Panther Commando

Chapter 2285: great explorer

Xu Liang continued with "hehe" twice: "I guess it makes sense. This group of surviving pirates must be just like us. They found this cave in order to avoid the storm at sea, and came here with these treasures, but I didn't expect that. The island is simply uninhabitable, and there are no ships passing around this area, so they all ended up being trapped here."

The more he talked, the more excited he became. He raised the gold coin in his hand to his eyes with glowing eyes and said, "Hee hee, I said why the left eyelid jumped so fast this morning, it turned out to be about to make a fortune! The left eye jumped. Cai, the right eye is jumping! Haha, the fortune can’t stop it, there must be a lot of gold and silver treasures here, I will quickly look for it!”

He said, stuffing the gold coin into Zhang Wa's hands again, bent over and drilled into a low pitch-black cave on the side. Bao Ya on the side grabbed him, raised his hand and touched his forehead with a smile: "You don't have a fever, right? Why are you so surprised!"

"Hahahaha!" A burst of laughter followed in the hall of the cave, and the surrounding training team members and instructors all laughed. Wan Lin raised his hand to take the gold coin in Zhang Wa's hand and glanced at it. He looked at the surrounding caves thoughtfully. He pulled the wind knife and Zhang Wa to the side and said in a low voice, "Xu Liang's analysis is very reasonable. These bones are most likely the pirates of the past, otherwise there would not be so many advanced weapons in ancient times, and ordinary fishermen would not have so many weapons when they went out to sea."

Feng Dao also pondered and said: "This matter is a bit strange, it is really possible that this place is the gold cave of those pirates. There was a shipwreck at that time, since their people could be washed up on this deserted island, the goods on the ship may also be lost. washed ashore."

Zhang Wa shook her head and said hesitantly, "If it's a ship full of cargo, then other cargoes washed ashore should also be seen on the island, but we didn't find these ruins on the seaside or on the desert island."

Feng Dao smiled and said: "The island has experienced wind and rain all the year round, even if there is something washed up, it has already been buried underground or swept into the seabed by storms for hundreds of years. Of course, it is difficult to find anything else on the island. Things. And this cave is a natural warehouse that is both ventilated and accessible in all directions. Naturally, these things can be preserved. Let’s go, whether there are or not, let’s take a look inside to see if it’s clear?” He pointed to the surrounding dark cave.

At this time, the Feng Yu brothers came over, and Yu Wenfeng said, "This island is located within the borders of our country. Even if there is treasure, it belongs to the country. We really can't take it randomly."

Wan Lin looked at everyone and nodded and said: "Of course, we will naturally hand over the treasure to the troops and let them negotiate with the relevant departments. We personally have no right to possess it." Bao Ya patted Xu next to him vigorously. Liang's shoulders smiled and said, "Haha, this time Xu Liang's dream of making a fortune has been shattered."

At this time, Xu Liang was listening to the several instructors discussing the matter, when he heard what Instructor Bao said, he hurried over and said with a smile: "Hee hee, I don't really care about any treasures, as long as the expedition to discover these treasures is going on in the future. Among them, just write our names! This is a rare opportunity to be passed down through the ages."

He squinted his eyes, shook his head and said obsessively: "On a certain day in a certain year, the great explorer Xu Liang was on a lotus-shaped desert island deep in the sea. I found a pirate treasure cave hundreds of years ago, with countless gold and silver, and thousands of treasures..."

Before he could finish speaking, Zhang Wa smiled and said: "In the end, the great explorer Xu Liang was starving and staring at the countless gold and silver treasures in front of him and died!" "Ah? My great explorer is so finished. ?" Xu Liang shouted in astonishment when he heard Instructor Zhang's concluding remarks.

"Hahahaha" The crowd burst into laughter again, Wan Lin patted Xu Liang's shoulder with a smile and said, "Stop dreaming, Xiaohua will come back in a while, let's go inside the cave and have a look, even if you die suddenly See the gold and silver treasures first!" "Yes, yes, yes, you must see it before you die." Xu Liang replied with a smile, then raised his hand to touch his helmet and laughed: "When did I become Xu Liang? It's so useless, and when you see gold and silver treasures, you fall and die?"

The cheerful laughter of everyone filled the dark cave, and the laughter of everyone echoed over and over in the rugged cave, bringing a kind of vitality to these originally lifeless caves.

This group of rough men smiled and looked at the gold coin that suddenly appeared in front of them, as if they had forgotten the desperate situation they were in. Everyone's eyes were looking at the pitch-black openings on the surrounding cave walls with interest, as if every oddly shaped and rugged opening was shining with a dazzling golden light.

Xu Liang turned his head to look at the glittering eyes of the training team members, and suddenly said with a smile: "Why do you guys have glittering eyes? I can tell you that the treasures found on the deserted island belong to the country, not yours. Dude! I, Xu Liang, know the law."

"Hey..." Hearing his voice, the training team members all let out a long sigh, and the light in their eyes dimmed immediately.

Xu Liang pointed at everyone with a big laugh, and said, "Hahahaha, just now I was laughing at me for seeing treasures that are not promising, you all look at yourselves, and you will be stunned if you haven't seen them, aren't you more promising than me? "

Everyone Zhang Dahu said with a smile: "Nonsense, who sees a bunch of golden treasures without eyes shining? Since it is the treasure of the country, we should see it as discoverers. Well, there are not many people in the world who can see such a spectacle."

Wan Lin smiled and said to Zhang Wa and Fengdao, "Let's go in and have a look." Then he turned his head to look at Zhang Dahu and said, "Organize your team members to distribute the collected food, and be sure to tell everyone to go on a diet to avoid being trapped for a long time. In the cave. In addition, use the firewood in the cave to burn some hot water to avoid drinking cold water for a long time to hurt the spleen and stomach. By the way, have you contacted the navy yet?", "Report, not yet, no signal can be received in the cave" Zhang Dahu loudly replied.

Wan Lin waved his hand and said, "Let the correspondent try at the entrance of the cave when the storm weakens." After saying that, he strode to the cave where Xiao Hua had just entered, bent over and made a loud whistle.

It didn't take long, a blue light emerged from the dark cave, followed by a small black shadow and quickly drilled out. Xiaohua drilled out of the cave, stood at the entrance of the cave and immediately shook her body vigorously, and a cloud of dust immediately spread to the surroundings in the flashlight.

Everyone quickly stepped back a few steps, all smiling and looking at the little flower at the entrance of the cave. Xiaohua shook her body recklessly, then raised her tail and ran towards Wanlin.

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