Panther Commando

Chapter 2286: hidden hole


Xiaohua ran to Wan Lin and suddenly opened her mouth, and spat out a small pile of shiny gold coins from her mouth. ??. ??`

It then grinned excitedly again, looked at Wan Lin and stretched out its right claw, which was tightly held, and then suddenly opened the sharp nails curled in the palm of Wan Lin, revealing a Oval beads of turquoise shimmering in the surrounding firelight.

Everyone's eyes were drawn to the past, and a light yellow light was flashing from the emerald green gemstone. The gemstone was the size of a pigeon egg, like a cat's eye with a warm luster and vividness in the dark.

"Cat's Eye!" Zhang Wa exclaimed in surprise, followed by raising his hand and gently took it from Xiaohua's paw, and Xu Liang, who was beside him, also came over and looked at it with wide eyes, and exclaimed in surprise, "It's really an authentic cat's eye gem. Grandma's, we've made a fortune!"

He shouted and reached out to take the gem from Zhang Wa's hand. Seeing that his hand hadn't touched the gem, a black shadow suddenly jumped up in front of him. Xu Liang took two steps back in astonishment, and now the little flower on the ground suddenly jumped up, grabbed the gem from Zhang Wa's hand, and quickly shoved the bead into his mouth in the air. When he landed, he glared at Xu Liang fiercely. ??. ??`

Xu Liang stared at Xiaohua's vicious gaze in astonishment, and immediately understood that this little treasure was afraid that he would steal the gem, he hurriedly bowed to the angry-eyed Xiaohua and said, "Hehe, Instructor Xiaohua, I'm just watching, I don't dare to have it. Unruly." Xiaohua then took back her fierce look from his face, and then generously pushed the small pile of gold coins in front of him towards Xu Liang, meaning you can take it as you like.

Everyone laughed when they saw Xiaohua's actions, and Xu Liang also quickly smiled and said, "I don't dare to have any bad intentions about this, I'll just take a look, just take a look." After saying this, he stared at Xiaohua and bent over. Carefully picking up a shiny gold coin, he was really afraid that the little treasure in front of him would suddenly wave his paws at him.

He picked up a gold coin and looked at it carefully, and suddenly laughed excitedly: "Hahaha, am I right? There must be pirate treasures in it! Hahaha, we have made a fortune!" To drill into the hole.

Just when he got carried away with excitement and raised his right leg to get into the hole, the little flower on the ground had a blue light in his eyes, and with a "swoosh" he rushed to the side of the hole and stood up suddenly, the round eyes with blue light looming, He stared at him fiercely again. Seeing this little baby staring at him fiercely again, Xu Liang was so frightened that he quickly retracted his right leg and staggered back, looking at Xiao Hua in astonishment. ?.

A group of training team members were stunned when they saw Xiaohua's fierce expression, but they immediately understood: Xiaohua thought that the things in the cave were discovered by herself, and of course outsiders were not allowed to enter, only the instructors she was familiar with could enter. It turns out that this little baby has regarded this cave as his own private territory. Everyone immediately turned to look at the embarrassed Xu Liang and laughed.

Wan Lin smiled and pulled Xu Liang back, bent over and gestured towards Xiao Hua. The surrounding training team members saw the communication between the chief instructor and Xiaohua, and they all stared at Xiaohua's two front paws in amazement. None of them thought that this magical little animal could actually communicate with humans.

Wan Lin gestured with Xiao Hua for a while, then straightened up and turned his head to say to the crowd, "The situation in the cave is extremely complicated, there are many branch holes in it, it is very easy to get lost in the cave, and the cave where the treasures are hidden is very narrow, and it is difficult for ordinary people to enter. ."

He said and looked at everyone, and then ordered: "Instructor Bao, Yan Ying, you two, me and Xiaohua, go in lightly, and the rest rest in place." After saying that, he took off the backpack behind him and handed it to Zhang Wa next to him. , and then handed over the sniper rifle.

Bao Ya and Yan Ying also quickly unloaded their equipment, and followed Wan Lin and Xiao Hua to drill into the cave with flashlights. Everyone watched the three of them get into the cave, knowing that the chief instructor was looking at Bao Ya and Yan Ying's small bodies, so they chose them to follow them into the cave for reconnaissance.

Xiaohua ran very fast in the cave, and Wan Lin and the three followed closely with their flashlights and bent over, looking at the environment in the cave vigilantly. Bao Ya followed behind, marking the cave wall with a saber as he walked.

The inside of the cave is pitch-black, the walls are concave and convex, the bottom of the cave twists and turns towards the distance, the stones protruding from the top of the cave have sharp edges and corners, and the air with a fishy smell permeates the air. in a dark hole. The cave was very quiet, and the deafening storm sounds outside were not heard.

Wan Lin followed Xiao Hua with his flashlight, thinking to himself: The air in the cave looks fresh, there should be an entrance to the outside, why can't you hear the sound of wind and waves outside? It shouldn't be!

While looking at the pitch-black openings constantly exposed on the surrounding cave walls, he paid attention to the black stones protruding under his feet and on the narrow cave walls, constantly reminding Bao Ya and the two behind him to pay attention to the stretches under his feet and on the cave walls. out of stone pillars.

The few people shuttled back and forth in the rugged cave for two or three kilometers. The little flower in front suddenly stopped and looked at Wan Lin in the back with blue eyes, and then turned around and raised his forearm to point around. pointed.

Wan Lin immediately raised his flashlight and looked around. There was a huge rock not far in front of the cave, but there were several low cave openings extending underground. cave.

The three walked quickly to Xiaohua stood up and pointed at Wan Lin to a hole on the side, and then she said something like "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"? Then he pointed his claws to another hole on the side, and the two round eyes that were looming with blue light suddenly became bright, with an excited look.

Wan Lin nodded with a smile, turned his head to Bao Ya and Yan Ying and said, "One of these two caves leads to the outside of the mountain, and the other is the treasure cave. The surrounding caves are rugged and low, and I don't know where to go. Where is it? Xiaohua hasn't had time to investigate."

He pointed to the two caves in front of him and continued: "Xiaohua has already gone in to explore these two small holes. The caves are low, rugged and very dangerous. I said why I can't hear the sound of the storm outside, maybe that The entrance to the outside of the cave is extremely narrow and rugged. You see, this entrance can lead to the outside of the cave, and you can feel a cool breeze. Yan Ying, you can watch here. Instructor Bao and I followed Xiaohua in. There is a situation. We're calling you." He said, pointing at Xiaohua to the treasure cave.

Xiaohua immediately drilled in excitedly. Wan Lin raised his flashlight and pointed it into the cave. As Xiaohua entered, a cloud of dust immediately filled the cave. It was obvious that a thick layer of dust had accumulated over the years. No wonder Xiaohua was covered in dust when she went out just now.


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