Panther Commando

Chapter 2291: Like a lifetime

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"Hahaha, isn't it all right? What's so scary about a pile of dead bones?" Bao Ya raised his flashlight and said with a smile on Yan Ying's face, then patted his shoulder vigorously.

Bao Ya then turned to look at Wan Lin and said, "It seems that those pirates must have encountered a hurricane like ours back then. These people fled into the cave with jewelry in their nervousness, but they didn't expect that this cave is like a labyrinth, and it's easy to get in. , but it is difficult to get out. It is estimated that after they found out that the situation was wrong, they immediately sent people out to find the exit. The boy in this small cave must have entered this branch by mistake at that time, and finally climbed here with great difficulty, but he was exhausted. Can't move anymore."

Wan Lin nodded and replied, "It is very likely that there is no fresh water supply deep in the cave, and these pirates will soon be exhausted, so they must find the cave entrance to find supplies."

He turned his head and said seriously to Yan Ying: "This is also a vivid field survival lesson for you. When you enter an unfamiliar cave in the wild, you must consider the path in and out. This is something you can't forget at any time. His survival skills, that is, no matter how critical the situation is, we must consider retreating! Look here."

Wan Lin raised his flashlight and pointed it at the side wall above his head. Yan Ying quickly looked up and followed the electric light, and immediately found that there was a scratch with white stone chips on the wall of the inconspicuous lacquer black hole, extending all the way to the depths of the hole, it was difficult to find it if you didn't pay attention.

Yan Ying looked at the chief instructor in astonishment, Wan Lin looked at him and continued: "To survive in the wilderness, you must always identify the direction and consider advancing and retreating. These marks on the cave wall are the marks your instructor secretly made when we entered, to prevent Everyone is lost in the cave. Although we will not get lost in the cave with Xiaohua this time, we must take necessary precautions at any time. After you go back, remind everyone that these wild survivors The basics, you must have mentioned in your past training."

As he said that, he looked at Xie Chao's calm face and said, "A good scout should not be alarmed when he encounters any terrible things! If you were on the battlefield just now, you showed that Your hesitation may have attracted enemy bullets, and if you don't make trouble, you will become a bone in this cave!"

Yan Ying's body trembled slightly, a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes, and his right hand tightly grasped the assault rifle and shook. At this time, he really felt nervous in his heart. If he was really on the battlefield, his panicked performance just now might have been shot through the head by the enemy's bullet. Any hesitation on the battlefield may lead to incoherent tactical actions and fall under the enemy's bullets!

He nodded solemnly. In the short time just now, Instructor Bao has helped him get through the fear of bones and learned the knowledge of battlefield survival that he could never get in his usual training.

He looked at the two instructors around him gratefully, and said in his heart, "It's really a blessing for me, the training team members, to be with these instructors who have rich practical experience. Every time the instructors give me advice, I can make myself better on the battlefield. Survival of the golden jade, this is definitely not the knowledge that can be obtained on the ordinary training ground."

He then looked at the hidden scratch on the cave wall and shook his head gently. These basic wild survival knowledge, they have indeed received these trainings in the original army, but this time everyone in this sudden storm, in the tension, forgot these survival knowledge that should have been engraved in their minds.

Without these experienced field instructors to follow this time, they would have been lost forever in this labyrinth-like dark cave, perhaps like the pirates trapped in the cave, in this dark cave. It gradually turned into a pile of terrifying bones.

He shivered in fear after thinking of this, and his eyes unconsciously looked towards the dark cave with white bones next to him, and he felt a chill in his heart: These weathered bones in front of him are a living example, a group of familiar Pirates who live on the island and fight for their lives at sea will get lost in this deserted island cave, and there is definitely no chance of survival for ordinary people who come in!

The three then silently continued to move forward in the dark, tortuous cave. They followed Xiaohua closely and walked around in a pitch-black cave for a while, before they could faintly hear the sound of waves and howling winds coming from outside the cave.

When Yan Ying heard the usually terrifying voice, the nervous look on his face suddenly disappeared, and he let out a long breath as if he had heard the gospel of God, and then sighed in a low voice: "Oh, we used to live in On the island, I was afraid to hear such a howling wind, but I didn’t expect to hear these sounds in this silent cave, but suddenly I have a kind of intimacy that I have never felt before, and it really feels like seeing the sun again!”

Wan Lin and Bao Ya both laughed. Indeed, in this long cave just now, Yan Ying had already felt the death threat of being lost in the cave, and now suddenly hearing this huge sound of the mountain and tsunami in the silence, there will indeed be a kind of feeling like a lifetime. a feeling of.

As the voices from outside the cave got louder and louder, a questioning voice suddenly came from the front, Yan Ying quickly responded loudly: "I am Yan Ying, the chief instructor and Bao instructor are here!"

Wan Lin and the three stepped up to the entrance of the cave. They all found that the bottom of the cave was full of prosperous Lin raised his flashlight to look in front of him, and found that Xiaohua had already No matter what, he threw himself into a puddle near the hole, and was rubbing his body with his two front paws. From time to time, his head dipped into the water, then stuck his head out and swayed vigorously. Pieces of water were flying in the hole. .

Wan Lin smiled and raised his flashlight to look at the entrance of the cave, and found that several training team members were leaning against the cave wall, holding a raincoat and placing it diagonally at the entrance of the cave. Inside.

"Hahahaha, great way!" Bao Ya laughed and ran over. Wan Lin also smiled and nodded and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

These training team members have tasted the pain of water cutoff in the past few days. Now that they saw the rain, they immediately invented this method of collecting rainwater. They used impermeable raincoats to guide the rainwater into the caves, and then used the uneven holes. The bottom acts as a container for collecting rainwater.

And around this cave wall, there are indeed many deep grooves, some of which can be as deep as half a person. This method can indeed collect a large amount of fresh water, enough for these people to use it for ten days and a half months.

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