Panther Commando

Chapter 2298: vigorous vitality

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Brother Yuwen and Bao Ya quickly pulled the rope, and soon two black shadows appeared at the entrance of the cave. Wan Lin and Dali, who had already stood up at the entrance of the cave, dragged the two people outside the cave in from under the entrance.

At this time, everyone discovered that Zhang Wa and Feng Dao were both carrying bulging backpacks, and there was a bulging thing hanging from their waists. No wonder they were exhausted and hung in the air, unable to move. Stuff, this is indeed far beyond their current physical limit!

Zhang Wa and the two were dragged into the cave and sat limply on the ground. They were leaning on Wan Lin and Dali's legs, their faces pale and breathing heavily, their whole bodies were trembling with exhaustion, and their eyes were tightly closed. .

Wan Lin and the surrounding comrades saw Zhang Wa's state, and their eyes turned red! Wan Lin immediately hugged Zhang Wa and leaned him against the wind knife, stretched out his hand and grabbed the left hand of the two, and lost his true energy to the palm of their hand.

The Yuwen brothers stretched out their hands to remove the backpacks behind the Fengdao and the little seal tied to their bodies. Wang Dali quickly took out a big fish from the backpack, pulled out the saber, cut two pieces of fish, and stuffed them into the Fengdao and Zhang Wa. mouth.

Just now, Zhang Wa and the two collected so much food on the stormy and slippery steeps, and they returned with a full load regardless of their own safety, and the two of them didn't shake off these overweight loads in the moment of their lives and deaths when they rolled down the boulders. The life of the brother in the cave has put his own safety aside!

Wan **hun's inner strength slowly pushed towards the two people's bodies, and gradually gathered the scattered infuriating energy in the two people's bodies, and guided them to slowly run along their meridians. Several people around looked at Zhang Wa, whose eyes were closed and breathing heavily, with nervous expressions on their faces. They have already seen that Feng Dao and Zhang Wa's infuriating qi has become disordered. If these scattered infuriating qi are not gathered in time, their lives may be in danger at any time.

In the dim flashlights, a flush of red suddenly appeared on the pale faces of Zhang Wa and Feng Dao, and the closed eyelids of the two also slowly beat twice, and the people around them grew long. Come out and take a breath. They knew that Leopard Head had used his strong True Qi to incorporate the scattered True Qi of the two into their meridians, and it had already begun to circulate in the meridians.

Seeing that Zhang Wa's expressions improved, Brother Feng Yu quickly turned around and handed the backpack and two little seals in their hands to Yan Ying and the three behind them. Yan Ying and He Shuai opened the two backpacks and looked. In each of the backpacks lay a pile of large and small sea fish with white flowers, each of which radiated silver-white light in the dim flashlight.

With tears in their eyes, several people gently put down the backpack cover, and then looked down at their feet. The two bulging little seals were lying softly on the wet rocks at their feet, their bodies covered with wounds cut by the rocks. Obviously, these fish and seals were swept up from the sea and thrown onto the hillside below by the strong wind, and then picked up by the two instructors at the risk of death.

Yan Ying and He Shuai's arms were shaking with their backpacks. They raised their heads and looked at Instructor Zhang and Instructor Feng, who were slumped on the ground. At this moment, they suddenly felt that the two backpacks in their hands were extremely heavy. There was no simple food in it. This was the hope of the more than 20 training students in the cave, and it was the two instructors who used their precious lives. In exchange!

At this moment, Zhang Wa's closed eyelids suddenly twitched a few times, and then slowly opened his eyes. He opened his mouth and took a bite of the fish meat that was thrust into his mouth, and then gently pushed Wan Lin's right hand away, clutching his own. Looking at Yan Ying and the three of them wearily, he said weakly while chewing on the fish: "Why are you still here? Why don't you send these things to the brothers in the cave!"

"Yes!" Yan Ying's three hoarse voices all replied with crying voices, Yan Ying put down the backpack in his hand, picked up a small seal on his back and ran into the cave, He Shuai carried a backpack and followed Going up, both of them only took a backpack and a seal, and they both wanted to leave more food for the instructors.

Xie Chao saw the two team leaders each picked up food and ran into the cave. He looked at a backpack on the ground and the other little seal hesitated for a while, then grabbed the little seal and ran into the cave.

"Come back!" Bao Ya grabbed him, raised his hand and took out two fish from the backpack on the ground and handed them to Yu Wenfeng: "Hurry up and eat some," then handed the backpack to Xie Chao and said, "Take all these Into the cave, the brothers can't hold on anymore!"

Xie Chao raised his eyes and glanced at a few instructors, then grabbed two big fish from the inside and stuffed them into the hands of Wang Dali and Kong Dazhuang next to him, put the backpack on his body, and carried the little seals to chase Yan Ying and the two in front. . Xie Chao and the three of them ran very fast. Now time is the life of the brothers in the cave. This is what the instructor bought with his precious life. They no longer dare to delay any longer!

At this time, Bao Ya turned around and shouted at the dark cave: "Xie Chao, pay attention to the mark we made on the cave wall, don't get into the branch hole!"

"Got it!" Xie Chao's voice came faintly from the cave in front of them. The "dong dong dong" footsteps and violent gasps of the three of them in the cave seemed to bring a kind of feeling to the dark and lifeless cave. Booming vitality.

At this time, Feng Dao slowly opened his He saw several people around him staring at him and Zhang Wa nervously, grinned honestly, raised his hand and pushed Wan Lin away from him. The left hand, which entered the infuriating energy, also took a bite of the fish meat beside his mouth, and while chewing, he gasped violently and said in a low voice: "The wind outside is too strong, just now the two of us seemed to be looking at the clouds and mists in the air. It's amazing. Fortunately, there are a lot of things blown by the strong wind in the rock crevices on the hillside, otherwise this trip would be in vain."

Wan Lin saw that the two had improved. He stood up and nodded to the wind knife. He turned his head and said to the people behind him: "Everyone eat something, it's too dangerous outside. Let's use this time to recover as much as possible." He opened his mouth. He bit the piece of fish that Yu Wenfeng stabbed with his saber and chewed hard.

At this time, the training team members in the cave already had some food to eat. Although it could not satisfy everyone's stomach, at least they could temporarily replenish calories to restore some physical strength and avoid danger. Therefore, the hearts of Wan Lin and the others have become much more at ease.

Zhang Wa wolfed down a piece of fish in his mouth, then opened his mouth to bite a piece of raw fish that Yu Wenyu had inserted with his saber, and said vaguely, "The wind is too strong, otherwise I can bring more. Come back. If it weren't for the ropes just now, Lao Feng and I would have been swept into the sea by the strong wind." He looked out of the cave with some fear.

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