Panther Commando

Chapter 2283: roman gold coins


Wan Lin looked down at a gun-shaped thing on the ground and said, "This really looks like a musket, similar to the kind of guns used by some hunters in the mountains now."

At this time, Yu Wenfeng took the axe he picked up in Yan Ying's hand, bent down and knocked on the rock beside his feet several times, then straightened up and looked at it carefully and said, "What a delicate axe! Look at the style of this axe. Flat with two round holes in it, it must have been quite sharp in the past."

Everyone turned their heads to look, and sure enough, Yan Ying looked at the axe with two small round holes. Although it has been corroded and lost its original appearance, the original basic shape can still be seen on it, the flat and long axe. There seemed to be a chill on his body.

Yan Ying looked at the axe attentively and said, "Our family has practiced martial arts for generations, and we have maps of all kinds of weapons. I have seen this style on maps. According to my old man, this axe is a boarding axe. , all fishing boats have this thing, mainly used to cut off the ropes on the boat in critical moments, but it is also a self-defense weapon. However, such a delicate thing is definitely not used by ordinary fishermen, and only those rich and powerful pirates will have it. Such delicate and sharp axes, they are mainly used as weapons, so the materials and styles are different from those on ordinary fishing boats, and the manufacturing is extremely delicate.”

He hesitated for a while when he said this, and then said: "If you don't make trouble, these people may really be pirates from abroad. Our country was relatively backward at that time, and even if there were pirates, they would not have these muskets and such exquisite knives." He turned his head and looked at the rusty sailor knife that Instructor Yuwenyu was holding in his hand.

When Xu Liang heard Yan Ying's words, a light suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he opened his mouth and said with a smile: "Hahaha, am I right? There really is a pirate's hidden treasure here! I've heard of it, Many pirates hide their plundered treasures on deserted islands, and then draw a treasure map, ready to come and take them when it is safe. Hahahaha, let's look for them quickly, shall we? Training has really made a fortune!"

"Hahahaha, Xu Liang, don't you want to make a fortune and want to be fascinated?" Zhang Dahu next to him laughed and patted his shoulder vigorously, and Zhang Wa also said with a smile: "What about the treasure map? I see. It would be a treasure to hide your kid in a cave!"

Everyone burst into laughter, and the surrounding training team members stood up from the rock with glowing eyes while laughing, and looked around while walking with their heads lowered by the light of the bonfire and the flashlight in the hands of the instructors. At this time, Fengdao smiled and looked at the surrounding team members, turned his face and said to Wan Lin: "Hehe, don't care if there are hidden treasures, this place is indeed a little weird, we should search the surrounding caves."

Wan Lin smiled and turned his head to look at the black holes around the cave walls, and then said: "The caves here are all a cave inside a cave, each cave has a different direction, and it's easy to get lost after entering, too. It's dangerous. Let's wait until Xiaohua comes back."

Everyone nodded, knowing that the cave in this huge mountain is very dangerous. Once lost in it, it is really difficult to identify the direction and get out.

Wan Lin followed and looked at Zhang Dahu and said, "You organize the team members to collect and distribute what they can eat, and solve the stomach problem first. You must strictly control the amount of food you eat. It's hard to say when the storm outside will end. We Be prepared to be trapped in the cave for a long time. Order the correspondent to contact the Navy to report our current situation and ask when this storm will end?”

"Yes" Zhang Dahu replied in a low voice, turning around and walking towards the fire. At this time, everyone heard the chief instructor's reminder, and their faces darkened. They all turned their heads and looked towards the outside of the cave, listening carefully to the faint sound of the storm coming from outside the cave.

At this time, everyone suddenly woke up from the joke just now. There was no food in the cave at all. Now everyone has only a few fish caught by the beach in the past two days. Fortunately, everyone followed Professor Yan Ying's instructions at that time. Method, one by one fish is made by the campfire into dried fish that is easy to carry and store, but there is not much on everyone, and it is barely enough for one or two meals. And just before the storm outside the cave, everyone just collected some wild vegetables, and it was impossible to maintain a long-term survival in the cave.

Seeing the hidden worries on everyone's faces, Zhang Wa said with a smile, "I'm all worried? Haven't I heard that people can last ten days without food? It's a life without water. Fortunately, God turned our cave into water. Liandong, are you still worried about running out of water? Brothers, it's been ten days, you won't starve to death. Which brother will get me some water for this instructor first? I'm dying of thirst, you just had enough to drink, and you and I The wind and rain instructors are still dry!" They were busy in-depth reconnaissance when they entered the cave just now, and did not replenish their water bottles with fresh water.

The team members who had just become a little frustrated, now laugh when they hear Instructor Zhang Wa's optimistic words. Each team member scrambled to stand up and handed their water bottles to Bao Ya and the two Instructors Yuwen.

Xu Liang quickly took out his own water bottle and stuffed it into Instructor Zhang's hands, followed by grabbing Zhang Wa's and Yuwen brothers' water bottles with the two team members around him, raised his feet and ran towards the entrance of the hole. Wan Lin quickly and loudly told them to pay attention to the path in and out, so as to avoid getting lost in the branch hole by mistake.

Wan Lin smiled and watched Xu Liang, who ran to the entrance of the cave, and the three disappeared into the Then turned around and patted Zhangwa on the shoulder lightly. People survive in desperate situations, relying on a tenacious will to survive! If a person's spirit is broken, he could have survived for ten days, and maybe three days will be overwhelmed by his broken spirit.

The so-called field survival training itself includes field survival skills and the cultivation of psychological quality in desperate situations. And Zhang Wa's understatement just now turned the frustration of these training team members over in one fell swoop, which was indeed very timely.

At this time, Brother Feng Yu was still squatting on the ground with great interest, holding up the flashlight to illuminate the scattered remains by the hole. The two looked down for a while, took out the saber and swiped a few times among the pile of bones, and Yu Wenfeng immediately picked it up from the ground. He raised his flashlight and looked carefully at something, and Zhang Wa, who was beside him, leaned over to take a look, and suddenly exclaimed, "Oh, this is a gold coin!" Then he reached out and took it and rubbed it hard a few times.

In the flashlight beam held by Yu Wenfeng next to him, a golden light immediately flashed. "Oh, it's really gold!" Brother Yuwen shouted at the same time, and the people around quickly turned their heads to look. Wan Lin and the others hurriedly bent over and scratched on the ground a few times. Bao Ya and Wang Dali also raised their hands and shouted, "There are more!" "There are silver coins here!"


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