Panther Commando

Chapter 2299: volley

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The strong wind is still whistling outside, but the light outside the cave has become much brighter, and the thick water curtain at the entrance of the cave seems to be thinner, and the weather is indeed improving a little bit.

At this time, Xiaohua drilled in again from the outside of the cave with a big fish in her mouth. She lowered her head and put down the big fish in her mouth, then vigorously shook off the rain that covered her body, and then pushed the big fish in front of Wan Lin.

Wan Lin bent down and hugged Xiao Hua in his arms, sat cross-legged under the stone wall beside the entrance of the cave, opened his mouth and ate another piece of fish meat handed over by Yu Wenfeng, then closed his eyes and quickly revived his inner qi, wanting to recover as soon as possible. The tiredness caused by the two people's transmission of infuriating energy.

After a while, he opened his eyes and hugged the little flower in his arms, pulled out his saber to clean up the big fish that Xiaohua brought back, then cut off two pieces of fish, turned around and handed it to Bao Ya and said, "You also hurry up and eat it. Click, let's go down in a while!" Bao Ya quickly took the fish and put it in his mouth and chewed it hard.

Wan Lin immediately cut off another piece of fish and put it in his mouth, raised his hand and threw the big fish to Kong Dazhuang on the side. While chewing the fish in his mouth quickly, he raised his hand to look at his watch and said, "It's nine o'clock in the morning. , I really don't know if this storm can pass today?"

Feng Dao looked up wearily and looked outside the cave and said, "It is possible that today has passed. Although the wind is still strong, the sky is obviously brighter than before, indicating that the clouds in the sky are drifting away with the wind! Yuwenfeng, please contact me. Captain Zhang in the cave, see if the communication has been restored?"

Yu Wenfeng hurriedly called into the microphone a few times, and Zhang Dahu's voice came from the earphones. Although there was still a huge noise, he could barely hear the other party's voice. Yu Wenfeng quickly asked the team members how they were doing. , Zhang Dahu's weak voice immediately came over: "Everyone is safe now! I have received a report from Yan Ying, and they have approached our location with food."

When Wan Lin and the others heard Zhang Dahu's reply, their nervous expressions all eased. After a while, Zhang Dahu's voice sounded again: "Report, Yan Ying and the three have returned with food, and everyone is eating. Yan Ying and the others have told everyone that you risked your death for food, and the team members asked me to represent them. Thank you to the instructors for your life-saving grace!"

Yu Wenfeng glanced at the exhausted Fengdao and Zhang Wa and replied, "What is there to be thankful for? Being able to go through life and death together is the fate of our comrades! You ask Yanying and the three to eat something and come back as soon as possible to get the second batch of food. , we have too many people, this first batch of food will give everyone a foundation. Okay, the call is over!"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Wan Lin and said, "Leopard head, let's go out and have a look first!" He and his younger brother grabbed the rope by the hole. Wan Lin stood up to block the entrance of the cave and said, "Don't worry, the two of you will go in the next batch, eat this fish first to replenish your body's calories!" He took the rope in Yu Wenfeng's hand and glanced at Bao Ya at the side entrance of the cave.

Bao Ya cracked open his mouth and smiled, stood up from the entrance of the cave, stretched out his hand to take the rope from Yu Wenyu's hand and said, "This fish is really delicious to eat raw, no wonder people in the city love to eat sashimi. It’s a bit fishy to eat, but the more you chew, the more fragrant, haha, good stuff!”

As he said that, he stuffed the remaining piece of fish into Yu Wenyu's hands, turned his head to look at Wan Lin and said, "Leopard head, go!" He grabbed the rope and got up and jumped out of the hole. Wan Lin watched a few people wave their hands, and jumped out of the cave holding the rope.

The wind outside the cave was indeed much smaller, but the torrents rushing down the mountain were still splashing towards the foot of the mountain. The surrounding hillsides are full of silvery streams of water splashing with spray, and a golden light is shooting down from the thinning clouds. Clouds dyed red by sunlight have appeared in the sky above the dark clouds. Black clouds intertwined with patches of reddening clouds seemed to convey a kind of living hope to those trapped in the hurricane.

Wan Lin and Bao Ya clung to the rope in both hands, Xing Maru jumped up and down the cliff and fell to the **** below. The rock, resisting the strong wind and the splashes of water splashing over, then looked up at the rapids that were rushing down around them, and then turned sideways to look around.

The sea in the distance was still turbulent, and huge waves several meters high rose one after another, and the sound of the huge waves shook the eardrums of both of them. The surrounding hillsides were in a mess, big trees that had been blown off by the strong wind lay across the black rocks, and the branches swayed violently in the strong wind.

Wan Lin raised his left hand and wiped a handful of water droplets on his face. He was suddenly pleasantly surprised to find that in the gaps in the surrounding rocks and under the tree trunks that had fallen to the ground, there were many dead fish with white flowers scattered on the ground, one by one. Sea shells of various shapes are also scattered among them.

He was overjoyed and made a gesture to Bao Ya not far away, then fixed one end of the rope under him to a rock beside him, and then he rushed down to a big tree below, and then hugged the The tree trunk on the rock steadied his body, and he stretched out a hand to quickly pick up the shellfish and big fish under the rock crevice and the trunk and put them in the backpack behind him, and then moved sideways to pick up the surrounding food.

At this moment, the bodies of the two of them were shaking violently in the violent wind, UU reading www. The rope on top of's head, which was fixed at both ends, swayed violently in the air like a huge bow in the strong wind. Both Wan Lin and Bao Ya's hands were like eagle claws, just clasping the tree trunk under them, trying their best to stabilize their bodies.

More than half an hour later, the backpacks behind the two had swelled up. Wan Lin raised his hand to Bao Ya and made a retreat gesture, followed by sticking out a rope with his right hand to grab the top of his head and shaking it a few times, followed by a sudden shock under his feet. With a kick of a tree trunk, he jumped into the air, and his hands quickly climbed up along the violently swaying body.

At this moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew from the side, and Wan Lin, who was clinging to the cliff and climbing up, suddenly felt a strong force that lifted his body and blew him to the side, and his entire body had volleyed away from the cliff.

Just as he left the cliff, his left hand stretched forward like lightning, firmly grasping a rock protruding in front of him, a pink halo suddenly spurted out of his body at this moment, Like a huge gecko firmly fixed on the hard cliff.

At the same time, there was a faint exclamation in the huge wind. Bao Ya was caught off guard, and was blown up by the sudden wind. With the whistling wind, it flew towards the steep rock wall on the side of Wanlin.

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