Panther Commando

Chapter 2303: warm sunlight

readx(); Upon hearing Wan Lin's order, the Yuwen brothers loosened the rope and pulled Zhang Dahu and Yanying back into the cave. The two of them had already ventured out of the cave just now, assisting the injured Wan Lin and Bao Ya to return to the cave in the strong wind. Moreover, two batches of food have been brought back one after another. Although it is not enough for everyone to fully satisfy their stomachs, it has been possible to temporarily let the team members replenish some energy and relieve the urgent need.

Wan Lin watched Yuwen and the others walk back, glanced outside the cave where the wind was still whistling and the rain was pouring, turned his head to look at Yan Ying, who was squatting on the ground to pack food, and asked, "Yan Ying, when will this storm last? Completely past?"

Yan Ying stopped the saber in his hand, raised his eyes and looked out of the cave, and then listened to the wind for a while and replied, "The wind and waves on the sea are not small now. Judging from the current wind, it is estimated that it will not improve until tomorrow at the earliest."

After listening, Wan Lin nodded, took the two pieces of fish he handed over and said, "Everyone should eat more to recover their physical strength. Dahu, you two are at the monitoring point at the entrance of the cave, and let us know as soon as the weather improves." He stuffed the two pieces of fish into the hands of Zhang Dahu and Yan Ying, and immediately stood up with their hands on the rocks around them.

Zhang Dahu quickly stretched out his hand to help Wan Lin up. Wan Lin pushed Zhang Dahu's hand away, and then he held the wall of the cave and said to the wind knives, "Let's go, let's rest in a dry place in the cave. After tossing for a long time just now, I'm really tired now."

Wang Dali, who was beside him, quickly stood up and bent over to pick up Wan Lin. Wan Lin pushed him away with a smile, waved his hand and said, "It's okay, what is this injury? I can walk by myself." After that, he limped into the cave with the help of the cave wall, and vigorously walked over to take his Putting his left arm on his shoulder, he said, "Just bandage the wound, so be careful." Then he turned on the flashlight, and helped Wan Lin walk into the cave. Kong Dazhuang also helped Bao Ya and followed by the strong and weak flashlight in front of him.

Feng Dao and the others stood at the entrance of the cave and observed the weather outside the cave for a while, then took over the two big fish that Zhang Dahu and Yan Ying had handled, and dragged their wet bodies into the cave wearily.

Zhang Dahu and Yan Ying stood upright at the edge of the cave, quietly watching the tired figures of several instructors walking towards the cave, their bloodshot eyes covered with fog...

The storm continued until noon the next day, and a dazzling sunlight finally broke through the thick clouds over the deserted island, and shone on the uninhabited island gracefully.

Zhang Dahu and Yan Ying, who had been sitting near the entrance of the cave monitoring the outside of the cave, suddenly saw that it was bright outside. The two immediately stood up excitedly. Zhang Dahu turned around and shouted at Yan Ying: "Go and report to the chief instructor, The storm has stopped and the sun has come out!"

The originally dark entrance of the cave has been illuminated by the outside light, and the puddles filled with rain flashed white reflections in beams of white light, like irregular mirrors scattered in the rugged cave.

Yan Ying turned around and ran into the cave, shouting excitedly to the cave as he ran: "Chief Instructor, the wind and rain have stopped, and the sun has come out!" Several instructors who were leaning against the cave wall and closed their eyes, heard With the shout, everyone opened their eyes in surprise, Bao Ya raised his head and shouted loudly: "Haha, the storm has finally stopped, let's go, look!" After saying that, he kicked his legs and jumped up from the ground. On the other hand, Xiaohua's eyes flashed with blue light, and she jumped out from Wan Lin's side with a "whoosh" sound.

Kong Dazhuang, who was sitting next to Bao Ya, suddenly saw Bao Ya jumping up and shouted with a big mouth: "Your boy is pressing a spring under his butt? Why did he suddenly get up and startle me?" Several people around laughed. Zhang Wa took Wan Lin's arm and carefully lifted him up, and the group walked towards the entrance of the cave in surprise.

A few people turned two corners in the dark cave, and immediately saw that the dark cave in front had been illuminated by a golden sunlight, and the sunlight that shot into the cave seemed to have dispelled the cold air in the cave at this moment. , a warm breath is blowing on everyone's face with the breeze.

Wan Lin stopped while holding Zhang Wa's shoulder, and looked at the cave in front of him with joy. The golden sunlight is pouring into the originally dark cave through the water that is still flowing at the entrance of the cave. The thick water curtain that originally covered the entrance of the cave has now become a string of water droplets flowing down, and in the sunlight, it is as crystal clear as a string of beads hanging at the entrance of the cave.

The surrounding instructors also stopped and stared deeply at the suddenly bright cave in front of them, as if to imprint the strange scenery in front of them that had undergone life and death changes in their minds.

At this time, Zhang Dahu, who was bathed in the sun, was standing at the entrance of the cave with his gun sticking out of the cave, carefully observing the scene outside. He heard the footsteps behind him, quickly retracted the assault rifle held in front of him, turned around, and said happily to Wan Lin who was supported by Instructor Zhang: "Instructor, we finally wait for the sun, okay. It's comfortable!" He said, he took a step towards the edge of the cave, and made way for the several instructors who came.

Wan Lin limped to the entrance of the cave, he glanced outside, turned around and ordered Zhang Dahu: "Inform the brothers in the cave to come out! Yes!" Zhang Dahu answered excitedly, and raised his gun. ran into the cave. The wind knife on the side grabbed him and said with a smile: "You training captain is holding back in the cave, right? Try the communication equipment There should be a signal now!"

"Hahaha" Everyone laughed happily. The rays of sunlight that shot into the cave seemed to carry a strong aura of life, and all of these people who had been trapped in the cave for several days felt a sense of rebirth from the bottom of their hearts.

When Zhang Dahu heard what Instructor Feng said, he also stopped with a smile, lowered his head to the microphone and called the team leader Xu Liang, telling them that the typhoon had passed, and told them to come out quickly.

Xu Liang's excited voice came from Zhang Dahu's earphones, followed by a burst of deafening cheers, which made Zhang Dahu's eardrums "buzz", and the training team members in the cave heard This great news must have jumped up from the cold rock with a shout of joy.

Wan Lin and the others stared at the entrance of the cave with smiles on their faces. At this time, the thick water curtain covering the entrance of the cave has disappeared, and a string of transparent water is left above the top of the cave. A pair of crystal pearl curtains are hung at the entrance of the cave, and the bright sunlight is shining through the gap between the beads. The cave, in the cave formed a bunch of yellow light.

Wan Lin let go of Zhang Wa's left hand, leaned his body against the stone wall at the entrance of the cave, and looked out of the cave through the gap between the two streams of water and lifted the telescope hanging on his chest.

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