Panther Commando

Chapter 2290: fear in the cave

The three of Wan Lin walked along the rugged cave for a while, Yan Ying looked around and said in astonishment: "I didn't pay attention when I came here, how many turns have we turned now? It made me dizzy. @, If I entered this cave rashly, I might actually get into the side caves that lead to nowhere. Now, why does this cave look so terrifying?"

Wan Lin looked at Bao Ya beside him, nodded and said, "Yes, we won't get lost following Xiaohua. If we really stray into the branch next to us, once we stray into this kind of cave connected to the cave, it will be very difficult for us to get lost. It's hard to find an exit."

Bao Ya held up his flashlight and took a picture of a small dark hole beside him, and then said, "It's scary enough! We haven't heard the sound of wind and rain outside the cave for so long, indicating that there must be many turns ahead. Otherwise, the sound of such a loud storm outside will definitely come in."

Bao Ya rolled his eyes as he spoke, and suddenly patted the helmet on his head and said, "By the way, did the trapped pirates in the cave end up getting lost and unable to find the exit? Otherwise, why would they guard the cave? A pile of priceless treasures died in it."

Wan Lin slowed down and pondered for a while: "It is possible that the caves in this cave are connected, and each cave leads to a different direction. It is difficult for people without special training to distinguish the original path. It is very likely that these branches will get lost in them. Moreover, there were no lighting equipment such as flashlights at that time. It is estimated that the pirates burned out the firewood they brought in, and finally got trapped inside without food and water, and died of thirst and starvation inside. already."

"My God! If we didn't have Instructor Xiaohua to follow, wouldn't we be the same as those pirates?" Yan Ying shrank his neck and said in fear, then raised his flashlight to take a picture of Xiaohua, who had blue eyes in front of him, and said happily. : "Fortunately, we have Instructor Xiaohua, otherwise it would be dangerous to enter the cave rashly!"

Wan Lin looked at Yan Ying with a smile, raised his finger and pointed to a man-made trace on the cave wall and said, "Look here." Yan Ying turned his head to look at the cave wall, patted his helmet vigorously, and exclaimed, "Alas. , Or your instructors have experience. In fact, we have talked about this before in training, but I didn't expect that when the typhoon came just now, I was nervous and forgot all these procedures. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Bao Ya's voice suddenly came from the side: "Hey, there really is a corpse!" Wan Lin and Yan Ying quickly stopped and turned their heads to see that Bao Ya was parked on the side of the cave wall. , was holding a flashlight to shine a dark narrow hole at his feet.

Wan Lin and Yan Ying hurriedly took two steps to Bao Ya's side, looking down with the light of the flashlight in his hand, a dry palm was sticking out from the dark hole, and a white arm bone was tight inside the hole. Closely connected to the dry palm, the pale hand bones are bent and opened.

This white bone that suddenly protruded from the dark cave, flashed a faint light in the flashlight beam, as if trying to catch something from the air in the empty cave, and its shape was very frightening.

"My God!" Yan Ying suddenly saw such a horrifying scene, screamed and took a step back in panic, the helmet slammed into a rock protruding from the top of the cave behind, and the crisp collision sound was There were long echoes in the dark cave, which looked very gloomy.

Wan Lin turned his head and glared at the terrified Yan Ying. Yan Ying quickly straightened the crooked helmet in embarrassment, then awkwardly bent over and walked to Bao Ya, took off the assault rifle behind him, stretched out the muzzle in horror and touched the outstretched dry palm. .

Yan Ying's gun barrel lightly touched the metacarpal bones stretched out by the five fingers, "click", the hand bones made a slight cracking sound, and then suddenly fell from the white arm bones in the hole, shattering. Slipped into the sloping hole.

"It's already weathered, and it will break when you touch it!" Bao Ya raised his flashlight and took a picture of the depths of the cave. A complete human skeleton was lying on the bottom of the small cave, and a round skull was staring. Looking out of the cave with two round black holes.

Yan Ying quickly took a step back when he saw this, his face was already pale. Seeing this terrifying sight in the dark cave, he really had a sense of fear that he had never felt before. Bao Ya turned his head to look at Yan Ying's pale face, frowned and scolded: "What's so scary about a pirate skeleton that has been dead for hundreds of years? Your courage is too small! Go, give me that skull. come out!"

Yan Ying widened his eyes and glanced at Instructor Bao with a taut face, and took a small step forward in trembling, looking at the skeleton in the beam of Instructor Bao's flashlight in horror, he didn't dare to bend down. near the hole.

"Pa!" Bao Ya suddenly raised his left foot and kicked his ass, Yan Ying staggered and threw himself to the entrance of the cave, holding on to the cave wall with both hands. Bao Ya followed and shouted sharply: "Bend over and take it out!"

Bao Ya's majestic voice shook the silent cave "humming", Yan Ying's body trembled violently in this majestic sound, and he quickly stretched his left hand into the cave, and slammed the round He took out the skull, and then looked pale and looked at the skull in his hand, motionless, as if the hairs on his whole body were standing Bao Ya saw Yan Ying taking out the skull, and immediately raised the flashlight in his left hand to shine on it. On the skull glowing white. Yan Ying's left hand grabbed the concave place under the skull, and his arms were trembling slightly with the tension. At this moment, a low "click" sound was coming from the skull. The two dark holes in the eye area of ​​the skull were staring straight at Yan Ying's frightened eyes. The two rows of teeth were tightly closed. As if talking to him?

It was the first time that Yan Ying came into contact with a skeleton at such a close distance. The muscles in his entire body were tense, and his left hand was gripping the jawbone below the skeleton in tension, and his left arm was trembling slightly because of the force. At this time, there was a sudden "click" sound on the skull, followed by the jawbone that Yan Ying held with his left hand suddenly shattered, and the entire skull suddenly turned into pieces of broken bones and fell to the ground at this time. . It turned out that the skull, which had been eroded by the salt-rich air of the desert island, suddenly collapsed under Yan Ying's strong grip and turned into pieces of weathered broken bones.

Yan Ying looked at the skull that suddenly collapsed in front of him, his frightened eyes suddenly calmed down, he raised his hand and threw the broken bone in his left hand to the side of the cave, grinning suddenly: "Hey, it's nothing, isn't it? A pile of rotten bones, it really scared me to death just now!" With that, he raised his left hand and wiped it **** the cave wall twice, seeing that he had completely overcome the fear in his heart.

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