Panther Commando

Chapter 2297: flying boulder


Just now, everyone came to the cave with a breath of infuriating energy, ready to jump out of the cave and swear to the death. But everyone understands in their hearts that their physical strength has been seriously exhausted after several consecutive days of starvation. If they had just drilled out of the cave to look for food in this extremely bad weather, it would be difficult to climb back to the cave even if they found food outside. .

But for everyone's survival, they had to risk their lives. Now the brave Xiaohua brought this big fish to everyone at a critical moment, allowing them to replenish some energy in time, greatly increasing their ability to resist the hurricane outside the cave.

Wan Lin quickly divided the big fish into several pieces and handed them over to Dali. He also picked up a piece of fish and asked Xiao Hua, "Where did you find the big fish?"

Xiaohua stood up and gestured a few times, then ran to the entrance of the cave and pointed down the hillside. Wan Lin watched Xiaohua's movements for a while, then turned his head to look at Zhang Wa and the others with joy, and said, "The location of the entrance of the cave is the lee of the wind. Xiaohua found this big fish in the rock crevice on the hillside, and it said that there are many big fish and various sea things that were blown up by the strong wind and fell into the crevice, all of which are edible."

Several people devoured raw fish and looked out of the cave with joy. They know that only by replenishing the energy their bodies need can they withstand the violent storms outside the cave and have enough physical strength to bring the food they find back to the cave.

Several people devoured the fish in their hands into their mouths, and then they all greedily looked at the fish with only one backbone left. Zhang Wa and Feng Dao stood up and grabbed the rope to jump out of the hole. Wan Lin grabbed them and said, "Don't be in a hurry, let's adjust the breath first, and quickly replenish the energy in the meridians." After speaking, he sat down with his knees crossed.

Several people around also quickly sat down with their knees crossed, took a few deep breaths one by one, and then closed their eyes slightly and began to exercise their skills. It didn't take long, Zhang Wa and Feng Dao opened their eyes and jumped up first. Their spirits were obviously much better than before, and their faces showed resolute expressions.

They raised their hands and took out the contents of their backpacks and handed them to the comrades beside them. They carried empty backpacks and walked out of the cave. Then they grabbed the rope and kicked the rock wall at the entrance of the cave to jump out of the cave. Descend quickly.

Wan Lin and the others grabbed the rope behind them and also stood up. They all walked to the edge of the hole, watching nervously at their figures jumping up and down on the steep hillside.

At this moment, Xiaohua quietly sprang out of the hole again, her four claws burst out several long sharp nails in the air, and it fell to a rock on the hillside like a meteor. Wan Lin knew that in this kind of storm, Xiao Hua couldn't control her petite body at all, and could only rely on her strong limbs and sharp nails to grasp the hard rock wall to stabilize her body.

More than half an hour has passed, and the violent hurricane outside seems to have weakened a little bit. Strings of crystal-clear bead chains hung at the entrance of the cave, swaying in the wind.

Wan Lin and the others all had anxious expressions in their eyes. Although Feng Dao and Zhang Wa had replenished some energy just now, their bodies were still very weak. It was very dangerous to move in this extreme weather. It is very likely that it will slam into the surrounding steep and hard cliffs, and at that time, not to mention shattering the bones, it will definitely break the bones! Not to mention that everyone's stamina is exhausted now, even when they are full of stamina, it is difficult to ensure their own safety in this strong wind.

Everyone anxiously looked out of the cave, where there were white torrents pouring down everywhere, and the water splashes blown by the strong wind filled the entire mountain. At the beginning, Wan Lin and the others stood at the entrance of the cave and could still see two black dots rising and falling on the hillside below in the gust of wind roaring past, but now they could no longer see Zhang Wa. The figures of the two people can only be judged by the trembling of the two ropes at the entrance of the cave to judge that the two people below are still moving.

Time passed slowly, and the expressions of several people in the cave became more and more nervous. Wan Lin raised his wrist to check the time, more than an hour had passed, but he still didn't see Zhang Wa and Feng Dao. He glanced anxiously out of the hole, raised his hand to take out a bundle of ropes, grabbed the end of the rope and tied it to a rock behind him. At this moment, the two ropes held in the hands of several people suddenly shook a few times rhythmically.

"I'm back!" Wan Lin shouted, leaning out of the cave and looking down. The two shadows were clinging to the raised rock wall dozens of meters below, and were struggling to shake the two ropes in their hands. There is a distance of about twenty meters between the two, but their bodies are tightly clinging to the rock wall and motionless, strips of silver-white rapids are rushing down from the top of the mountain, and their figures are shrouded in the waves splashed by the rapids. It was obvious that Zhang Wa and the two were exhausted and could not continue to climb up the cliff.

At this time, a gust of wind suddenly whistled from the side of the hole, and the two ropes on the top of Zhang Wa and Feng Dao immediately swayed to the side with the gust of wind, and instantly formed two arcs in the air like two bows.

Wan Lin clasped the cave wall tightly with both hands and stared out the cave. At the moment when the wind was blowing, he turned his head and shouted loudly into the cave, "Pull!" Following his roar, several people in Bao Ya in the cave held their hands separately. Hold on to both ropes and slowly pull up.

The two shadows slowly moved upwards on the cliff. At this moment, a fierce torrent suddenly rushed down from the top of the Several huge rocks tumbled violently with the rapids and went straight to the right The side wind knife smashed to the top of the head!

"Dangerous!" Wan Lin shouted, and the rope holding the air knife in his right hand slammed to the left. The air knife, which had just been pulled away from the rock, immediately followed the direction of the rope's movement to Zhang Wa on the left. Swinging away quickly, it was obvious that the wind knife had also seen the rock that suddenly landed on the top of the head, and the rope pulled by Wan Lin under his feet vigorously kicked the rock and rushed towards Zhang Wa on the left.

At this moment, Zhang Wa, who was hanging on the cliff on the left, also turned her head and saw the danger above the wind knife. Lin's hands immediately put the two ropes together and shouted behind him.

At this moment, the wind knife and Zhang Wa's heads whistled and fell a few huge stones, almost rubbing the sides of the two and flying over, followed by a "boom" and smashed the place where the wind knife was just now. On a protruding rock, it fell apart and rolled down the hillside.

Several people at the entrance of the cave broke out in a cold sweat! If Wan Lin hadn't discovered the danger in time just now and used his internal strength to shake the rope on the top of the wind knife, I'm afraid the wind knife would have been smashed into a pile of meat sauce by these boulders that suddenly flew into the sky!


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