Panther Commando

Chapter 2288: The law does not blame the leopard

With that said, Wan Lin stared at Xiao Hua and suddenly frowned. ??. ??`"Hahaha, I said that this baby is so dazzling, it turns out that Hao Hao has been embezzled by it, this time we have caught a small embezzler!" Bao Ya laughed when he heard Wan Lin's words , then turned his head to see Wan Lin frowning, and asked with a smile, "What's wrong? Isn't it just embezzled by Xiang Xiaohua, what's the big deal."

Wan Lin shook his head and said, "These treasures belong to the country, and we must hand them over according to the law, but if they get into the mouth of this little treasure, no one can take it away!" Bao Ya laughed when he heard this. He raised his hand and patted Wan Lin on the shoulder and said, "These treasures are small flowers, and they should be rewarded. Besides, our laws can't control Xiaohua and Xiaobai's heads. They don't care about any laws and regulations. Don't blame the leopard."

Wan Lin also laughed when he heard it, and continued: "Yes, the law is made for us humans, and we can't control Xiaohua's heads. Go back and tell your superiors about the situation, no one can really take them from their mouths. That's the only way to look at the baby."

Saying that, he beckoned to Xiao Hua to let it come out, then bent down and held out a handful of gems in the cave and handed it to Bao Ya, saying, "This cave is too difficult to get out of, so we finally got in, so let's take these treasures by the way. Go out. ??? Say. `Count, how many gems are there?" Bao Ya quickly took the gems, counted them, and carefully put them into his pockets.

Wan Lin took out the gems in the cave, turned around and asked Bao Ya, "It doesn't look like much, there seem to be dozens of them, right?" "Yes, there are fifty-three in total, big and small. I didn't expect there to be so many! A few of mine. My pockets are full, so be careful when you go back, don't crush these treasures, it's all money, I can't afford to sell my old bag, hehe" Bao Ya said with a big toothy smile .

Wan Lin also laughed, and then raised his flashlight and lit up the pile of shiny gold coins and said worriedly: "You can just curry favor with Xiaohua and Xiaobai, if you really need money, go to them, these two little treasures don't know how to save them. How many things from the past. By the way, we forgot to bring a backpack when we came in, these gold coin pockets can't fit in it." He raised his flashlight to look around, then looked down at Xiaohua and asked, "That's all here. Is there any other hidden treasure?"

Xiaohua shook her head, raised her right paw and pointed at the gold coins in the cave, indicating that that's all there is to it. Then he pointed to the surrounding caves and shook his head. It is obviously saying: that's all here, it hasn't bothered to look for other caves, I don't know if there are any?

At this time, Bao Ya lit up the dark holes around him with a flashlight, and then said, "That should be all. W? Pirates are trapped here, they won't hide their treasures in different places, and the surrounding holes It is too narrow, it is difficult for people to climb in, and even if you go in, you may be stuck inside and cannot get out. "We don't have backpacks. How can we take these things out? I'll go out and ask Yan Ying to bring a backpack in?"

Wan Lin thought for a while, then handed the flashlight to Bao Ya, raised his hand to take off his bulletproof vest, took off the training uniform inside and said, "Forget it, go back and get the backpack and run back and forth for a long time, using clothes to Pocket the gold coins back." He put on the bulletproof vest again, squatted down and spread the clothes on the ground, picked up the gold coins in the cave and put them on it.

Bao Ya also squatted down, and excitedly stretched out his hands and put the gold coins on the clothes one by one. The two put the gold coins on the training clothes, and then carefully wrapped the gold coins. After the two wrapped the gold coins, they lowered their heads and carefully checked whether the gold coins were wrapped tightly to prevent them from being lost on the way.

After Wan Lin saw that the gold coins had been wrapped, he turned his head and said to Xiao Hua with a smile: "Let's go, this time we have returned with a full load." Xiao Hua looked at him and wagged his big tail in disdain, and followed the big cat's eye in his mouth. The gem spit out and swayed around his mouth for a while, then hurriedly swallowed it again, grinning widely. As if to say: your gold coins are not worth as much as my gem.

Wan Lin and Bao Ya both laughed when they saw Xiao Hua, Wan Lin immediately stood up and picked up the package and said, "It's quite heavy!" Bao Ya stretched out his hand to take it and tried it, and said in amazement: "Good guy, there are five or six It's ten pounds, and this thing is so heavy gold!" He handed the package to Wan Lin and said, "Hey, you should take this heavy thing, I have to protect the gems on my body."

After Bao Ya finished speaking, he raised his flashlight in front and followed Xiaohua to the narrow hole, lying on the ground and slowly crawling forward. Wan Lin dragged the package and followed behind Bao Ya, and the two of them crawled out along the original road with difficulty.

The inside of the cave was dark, and the flashlight beam was filled with flying dust. From time to time, black holes appeared around the two of them. At this time, if there were little flowers leading the way, and when Bao Ya had just entered, he had carved on the wall of the cave. With the mark, the two of them could really lose their way in this dark cave covered with branch holes.

After the two followed Xiao Hua through several turns in the low and narrow hole, they suddenly heard Yan Ying's anxious shouts from the darkness ahead: "Chief Instructor, Instructor Bao", "Chief Instructor, are you all right? ?"

Wan Lin heard the shout and knew that Yan Ying, who was answering outside, had not heard from the two of them for a long time, and now he was starting to worry. In this rugged and secret cave, the communication equipment was not available at all, so he could only shout for the two of himself, and the narrow winding and winding passages basically cut off the sound. No wonder they didn't hear Yan Ying's cry just now. .

When Wan Lin heard Yan Ying's anxious call, he stopped and lay down in the low cave, turned on his flashlight, and went forward. Close the mouth that was about to open, hold your breath, if you open your mouth now, your mouth will be filled with flying dust immediately.

He immediately raised his hand and tapped the secret signal on the wall of the cave a few times, followed by a few knocking sounds, Wan Lin listened carefully, and the answer had already said the code "Yan Ying received", which was Some of the secret codes they set in the special environment, and every training team member who is trained is very familiar with the secret codes for communication in this special environment.

Wan Lin and the two continued to crawl in the dusty cave. But that's it, the inside of the cave is still filled with the dust raised by the movement of the two people's bodies. The two people's bodies are covered with thick dust, and they are really crawling in the thick dust like a mouse digging a hole.

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