Panther Commando

Chapter 2293: nervous brigade

readx(); Wan Lin nodded thoughtfully, when a team member asked loudly beside him: "Captain Yan, why is the wind at sea so strong? We have never seen such strong winds and bad weather on land, look. This posture seems to overturn the island, it's too scary!"

The voices of the team members' questions were loud, but they were very weak in the roaring wind and waves outside the cave. Yan Ying vaguely heard the question of the team members, turned his head to look at him and answered loudly: "It is said that a typhoon is a strong cyclone generated in the ocean. Because of the different places of occurrence, the names in different places are also different. Here we are. It is called a typhoon, and it is called a hurricane in the Atlantic Ocean. This kind of strong typhoon is usually accompanied by this kind of heavy rain with thunder and lightning, which is extremely harmful. We fishermen are most afraid of encountering this kind of super strong typhoon. Typhoons, once encountered, are extremely dangerous."

As he spoke, his tone became a little low and continued: "In the past, most fishermen used wooden boats with small tonnage. Once encountered such a typhoon, many fishermen were swept into the seabed and buried in the belly of fish. Now, in general ocean-going operations, tens of tons or hundreds of tons of iron boats are used, which can resist large winds and waves, and can also obtain typhoon information in time through communication equipment and satellite navigation equipment, and quickly find a shelter in the surrounding waters. In such a super typhoon, not to mention ordinary fishing boats, even large cargo ships with thousands of tons and tens of thousands of tons are very dangerous."

When several team members heard Yan Ying's explanation, their eyes widened in astonishment. One team member exclaimed: "It's scary. When I was eating seafood at a restaurant, I never thought that fishing at sea would be so dangerous." The team members asked in surprise: "The typhoon is so powerful, how did it form? Now that technology is so advanced, can't it be resolved before it forms?"

Yan Ying shook his head and said: "It is said that the cause of the typhoon is still unclear, let alone resolved in advance. However, there are already meteorological satellites, which can predict the occurrence of the typhoon and the approximate place it will pass through in advance. Informing the places where the typhoon passes to take precautions early, greatly reducing the risk of fishermen going to sea."

The surrounding team members nodded, Bao Ya said: "Speaking of which industry is not easy, I really didn't expect that the delicious seafood we ate might be bought by fishermen who risked their lives in the typhoon. Eat less." Yan Ying on the side said with a smile: "Don't, you eat less, the seafood that the fishermen risked their lives to salvage is still in their hands? Then they are busy working in vain!"

Bao Ya was stunned for a moment, and then quickly said: "Yes, yes, we still have to eat more, eat more!" But just after he finished speaking, he patted the helmet on his head and said, "No, seafood is so expensive, you let us eat more. , are you giving money? Hahahaha" Several people around laughed.

Wan Lin also laughed, and then he listened to the faint sound of the wind and waves, turned his head and said to Yan Ying: "Okay, you bring a few guarded team members back with Xiaohua first, they have been soaked in the rain for a long time, hurry back. Dry your clothes, or you will have problems with your body."

Yan Ying looked at Wan Lin's wet clothes and hesitated for a while, then said: "Chief instructor, your clothes are soaking wet, you take them back, I'm here to monitor the outside. I grew up on an island, Get used to this climate."

Wan Lin waved his hand and said, "Execute the order! Let Instructor Xiaohua follow you when you go back, and you follow the marks left by the instructors on the cave wall. Go back and tell Captain Zhang to have him send four team members every four hours. Come to the changing of the guard." As he said, he bent down and gestured to the little flower beside his feet a few times.

"Yes," Yan Ying replied quickly, turning around and walking towards the cave with a few team members, while Xiao Hua silently followed behind them to prevent them from accidentally entering the branch hole in the cave.

A violent typhoon ravaged the desert island frantically in the sea. On the morning of the fourth day after the typhoon blew, Li Dongsheng, Yu Jing, Hong Tao, and Xiaoya were sitting at a small conference table in the communications command room of the Special Operations Brigade Headquarters far inland, staring nervously at the table in front of them. Lingling, wearing an electronic countermeasure box and calling with a headset.

"Report, I still can't contact the training team!" Lingling called urgently for a while, then turned her head and stared at Li Dongsheng and reported with red eyes. It seemed that she hadn't slept properly for several days.

"Order the correspondent to contact him every ten minutes! Ask the local naval meteorological conditions." Li Dongsheng looked at Hong Tao with a stern face and ordered, "Yes!" Hong Tao replied immediately, turning around and giving the order to the staff next to him.

At this time, the faces of several people were all nervous, and the air in the room seemed to be tense and depressing. The surrounding signal soldiers lowered their heads and called to the relevant parties in a low voice nervously.

Yu Jing turned her head to look at the gloomy faces of the people around the table, looked up at Li Dongsheng and Hong Tao and asked angrily, "Didn't the local maritime department predict the direction of this super typhoon in advance? It has been four consecutive days with Leopard. Head lost, what do those meteorological departments do?"

Hong Tao raised his eyes and looked at Yu Jing and replied: "Before the typhoon the meteorological department had already predicted based on the satellite cloud image that the typhoon was only expected to pass more than 100 kilometers away from the side of the island, and it would not have any impact on the training team's location. The desert island had too much impact, and the typhoon wind force they predicted at that time was not so high. I didn't expect the cyclone to suddenly change on the sea surface. Not only did the wind direction deflect, but also the power suddenly increased, which directly formed a super typhoon. It was really unexpected!"

Li Dongsheng also said gloomily: "We are not afraid of typhoons. I believe that Wanlin and the others are absolutely capable of avoiding this sea storm! The scary thing is that they have been trapped on this island with no water and no food for a long time. It has been more than ten days on the deserted island, and they have no food on their bodies for a long time, and their physical strength must have suffered a serious decline. Moreover, in such a super typhoon, they must be trapped in caves or depressions in the mountains and cannot move, so they simply cannot move. Unable to go to the island to find supplies."

He looked at Lingling, who was still crying nervously, and continued with a gloomy expression: "Now, the typhoon has been raging in that sea area for four days. If the typhoon does not pass, they are very likely to be in danger! Under such extreme conditions, not only the Navy's ships could not approach the dangerous sea area, but the Air Force could not carry out the airdrop of relief supplies at all!"

At this time, Cheng Ru and Zisheng also walked in through the open door with red eyes. They lost contact with Wan Lin and the others these days. They didn't rest much, and were anxiously waiting for the weather to improve.

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