Panther Commando

Chapter 2281: Human bones in the cave

When Zhang Wa heard Wan Lin's question, she quickly replied: "Xiaohua circled around the small hole around the hall in the cave, and when she came back, she forced us to come back, and then she suddenly got into a cave and disappeared. We If you don’t see it coming back after a while, I will go back first and report the situation to you first.”

Wan Lin relaxed and nodded and said: "The air in the cave seems to be flowing, and the cave must be connected to the outside world. It is estimated that Xiaohua is looking for the exit on the other side based on the smell of the sea breeze from outside the cave. Don't worry about it, the cave inside is There are many, Xiaohua is worried that you will lose your way inside, so he went in to scout by himself."

Zhang Wa nodded and looked at the water column that fell like a waterfall at the entrance of the cave and said, "The place at the entrance of the cave is too narrow, and the hall-like place inside is very spacious. Would you like the team members to rest there?" Wan Lin nodded and turned to face the entrance of the cave. The direction shouted: "Captain Zhang, leave a few team members on guard at the entrance of the cave, and try to divert some of the rainwater from the entrance to the cave for storage, and the rest of the team members come over."

When he was at the entrance of the cave just now, he deliberately observed his feet. The caves are uneven, and some of the potholes are more than half a meter deep, which can store a lot of fresh water.

Following his voice, "Yes" Zhang Dahu replied in a low voice, and then ordered the second team leader Yan Ying to take his team to store fresh water on guard at the entrance of the cave, and he led the rest of the team in a line and walked behind the instructor in front. , Wan Lin and a few instructors followed Zhang Wa and Brother Feng Yu, using their flashlight beams to go deep into the dark cave.

The training team lined up closely behind the first few instructors, and only the two players in the middle and the tail of the team turned on their flashlights and shone at the feet of the players in front.

The inside of the cave is pitch-dark and twisty. Pieces of black rocks with sharp edges and corners protrude from the bottom and walls of the cave. There are small openings of black holes appearing from time to time around the walls of the cave. out.

Everyone's speed was very slow. One by one, they closely followed the players in front, and their eyes were fixed on the surrounding stones and the openings of the branch holes that appeared from time to time on the cave walls.

These team members have basically undergone strict field survival training and know that it is very dangerous to travel in such an unfamiliar cave.

And the hideous little holes around the cave walls are even more dangerous. This kind of small caves may seem inconspicuous, but the situation inside may be extremely complicated and dangerous. If you accidentally fall into them, you may be lost forever in these mysterious caves. Because no one knows where these small holes with a hole in them lead to.

The cave was rugged, tortuous, and pitch-dark. Everyone walked through the pitch-black cave for two or three kilometers. Zhang Wa and Brother Feng Yu finally walked into a spacious cave with the team members.

Wan Lin stopped and turned on his flashlight to scan the surroundings. The inside of the cave is indeed very spacious. The top of the cave is seven or eight meters high. There are sharp stone pillars hanging upside down on the top of the cave. The cave is full of large and small stones. There are bizarre black hole openings around the wall, and the inside of the hole is hundreds of square meters. It is indeed suitable for everyone as a temporary resettlement place.

After Wan Lin looked around carefully, he turned around and said to the Dali people who were carrying firewood: "Light a bonfire, our flashlight batteries won't last long." The Dali people immediately put down the bundles of firewood they were carrying. Spread it out, take out some dry wood that has not been wet by the rain, and set it up, then take out the lighter and light it.

A pile of bonfires rose slowly, and the bright red flames immediately illuminated the spacious hall. The team members with flashlights quickly extinguished the electric lights, and then everyone walked to the center of the cave and looked up at the temporary shelter.

Xu Liang looked at the spacious cave hall in surprise, and said with a smile to the surrounding teammates: "Haha, we are lucky to be able to find such a cave in the storm. I really want to thank our instructor Xiaohua. Let's go. Let's take a look at the surrounding caves." With that, he took out his flashlight and walked towards the dark holes around him. Wang Dali whispered from the side, "You are not allowed to enter the cave, just observe it at the entrance of the cave."

Xu Liang quickly agreed, knowing that the captain was afraid that they would get lost in the cave. When they came just now, they could see the branch caves that appeared from time to time. These caves must be a cave surrounded by many caves. If they are not careful, they will get lost in it and cannot extricate themselves.

Wan Lin looked around and asked Zhang Wa next to him in a low voice, "Which hole did Xiaohua enter?" Zhang Wa pointed to a half-human-high hole on the side and replied, "Well, there are many holes here, and the shapes are basically the same. And it's hard to tell, so just now Yu Wenfeng made a mark at the entrance of the cave."

Wan Lin nodded and was about to walk towards the entrance of the cave when he suddenly heard an exclamation from the side: "Mom, what is this?" Everyone's eyes looked towards the place where the cry came from, and they saw Xu Liang screaming in surprise. He bent down and reached out his hand under a rock near the wall of the cave.

Wan Lin turned on the flashlight and headed towards Xu Liangzhao, scolding in a low voice, "Don't stretch out your hand, see clearly and then talk about it." Then he walked over with Zhang Wa and a few others beside him.

At this time, most of the team members had already sat on the rocks beside the bonfire, while baking their rain-drenched military uniforms, they turned their heads to look at Xu Liang.

Wan Lin raised his flashlight and walked to Xu Seeing that he had straightened his waist with a round object in both hands, he was looking at the object in his hands with horror. Wan Lin raised his flashlight and pointed it at his hand. A round skull was staring at Xu Liang through two dark holes.

"My god, it's a skeleton!" Xu Liang raised his hand and threw the skull out, and quickly reached out and wiped it hard.

Wan Lin and the others all laughed, and Zhang Wa scolded with a smile, "Look at how brave you are!" As he said that, he bent down and picked up the skull he threw away and looked at it carefully. At this moment, some of the surrounding training team members who were already sitting on the rock panting suddenly jumped up nervously from the rock they were sitting on. Several team members still held a few dead bones in their hands and exclaimed: "Mom! Ah, why are there so many bones here?"

Several instructors around immediately turned on the strong light flashlights in their hands, and several bright beams immediately shone into the cracks of the rocks. Around the black rocks, round skulls and human remains are scattered around, and the round skulls are staring at two dark holes, as if they are staring at the people around them. The scattered remains are basically concentrated near the hole where Xiaohua entered.

Everyone in the hall in the cave took a deep breath, and no one expected to see so many human remains here.

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