who doesn't like publicity.

Wan Lin turned his head to look at Xie Chao's back and nodded and said, "Hehe, this kid has matured, I used to be afraid that this young master is arrogant and has a bad relationship with his comrades around him in the army. The players around me blend together and love helping others.”

He said and looked at Bao Ya and Zhang Wa and sighed: "The cold work of Lingxiumen is indeed very strange. Xie Chao can maintain the temperature in his body for a long time in this harsh climate environment and a lot of exercise. A big change has taken place, which has virtually enhanced the ability to survive in this wild environment. Speaking of which, this cold art is really a rare treasure in our Chinese martial arts. Fortunately, we met it in Lingxiu Mountain, otherwise it would be difficult to say. Will it be passed down in the future?"

Zhang Wa and Bao Ya both nodded. Lingxiumen has been practicing the cold energy from the cold stone in the cave. Once the cold stone disappears, it is really hard to say that this rare cold function cannot continue to be passed on. Fortunately, the old man of Wanjia and the old master have developed a new set of cold art cultivation methods, so that the disciples of Lingxiu Sect can no longer rely on cold stones, continue to practice and inherit this rare cold art.

It was getting darker and darker. Zhang Dahu led the team out of the woods. Most of the team members walked out tiredly carrying saber or shovel. Obviously, everyone has used their last strength in order to obtain precious fresh water.

Wan Lin walked over and asked, "Have you added fresh water?" Xu Liang stretched out his tongue and licked his wet lips and replied, "Added, it's no use to drink enough, but at least it's temporarily relieved of urgent needs, just died of thirst. I am! Hehe, speaking of which, as long as you master the survival skills in a tough place, God will not be the only way to go."

He said, turned his head to look around and said with a smile: "This place is good for camping. Not only can you find these vines and wild vegetables with water, but there are no poisonous snakes."

Wan Lin nodded to him with a smile and replied, "Yes, this is the purpose of us taking you out. You must learn to find a relatively safe campsite in a harsh environment, and you must also learn to identify all kinds of plants that can enter your mouth, as long as Once everyone has mastered these wild survival skills, we will be able to find life in any desperate situation, greatly enhancing our chances of survival on the battlefield!"

He turned his head and looked at the team member holding the water bottle and asked, "How much fresh water was collected?" One team member raised the water bottle in his hand and shook it and replied in frustration, "I picked up a little from the kudzu, but it's too little. Only one pot bottom was collected."

Wan Lin nodded and said: "It's not bad, at least today has temporarily replenished the missing water in the body, everyone quickly find a place to camp and recover as soon as possible. The conditions on this desert island are indeed very difficult, and the situation in the future may be worse. Everyone should be mentally prepared." The surrounding team members agreed in a low voice, turning around and dispersing around.

Living on a deserted island for eight consecutive days, Wanlin and his team led the training team members to eat, eat, drink and drink blood in the harsh environment without food and water, so that every training team member learned a lot of wild survival skills that they had not mastered in the past.

After a few days, every instructor and team member had been sunburnt like black briquettes, and their faces had become much darker and thinner. When everyone took off their goggles in the evening, light brown skin was exposed where they wore the goggles, and the rest was pitch black, each with two eye-catching big eye sockets like a giant panda.

In the early morning of the ninth day, Wan Lin got up early and climbed up the steep mountain top on the side of the camp. Yan Ying and the two team members who were on guard at the top saw the chief instructor coming up, and all turned from their hidden posts to say hello. Wan Lin waved his hand lightly, then made a gesture of continuing to hide, then bent down and squatted behind a rock hidden by Yan Ying, raised his binoculars and looked around.

The mountains are rolling. In the past few days, the training team has been moving forward along this undulating mountain A few kilometers to the right is the endless sea, and the gusts of sea breeze blowing from the sea still carry a bitter taste smell.

Yan Ying leaned on the assault rifle and turned to look at Wan Lin and said, "Chief Instructor, it's not bad for us to come out this season, and we haven't encountered a typhoon. If it really catches up with the typhoon season, we'll have to suffer. This place is located in the sea. In the depths, once a typhoon blows, it will definitely turn the world upside down."

Wan Lin raised his wrist to look at the military watch in his hand, and said in a low voice, "It's hard to say, the air pressure is much lower than the previous few days. It may change today." Yan Ying raised his eyes and glanced at Wan Lin's hand. He asked in surprise, "Your watch still has an altitude and air pressure display?" Wan Lin glanced at him strangely and said, "Don't you have yours?"

"We don't have any, but it has some simple functions such as shockproof, waterproof, and timing." Yan Ying stared at Wan Lin's wrist enviously and said, Wan Lin smiled: "Haha, maybe we often go to various complex areas to execute tasks, so the watches issued have more functions.”

Yan Ying retracted his eyes and took a deep breath of his nose in the direction of the sea breeze, then raised the gun body through the scope, and glanced at the distant sky where the sea breeze was blowing.


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