Panther Commando

Chapter 2287: pirate treasure

At this time, Wan Lin already understood that there was indeed an entrance to the outside of the mountain, but the inside of the cave was twisted and twisted, and it was very low and narrow, so the sound had been blocked and did not enter the cave. However, the fresh air on the island can be blown into this dark cave with the pervasive sea breeze.

Wan Lin then raised his flashlight and got into the hole, with Bao Ya following closely behind him. The cave extends underground, and the inside is very narrow. In the low part, only one person can barely crawl on the ground, and the ground is covered with a thick layer of dust.

Around the low cave, there are black branch holes from time to time, and the openings of the holes all look strange. Pieces of sharp stones stand at the entrance of the hole, and a gloomy, moldy atmosphere is slowly spraying from these branch holes. out. Xiaohua stopped from time to time in front of her and twisted around to wait for Wanlin in the back, lest they stray into the rugged support holes on the side and lose their way.

Wan Lin and the two climbed in the dusty cave for more than an hour. The low cave in front of them suddenly became brighter. Lin's eyes became flat, and the jagged rocks scattered at the bottom of the cave suddenly disappeared here. Wan Lin was lying on the ground, raised his head, raised his flashlight and looked forward, seeing Xiao Hua shaking vigorously in front of her, her eyes shining brightly.

Wan Lin saw the excited look in Xiao Hua's eyes and climbed up from the ground with a smile, raised his feet and took a few steps to the side to open the hole behind him for Bao Ya to climb over, and then shook his body a few times. From Xiaohua's expression, he has already seen that this is the destination.

He raised his flashlight and looked around. At this time, the inside of the cave was more than two meters wide, and the top of the cave was more than three meters high from the ground. In front of him, a huge black rock stood seven or eight meters away. There are black depressions everywhere, and it is impossible to see whether it is a cave that continues to extend, or a hole left after weathering.

At this time, Bao Ya also stood up from the ground. He raised his flashlight to look around, and asked in surprise: "This is it? There's nothing!" Xiaohua heard his question and ran away from the stone wall in front, with four claws. Sharp nails suddenly burst out from the top, and under the stone wall in front of him, he slammed his two front claws against a rock in front of the cliff, and a piece of gravel flew behind him with its sharp nails.

Seeing this, Wan Lin hurriedly shouted: "Xiaohua stop, I'll come!" He was really afraid that these hard black rocks would hurt Xiaohua's sharp fingernails.

Following the voice, he and Bao Ya ran to the front of the stone wall and raised their flashlights to take a picture, and immediately found that it was a thick rock more than one meter high and more than two meters wide. From the location, it seemed that it was moved from the side of. Because there are only some irregularly shaped stones dozens of centimeters high at the bottom of the surrounding cave, this huge boulder is very abrupt here, as if it was artificially moved to block the front of the rock wall.

Wan Lin then moved the electric light to the side of the rock, and found that there had been a small hole that had been planed, and there were still some debris of the rock below. The fingernail cut out this small hole and drilled into it to explore it again.

Wan Lin smiled at the boulder in front of him, and said to himself, "No matter how secretive these pirates hide their treasures, they can't escape the shrewd little leopard Xiaohua."

He raised his hand and picked up the little flower standing on the rock and handed it to Bao Ya, then raised his flashlight to carefully observe the side of the rock, put away the flashlight and said to Bao Ya, "You can take a look at the side, and I will push and try. Try." He said, his legs were slightly apart, his hands were on the side of the boulder, and he took a deep breath and shoved the rock to the side.

With a "quack" movement, the huge rock slowly moved to the side, and Bao Ya quickly kicked the rock from the side, pushing the rock sideways together. With the "quack" movement of the rock, a dazzling golden light suddenly emerged from a small cave behind the rock.

"Hahaha, I found it, I know what it means to be brilliant today!" Bao Ya narrowed his eyes and looked at the dazzling golden light, and laughed excitedly. He immediately retracted his right leg kicked on the rock and shone the flashlight into the cave.

A large pile of gold coins is reflecting dazzling luster in the flashlight, and there are also a small pile of gems scattered on the rocks, each gem lying quietly in a small cave, reflecting colorful in the flashlight. Warm and lustrous, with some weathered sawdust in the middle of the gem.

Obviously, these jewels were originally packed in a hard, delicate wooden box, but with the passage of time, the wooden box has been reduced to ashes, and these valuable jewels have also rolled into the cave.

At this time, Xiaohua had already jumped out of Bao Ya's arms, ran into the cave and sat beside the gems with a big mouth and a butt, her shining eyes rolling back and forth among the gems, not even looking at the piles of them. Gold coins with golden light.

Bao Ya stared at two glowing goldfish eyes on his dusty face, bared his teeth for a long time without saying a word, obviously stunned by the jewels in front of him. Wan Lin looked at the contents of the cave, turned his head and saw Bao Ya's astonished look and laughed: "I thought there were many? It's just like that."

When Bao Ya heard Wan Lin's words, she looked at Wan Lin in astonishment: "My mother, your appetite is too big, right? This pile of gold coins is already worth That's all. If you give it to us, it will be enough for our brothers to spend a few lifetimes, do you think it is too little?"

Wan Lin also laughed: "Hahaha, this pile of gold coins is indeed valuable, but you really don't know what Xiaohua knows. The most valuable things here are these gems! You don't even look at those gold coins without looking at Xiaohua?"

It turned out that after he discovered the treasures left by his ancestors, he once took some gold ingots and jewelry and handed them over to his elder brother, Chairman Liu Hongxin, to sell them in exchange for some shares in his company. From this process, he also learned some knowledge about gems, so he could see at a glance that the gems around Xiaohua were valuable, and the market value should far exceed the pile of gold coins in front of him.

When Bao Ya heard Wan Lin's words, he quickly turned his attention to the small pile of shiny gems in the cave. At this moment, Xiaohua was sitting in the cave with her little claws stretched out, moving quickly among the gems, staring at this and then at that, and then shaking her head with a grin, obviously facing the side beside her. This pile of gems is not very satisfactory.

Bao Ya said in surprise: "No, this pile of gems doesn't even get into Xiaohua's eyes, isn't it worthless?" Wan Lin smiled at Xiaohua and said in a low voice, "You forgot that it was already there just now. I came in once, and the best ones must have been hidden in my mouth. It and Xiaobai have a unique ability to distinguish the quality of gems. Alas, it's broken this time."

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