Panther Commando

Chapter 2284: blow again

?The surrounding training team members all gathered around, all of them with surprises in their eyes. No one expected to find valuable gold and silver coins on this deserted island.

Wan Lin looked at the gold and silver coins held in their hands, and asked in surprise, "Why is there such a thing here?"

"How can there be any gold coins?" At this time, Xu Liang and the two team members hurried over holding the water bottle. The three of them heard the team members' discussions from afar, so they rushed over and hurriedly stuffed the water bottle into Zhang Wa and Zhang Wa. Instructor Yuwen stretched his neck and looked at Zhang Wa's hand.

Xu Liang took a careful look, stretched out his hand to take the gold coin held by Zhang Wa and held it up in front of him, observed the front and back carefully for a while, and suddenly exclaimed in surprise: "Huan @ Pig @ Pig @ Island @ Novel www.zHUzhUdAo. Com is a gold coin! It's the famous Eastern Roman gold coin, and I know it."

Zhang Dahu on the side looked at Xu Liang and asked in surprise: "Just blow it, boy, how do you know what kind of Eastern Roman gold coin it is?" Xu Liang turned his head to look at him and smiled: "Captain Zhang, you are underestimating me. , I really am an antique collector!"

At this time, Wan Lin and the others heard Xu Liang's words and turned to look at him. Xu Liang hurriedly shrank his neck, waved his hands, blushing and explained again: "Hey, I'm not a collector, my father likes this stuff, he should be a collector, so I know a little bit." Everyone laughed When he got up, Zhang Dahu raised his hand and grabbed the gold coin in his hand and said with a smile, "I said you were just blowing it!"

"It's not a joke, I really understand a little bit." Xu Liang quickly distinguished: "I am also a team captain, how can I run the train with my mouth full!" "Hahahaha" Everyone laughed. Xu Liang quickly took the gold coin and held it up and said, "Look at the pattern on it, the front is a bust of a man wearing a crown and armor, and the back is a man standing with a scepter. There are Latin inscriptions on the edge of the gold coin. It's an Eastern Roman gold coin. But what year is it? I don't know."

He said, looking up at everyone's questioning eyes, and quickly explained: "This is true, not bragging. When I was in middle school, my father always wanted me to know about these things, and once he took it to a museum. , there was such a gold coin on display in a showcase. At that time, I took a close look and muttered, "What's so strange about such a small thing? Why don't you have a gold ingot?" My father heard my words, twisted It just hit my ass."

"Hahaha" everyone laughed. Xu Liang rubbed his buttocks and laughed, as if the kick from his father made his buttocks aching.

He went on to say seriously: "This is all true. At that time, my father also specially told me a lot of knowledge in this area. He said that this kind of gold coins is very rare in our country and has been found in several ancient tombs. However, some were still kept in the mouth of the owner of the tomb, saying that people at that time believed in the saying that "gold and jade are in the nine orifices, and the dead are immortal", so they put gold coins in their mouths after death, hoping to guarantee their own. The corpse does not rot and can be reborn in the future. The gold coin I saw in the museum is said to be more than a thousand years old."

Seeing that he was righteous, everyone put away their smiles and fixed their eyes on the gold coins in his hand. Zhang Dahu smiled and patted his shoulder and praised: "Hey, I didn't see that you really have a second chance, it seems that you If it wasn't for your dad's kick back then, you wouldn't be able to remember this, right? Go on, why did this valuable thing come here again from that time?"

Seeing everyone's appearance, Xu Liang raised his head proudly and said, "Hey, when I was a child, I did get beaten up by my dad a lot for school. However, now our Captain Xu 'big' is extraordinary. , don't take the wotou as dry food!" He also put the word "big" in front of his squad leader, and everyone laughed again when they saw his smug look.

"Haha, you blew it again, tell me quickly" Bao Ya, who was standing beside him, grinned and scolded, then raised his foot and kicked his **** lightly.

Xu Liang grinned and shrank his neck, and quickly continued to speak: "My father told me a lot at that time, saying that this is what kind of silk the ancients walked at that time... What kind of road? By the way, it's called silk. The road. It was a passage for China to trade with foreign countries in ancient times. It is said that when we traded with foreign countries at that time, what we exchanged was mainly gold coins and silver coins, as well as their good things from abroad."

With that said, he turned his head to look at everyone who was attentive, grinned and blew again: "Hey, I just found out now that it is good to have knowledge."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Bao Ya's fingers waving towards his head. Without waiting for Instructor Bao to clean him up, he quickly shrank his head and continued to speak: "Yes, yes, hurry up, hurry up. It is said that the merchant ships on our side at that time were all carrying the world-famous porcelain, silk, and tea at that time. Such things go abroad, and then exchange them for their jewelry or this ancient Roman gold and Persian silver coins, which were very valuable at the I don’t know how they appeared here? By the way , I remember that the gold coin I saw in the museum at that time was found in the tomb of a Ruru or Princess Qianqian more than a thousand years ago. I can't remember it clearly. Anyway, it looks similar, and it must be very precious. However, I don't know what year this piece is from, alas, I still haven't learned all of my dad's set."

He turned his head to look at some weapons on the ground around him, and suddenly said to himself in surprise, "Could it be that the people who died here are those businessmen? No, where did the businessmen of our country come from these exquisite weapons?"

He frowned and stared at the ground, suddenly raised his hand and patted the helmet on his head vigorously, and exclaimed in surprise: "Hahaha, I understand. These people who died on the ground must be pirates! Yes, they must be They hijacked our merchant ship that was returning from abroad at that time, and obtained a large amount of such gold, silver coins and jewelry. However, they did not expect to encounter a typhoon and were blown to this deserted island. These people barely survived and climbed to the desert island, and after the weather calmed down, they picked up these treasures that were also washed ashore from the sea, do you think I guessed right?"

With an excited look in his eyes, he turned to look at everyone. Seeing people around him nod their heads frequently, he continued excitedly: "Haha, my Xu Liang's head is smart!" Before he could finish his sentence, Bao Ya raised his hand right before him. He knocked **** the helmet: "You blew it again!" The people around laughed again.

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