Panther Commando

Chapter 2294: trapped in cave

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Cheng Ru and the two walked into the door nervously when they saw the gloomy faces of Li Dongsheng and the others, and Cheng Ru's mouth that had just opened was quickly closed again. The two of them had already seen from the faces of everyone present that the situation had not improved, and Wan Lin and the others were still in danger.

As soon as Li Dongsheng's voice fell, a second lieutenant's staff in front of the side communication device suddenly shouted: "Report!" "Speak!" Li Dongsheng turned his head to look at him and said.

"We have contacted the local navy. They said that the typhoon in the sea area where the deserted island is located has begun to weaken, and the typhoon is moving towards the surrounding coastal countries. It is expected that the local weather will improve tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

"Great!" Li Dongsheng slammed the table and stood up abruptly, loudly ordering: "I ask the local navy to send a ship to rescue immediately after the weather permits!" "Yes," the second lieutenant replied loudly, turning to the microphone contact.

It didn't take long, he turned to the report again: "Report, the local navy reported that they had already sent a large ship carrying helicopters to Lotus Island, and now they have reached the sea area about 600 nautical miles away from the deserted island. In addition, they also received I went to the maritime department to report that there is another Chinese freighter in the waters where the typhoon passed, and it is also in a state of loss.

Li Dongsheng and several others heard that the navy had sent ships to respond, and their faces improved a little, but now they heard that a freighter was also passing through the typhoon's central waters. Eyes said: "In such a big hurricane, the freighter is too dangerous!" Li Dongsheng nodded and sat down slowly with a worried face.

The room was silent, and everyone's faces darkened. Under such extreme conditions, any ship in the heart of a hurricane would be in danger, and it could be said that there has been one wave after another. Now everyone's heart is not only worried about Wan Lin and the others, but now they are suddenly worried about the life safety of the freighter employees.

The hurricane has been raging over the desert island for several days, and the training team members who have been trapped in the cave on the desert island by the super storm are already hungry. Originally, everyone had been on the deserted island for several days without filling their stomachs. Now, there is simply no energy to replenish in the past few days. All the team members in the cave felt extremely tired and weak.

At this moment, Wan Lin sat beside the cave wall and took a few deep breaths, then opened his eyes and turned his head to look around. The inside of the cave was pitch black. Wan Lin raised his hand and took out a flashlight from his backpack and turned it on. A beam of dim yellow light shot out from the torch. The team members leaned weakly against the spacious cave wall and bowed their heads in silence. In the dark, silent cave, there was a sound of heavy breathing.

The bonfire in the cave had already turned to ashes on the second day, and now the cave is pitch black, and you can't see your fingers. At this moment, no one can say when this sudden hurricane will pass, so everyone put out the flashlights to save electricity and prepared to use them at the last minute.

Wan Lin saw everyone languishing. He shook the flashlight and glanced at the players around him. Then he stood up and walked over to a player who looked very weak and sat down. He reached out and grabbed the player's left hand, and then turned off the flashlight and sent output to the players. an inner force.

After a while, he gently released the player's left hand and stood up. The player next to him immediately said weakly, "Thank you, Chief Instructor, I'm much better." Wan Lin waved his hand, and then walked around to a few people who looked very weak. In front of the players, they grabbed their hands one after another and gave them a little bit of infuriating energy. Then, they raised their flashlights and glanced at the surrounding players. They lifted their feet and walked to the wind knives who were leaning against the cave wall.

Feng Dao stretched out his hand and pulled Wan Lin to sit next to him, and said in a low voice, "If the storm continues, it will be dangerous. Now some soldiers are showing signs of extreme physical exhaustion, so they must find a way to get something to eat!"

Wan Lin nodded and glanced at the surrounding leopard players, and replied in a low voice: "Yes, I just lost some qi to a few players with weak physical strength. Judging from their pulse, there is no danger of life for the time being. , but this is not a long-term solution, you must get food, otherwise we instructors will not be able to persist for a long time!"

At this time, Zhang Wa, Bao Ya and Brother Feng Yu who were standing next to the cave suddenly struggled to stand up with their hands on the cave wall. Zhang Wa whispered, "Let's go out and have a look!" Wan Lin waved his hand and said, "No, in Under such extreme weather conditions, no matter how high you are, you can't resist this gust of wind, and once you get out of the cave, it will definitely be blown into the air by the gust of wind!"

Sitting on the edge of the cave, Feng Dao stretched out his hand and grabbed Zhang Wa's arm and said, "Yes, you must not be reckless! No one can resist this kind of violent storm in this weather. We will go out when the weather is a little better, and now we must not Make a fearless sacrifice! I'll go to the entrance of the cave and ask Da Zhuang and Da Zhuang, who are watching over there, to see if the storm outside is a little smaller?" Saying that, he pressed a rock in front of him and stood up.

"Dali, Dali, did you hear the answer?" At this time, Wan Lin suddenly raised his hand and pulled the air knife to call into the microphone. A murmur of "chachacha" suddenly came from Wan Lin's earphones, and Wan Lin was overjoyed and shouted loudly. Called: "Dali, hear the answer!"

With his loud call, a weak reply suddenly appeared in the noise of the earphone: "Report" was covered by a A bright light suddenly appeared in Wan Lin's eyes, and he said loudly. He shouted in the dark hall: "Correspondent, keep calling the local navy to understand the storm situation and ask for help!"

Following Wan Lin's shouting, there was a commotion in the cave, followed by the weak call of the correspondent. At this moment, the dark cave suddenly lit up with little lights, and the training team members who were paralyzed under the cave wall raised their heads with hope when they heard the words of the chief instructor A look of hope.

The team members heard from the chief instructor's hurried voice with surprise that the communication has gradually recovered, which indicates that the weather outside the cave is definitely improving, and the improvement of the weather means that they can get out of this lifeless cave. ! The sudden voice of the chief instructor rekindled the hope of life among the desperate team members!

At this moment, a blue light flashed suddenly at the side entrance of the hole, Xiaohua ran from the hole to Wan Lin quickly, stood up and gestured a few times. Wan Lin was overjoyed and said to everyone in the cave: "Now the hurricane outside the cave has weakened, as long as we establish a firm survival strategy, there will be no difficulties to defeat us Chinese special soldiers, which cheers me up. , I believe that everyone will be able to get through the current crisis! What about that money fan Xu Liang? Why didn't you make a sound for a long time?"

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