Panther Commando

Chapter 2282: cry on the pier

readx(); Fengdao walked to the vicinity of the cave with a flashlight, bent over and picked up a skull to take a closer look, then shook the flashlight to take a look around, then took the skull and walked to Wan Lin's side and said: "Here at least There are seven or eight remains, you can see that these bones have been severely weathered, and the time of death should be one or two hundred years.”

Wan Lin and the others all stared at the skull raised by the wind knife. Sure enough, they saw that the skull was indeed broken. Everyone shook their flashlights and shone at the surrounding bones, which showed signs of severe weathering.

Zhang Wa also held up the skull he had just picked up and said, "Almost, this is an oceanic climate, and the air carries the salt of seawater, and these salts are very corrosive, so these remains are severely weathered. It really takes more than a hundred years to weather it to this level.”

Wang Dali stared at the skull held by Zhang Wa and asked in amazement, "Why are they all dead here?" At this time, all the team members turned their attention to several instructors, and Xu Liang heard that they were all dead. After hundreds of years of bones, the courage has also grown up. He walked over to Zhang Wa and looked at the skull in his hand and said, "Aren't these pirates who were blown here by the wind?"

Zhang Wa and the others all laughed when they heard the boy's words. Zhang Wa raised his hand and shoved the skull into his hand and laughed: "Have you watched too many TV series, kid? I said why you are scared when you see this thing. `And pirates? , why don't you look around for gold and silver treasures? Maybe there are pirate treasures."

"Hahahaha" The people around laughed, but they all looked to the ground around them with a surprised look in their eyes.

At this time, Zhang Dahu and Yan Ying came over. The two looked down at the surrounding skeletons. Yan Ying looked up at the instructors and said, "It's the fishermen who were blown over by the typhoon in the past. The fishing boats in the past were all wooden boats. If it was too late to avoid the harbor in the typhoon, it would definitely be swept to some deserted islands by the wind and waves, and it is estimated that these are the fishermen who survived at that time.”

Yan Ying pondered for a while and then said: "This place is far away from Da 6. The surrounding waters are densely covered with rocks, and few ships pass by. It is estimated that it has caught up with such a strong typhoon outside. If you encounter such a typhoon at sea, you will not be caught by a typhoon. The huge waves swept people and boats into the bottom of the sea, and they were blown to these desert islands by the strong wind. So they may have been trapped in this cave at the end. When I was a child, I heard from our fishermen who went to the far sea to fish that in some Dead people's bones are often seen on desert islands."

Zhang Dahu looked at the bones all over the ground, looked up at Yan Ying in astonishment and said, "My mother, fishermen are so dangerous?" , Most of the people were born in the inner 6, and they really do not understand the living and working conditions of the fishermen. `

Yan Ying heard Captain Zhang's question, and said with a heavy face: "The fishermen in the past were really like this. When I was a child, I heard from my grandfather that the fishermen used to go out for a few months, but the fishing boats at that time were all They are made of wood, and their tonnage is small, so they can’t resist big winds and waves at all. Moreover, there were no such communication facilities in the past, and fishermen who go out to sea can get weather warnings in advance, so it is indeed very dangerous for them to encounter typhoons at sea.”

He looked up at the crowd and said, "In ancient times, when many fishing boats encountered typhoons, they were shot directly into the seabed by the huge waves caused by the hurricane. The people who drowned on the reef, like these people who were blown to the island, although the boat was smashed, they can still survive in the huge waves, which is a fortune in misfortune."

He turned his head to look at everyone's astonished eyes, and sighed with a gloomy expression: "Alas, the worst is the relatives who waited for their families to return home with all their rewards. A large number of people looking at the sea with the old and the young have gathered for a long time. Everyone eagerly looked at the fishing boats that set sail and returned to the sea. When a fishing boat safely returned to the dock, a group of people flocked to inquire about their relatives. The situation. But every time at this time, there will be a group of tragic cries of old and young crying on the pier."

When everyone heard Yan Ying's narration, they all looked sadly at the dead bones under the cave wall, and Xu Liang murmured on the side: "My mother, it turns out that fishermen are so dangerous!"

Yan Ying heard Xu Liang's exclamation, grinned and said: "That's all in the past. Now, the fishing boat is a large-tonnage iron boat, and it has satellite positioning and communication facilities. You will be notified at all times, so the risk has become very small.”

Then, he pointed to the bones on the ground and continued: "I don't know how long these people were trapped on this deserted island without water and cold? It is really difficult to hold on for too long on a deserted island. Moreover, the surrounding waters are in bad condition, very few ships pass by, and it is basically a dead end when it blows here, and it is difficult to have a chance to be rescued!”

He looked at Xu Liang, who was full of sigh, and smiled again: "You are right. It is said that there were quite a few pirate ships at sea at that time. They mainly robbed merchant ships that were full of cargo, but sometimes they also harassed fishing boats. , Are these bones from fishermen or pirates? I really don't know."

At this moment, Yu Wenfeng and Yu Wenyu suddenly shouted together: "There are weapons here!" They suddenly reached out and grabbed a dark object from the pile of Everyone quickly Walking over, they saw that one of them was holding an axe-like thing in their hands, and the other was holding a half-blade that had been covered with rust.

Yan Ying stretched out his hand to take the thing in Yu Wenfeng's hand and took a closer look, then said: "This is called a boarding axe", then turned his head to look at the thing in Yu Wenyu's hand and shouted: "This is a sailor knife! This is definitely not carried by the fishermen. Stuff! Fishermen's stuff is not so delicate."

With that said, he hurriedly took the flashlight of Xu Liang next to him and shot it on the ground, followed by scratching the bones on the ground with his feet a few times and exclaimed in astonishment: "These people are really pirates! Look at the ground, this is a long It looks like a musket, this should be a short musket!"

Following the beam of light from his flashlight, everyone looked to the ground. Xu Liang bent over to pick up a gun-shaped object in the skeleton, but it splattered as soon as he touched it. Zhang Wa hurriedly shouted: "Don't move, it's already weathered, and it will definitely break if you touch it."

Wan Lin and the others also squatted down, raised their flashlights and looked at the surrounding skeletons in astonishment. Among the gray-brown skeletons, they did see several knife-shaped or spear-shaped objects.


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