Panther Commando

Chapter 2289: addicted


After another half an hour, Wan Lin and Bao Ya finally followed Xiao Hua out of the low cave. As soon as Wan Lin got out of the underground cave, he picked up the heavy package he handed out with one hand, and then stretched out another hand from the side to pull him out of the underground cave. Wan Lin looked up and saw Yan Ying and Yuwen brothers standing by the hole, while Yan Ying was taking the package full of gold coins and carrying it on his shoulders.

Yu Wenfeng helped Wan Lin from the ground, and then looked at the dusty two people up and down with Yu Wenyu, then grinned, and the two laughed in unison: "Hahaha, you two really got into a mouse hole. Now, look at the dirt all over your face."

Wan Lin then turned to look at Bao Ya from the flashlight in Yu Wenfeng's hand, and saw that his face was covered with gray-black dust, with only a row of bared buck teeth and two big eyes shining brightly. At this time, Bao Ya was also staring at Wan Lin's dusty face with big eyes, and the two people immediately laughed when they looked at each other.

Bao Ya immediately looked at Feng Yu and asked in surprise, "Why did you two come in?" Yu Wenfeng said with a smile, "We saw that you haven't heard from you for so long, Lao Feng asked us to come in to meet up to prevent it from happening. Surprise. Come on, what baby did you find?"

Bao Ya looked at Yan Ying who was carrying the backpack on his shoulders and said: "Silly boy, there are treasures in there, you are not afraid of falling out of the way if you carry the backpack on your shoulders like this?" Yan Ying quickly took the package off his shoulders. He took it off, clasped his arms in his arms with a smile, and said with a smile, "Hehe, when I saw you coming out, I was so excited that I forgot that there was a treasure inside."

Bao Ya then happily took out a few gems from his pocket and showed off: "Hahaha, we have made a fortune, look at this!" Then he pointed to the package that Yan Ying was holding and said, "There are gold coins there, which are worth the old man. Nose money. Go, go outside and open your eyes again."

Wan Lin and Bao Ya excitedly talked about the situation in the cave as they walked, Yu Wenfeng heard that he had found a lot of gems and gold coins, and said excitedly: "Hahaha, I didn't expect that this time in the wild is really rewarding, and actually followed The pirate's hidden treasure has been contacted and made a fortune!"

Yu Wenyu also laughed and said, "Hehe, I read novels in the past and said that pirate treasures can only be found based on the treasure map, but I didn't expect that we would go straight to the cave and get the treasure. It's fun! We will do field survival training in the future, and we'll be there soon. If you come from a place where there are few people and where birds don't poop, if you can't make trouble, you can find some treasures like here!"

Several people approached the hall in the cave with a smile. A group of team members, who had been staring at the entrance of the cave for a long time, suddenly saw the light of flashlights dangling from the cave. Everyone immediately walked over excitedly to surround the narrow entrance, and there was light in their eyes looking at the cave.

As soon as Wan Lin and the others walked out of the cave, Xu Liang and the others hurriedly held up the water bottle and handed it over. Xu Liang immediately reached out and snatched the package from Yan Ying's arms, and exclaimed in surprise, "My mother, still It's really heavy. I've made a lot of money, I've made a lot of money!" The surrounding team members also urged: "Open it up and see, what treasures are there?"

Xu Liang quickly bent down and placed the package on a flat rock, then carefully opened the package. A large pile of gold coins immediately flashed a dazzling golden luster in the bonfire in the cave, and the dim cave was illuminated a lot at this moment.

"Wow, so many gold coins!" A group of team members immediately exclaimed, and their wide eyes reflected a golden brilliance in the golden light.

"Hahaha, look at me here!" Bao Ya grinned wide when he saw the teammates' astonished look, took out the gems in his pocket one by one, and then bent over and placed them next to the gold coins.

In the golden light, a colorful and warm luster immediately flashed. The golden light was matched with the warm luster of red, blue, and purple, which attracted the attention of everyone at the scene, and everyone opened their mouths. Staring at the rare sight in front of him in astonishment, the sound of heavy breathing echoed in the cave, and everyone's heart was beating violently in excitement.

It is indeed a rare spectacle in life to put together such a large pile of treasures worth tens of thousands of dollars. In the flickering firelight, everyone was stunned by the treasures in front of them that changed light and shade!

Wan Lin looked at the stunned crowd and said with a smile, "Hahaha, you opened your eyes this time, right? Well, Instructor Feng, take Xu Liang and Captain Zhang to carefully count these treasures, and then set aside a backpack to put them in. Go in. Remember, this is the wealth of the country, and we must not lose one! The rest of the team members look around to see if there are any scattered gold and silver coins around the bones."

Before Fengdao could answer, Xu Liang had already shouted in surprise: "Got it!" Then he raised his head and smiled at the surrounding team members: "Hahaha, we can't get these treasures, I am a money fan, old Xu, who has been addicted to his hands. This trip is in vain, you all have passed the eye addiction. Get out of the way, get out of the way, everyone quickly look around!"

Zhang Dahu looked at Xu Liang who was excited and said with a smile: "Look at this boy is beautiful, everyone backs up and watch this boy enjoy his hands." After saying that, he carefully took out the clothes wrapped in gold coins and handed it to Wan Lin. When the people around heard Zhang Dahu's voice, they all laughed, raised their feet and scattered around, and one by one, they lowered their heads and searched carefully on the ground.

Wan Lin took his dusty, then turned to look at Bao Ya and Yan Ying, who were covered in dust, and said with a smile, "Come on, let's go to the entrance of the cave and take a look, and wash your body by the way. We really got into the mouse hole this time. Xiaohua, let's go." With that, Bao Ya and Yan Ying walked towards the hole with their flashlights.

Wan Lin and the others followed Xiao Hua to the outside of the cave. They shook their flashlights as they walked, carefully looking at the rugged cave where they temporarily lived. When we came just now, everyone was eager to investigate the situation in the cave, and they all followed Xiaohua forward and did not carefully observe the surrounding of the cave wall. At this time, the team members had settled down in the cave, so they all observed carefully.

There are twists and turns in the cave, the space inside the cave is sometimes wide and sometimes narrow, a few dark rocks stick out from time to time on the bottom and walls of the cave, and only one person can barely pass through the narrow place. The black lacquered cave walls are covered with slippery and craggy rocks, some of which protrude from the cave walls like sharp arrows, knives and axes. If you are not careful, you may be injured by hard rocks. There are also many irregular weathered cracks on the wall.

From time to time, under the cave walls, there are black lacquer openings that lead to nowhere. The irregular small openings are like monsters with wide-mouthed mouths. The smell of damp and moldy is coming out from these low openings. Spitting out, it looks very ferocious.


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