Panther Commando

Chapter 2280: temporary shelter

A whistling gust of wind followed from the sea, and the entire sea suddenly rose with the wind, and a wave of white waves suddenly jumped seven or eight meters high from the sea, sweeping towards the deserted island overwhelmingly! The strong wind slammed Wan Lin and Bao Ya with countless waves.

"Come on!" Wan Lin and Bao Ya were shocked by the thunder and strong wind, and suddenly rushed down the **** from the top of the mountain, rushing down the steep **** like a meteor.

"Ow!" A huge roar followed from the hillside, and a blue beam of light suddenly burst out from halfway up the mountainside, slanting into the air. The team members and instructors on the hillside heard Xiao Hua's roar, and immediately rushed towards the blue light, each team member's face was extremely nervous.

Wan Lin and Bao Ya rushed halfway up the mountain like a gust of wind, and immediately saw Xiao Hua standing on a steep cliff, staring at the surrounding hillside with blue eyes, a worried look flashing in the dazzling blue light, and on the dark cliff behind her. There is an irregular hole nearly one person high.

Wan Lin was overjoyed in the rush, knowing that Xiao Hua was in a critical moment and found a cave for everyone to shelter from storms and lightning. He and Bao Ya immediately turned around and rushed towards the side hole.

At this time, the whole deserted island was covered with a thick layer of dark clouds. The island, which was sunny and the air was fresh just now, seemed to suddenly turn to night in an instant. The thick cloud layer seemed to be pressing on the top of the mountain, and the howling sea breeze The bitter smell of sea water fills the air.

Wan Lin looked around as he ran. All the team members bent down in the strong wind and rushed towards the cave where Xiaohua was located. The silhouettes appeared extremely fast in the flashing lightning.

"Quick, quick!" Wan Lin and Bao Ya rushed to the edge of the cave first. The two stood by Xiao Hua's side and raised their strong flashlights to shine down the hillside, indicating the direction of the cave to the team members who rushed over. He stretched out his hand and pulled the players who rushed to the edge of the cave, and threw them towards the dark cave behind him.

At this moment, another "click" thunder suddenly sounded above the top of the mountain. The sudden thunder seemed to explode in the ears of every team member, and the whole mountain trembled with the loud noise. Immediately after, a pea-sized raindrop whizzed down with the strong wind, and the sound of "crackling" accompanied by the rumbling sound of the waves resounded through the desert island, making it deafening.

Wan Lin and Bao Ya stood on both sides of the entrance of the cave, holding strong flashlights in their hands to illuminate the figures galloping down the **** one by one, their faces extremely nervous.

He and Bao Ya's flashlight beams crossed the hillside below, and saw that everyone had climbed into the cave behind them one after another. Wan Lin immediately turned his head to the cave where the flashlights were already lit up and shouted, "Report the number!" A nervous number of numbers followed in the cave.

"Report, all 21 training team members have arrived in the cave!" Zhang Dahu's hoarse voice followed, followed by the voice of the wind knife: "Report, all instructors are safe!" With a buzzing echo, it seemed unusually distant.

Wan Lin relaxed when he heard the report. He bent down and picked up the little flower lying at the entrance of the cave, twisted his body and got into the cave with the cliff at the entrance of the cave.

At this time, Feng Dao was already standing behind Wan Lin and the others. He saw Wan Lin and the two of them getting into the cave, and immediately reported in a low voice: "Zhang Wa and Yu Wen have entered the cave for reconnaissance. There seems to be another cave in this cave. The inside of the cave looks very dry." Wan Lin nodded, bent down, put down Xiao Hua, pointed to the inside of the hole, and said, "Go in and have a look!" Xiao Hua immediately drilled into the cave.

Wan Lin turned around and looked out of the cave. The outside was covered with dark clouds, making it very dark. The strong wind outside the cave seems to have weakened with the downpour of the torrential rain. The huge raindrops hit the rocks and plants outside the cave with a "pop" sound. Covered, a piece of white water flowed down from the top of the hole, like a thick water curtain blocking the hole.

Wan Lin turned around and looked into the cave. All the training team members squatted under the cave walls on both sides. Everyone held a strong flashlight in their hands to shine around, and beams of bright beams of light illuminated the cave as bright as day.

On the surrounding black cave walls, there are jagged stones, which extend unevenly toward the depths of the cave. The high part of the cave is as high as one person and two or three meters wide, but the low and narrow places can only be drilled through. A person.

Wan Lin looked at the cave, and whispered to Feng Dao and Bao Ya with satisfaction: "This temporary shelter that Xiao Hua found is not bad, it's quite spacious." After that, he turned to look at the person who was looking greedily at the water curtain at the entrance of the cave. The team members immediately asked Zhang Dahu, who had come over, "Let the team members fill up the kettle at the entrance of the cave in batches, put in the water purification tablets, and drink it after disinfection." Then he took Bao Ya and the wind knife and left the cave entrance. .

"Yes" Zhang Dahu replied, turning around and arranging the team members to collect water at the entrance of the cave in batches, then took over the water bottles of the instructors and filled them up first, and then handed them over to the instructors behind.

Wan Lin took the kettle handed over by Xu Liang and hung it on his body, then walked into the cave and said loudly, "Non-action team members turn off the flashlights to save electricity!" Following his voice, the team members sitting on both sides of the cave quickly turned off the lights. When the flashlight in his hand was turned off, the cave immediately darkened. Only the team members walking towards the entrance of the cave held the kettle and lit the flashlight to shine under their feet.

At this time, Bao Ya held up his flashlight and shone into the depths of the There was a pile of branches next to a slightly spacious cave wall, and several people were sitting under the cave wall next to them. Wan Lin knew that this was the dry wood brought in by several instructors. He did not expect that under the dangerous situation just now, several of his comrades did not throw away the dry wood on their bodies.

He immediately looked into the cave. The cave was twisted and dark. Under the flashlight, there were jagged rocks protruding from the bottom of the cave and the cave walls. The flashlight was blocked by a rock when the flashlight reached more than 20 meters away. Another black hole was exposed.

At this time, footsteps suddenly came from the front, and it didn't take long to see a beam of shaking flashlights flashing from the depths of the dark cave. Zhang Wa and Brother Feng Yu bent over and carefully avoided the rocks under their feet. come over.

The three stopped in front of Wan Lin and the others, and Zhang Wa said, "The cave is very deep, and it turned to the side not far in front of it, not directly across the mountain to the opposite side. We walked along the cave for a few kilometers, I feel that the cave is extending to the west along the mountain, and there are many openings in the cave leading to different directions. We followed Xiaohua to a spacious place and found that there are more than a dozen openings of different sizes around, each of which leads to different directions. in different directions."

"Why didn't Xiaohua come back with you?" Wan Lin looked at Zhang Wa's feet, frowned and asked suddenly.

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