Panther Commando

Chapter 2304: raw seafood

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The island is in a mess, and there are still turbulent water currents flying down on the side hillsides. Under the sun, they are like long silver chains all over the mountains. The splashing water and mist reflect the colorful rays of light in the sun. charming.

Wan Lin lowered his head and looked down the hillside. Pieces of black boulders were scattered on the hillside. Tree trunks and branches and leaves that were broken by the hurricane were stuck in the middle of the boulders. Large silver-white fish, sea crabs, and shellfish were all over the stone cracks. And under the rocks, several large marine creatures and some seabird corpses swept up by the strong wind were also scattered on the hillside, and the whole hillside showed a ruined scene after being ravaged by the hurricane.

"The power of nature is too great!" Wan Lin exclaimed as he looked at the scene down the slope, and then raised his telescope to look at the sea in the distance.

There were still rough waves on the reef-covered coast. The waves of several meters high slapped the reefs standing in the sea, and the splashing white waves filled the coast. The sound of "rumbling" was It came faintly from the far shore.

Feng Dao stood on the other side of the cave and held a telescope to observe the scene outside. At this time, he looked at the waves splashing on the shore by the distant waves and exclaimed: "There is no wind and three feet of waves in the sea, it seems that the name of this sentence It's true! There is no wind on the island now, but the waves on the sea are still a few meters high!"

Zhang Wa and the others also stretched out their heads and looked out of the cave, their eyes widened when they looked at the ruined and messy hillside in front of them. Wan Lin turned his head to look at the people around him and said, "Let's go, let's go outside." He raised his feet and was about to walk out. Zhang Wa, who was next to him, quickly pulled him and said, "Be careful!" After snatching the backpack from Wan Lin's back and carrying it on his shoulders, Zhang Wa supported Wan Lin and drilled out of the cave together.

Wan Lin and the others walked to the hillside one after another, and looked at the marine creatures caught in the crevices of the rocks and under the fallen plants one by one in surprise, and immediately walked over and sat on the surrounding rocks, then bent over Pick up the fish and shells around you, pull out the saber and quickly clean up the delicious food in your hands, then cut off pieces of seafood and send them to your mouth.

At this time, Xu Liang and the training team also supported each other and got out of the cave. As soon as the team members who had become weak came out of the cave, they all raised their hands and rubbed their eyes that were stinged by the strong sunlight. He stared at the food on the hillside with gleaming eyes, then staggered down the hillside with a cheer, hurriedly bent over to pick up the food on the ground, followed by sitting on the hillside, pulled out his saber and quickly slashed a piece of it. The chunks of meat were stuffed into the mouth.

At this moment, all the training team members and instructors are gorging themselves with all kinds of seafood, and no one cares to say a word.

Wan Lin chewed a piece of conch meat in his mouth hard, raised his eyes and looked at the surrounding training team members with relief, the corners of his mouth raised slightly to reveal a smile. At this time, the mouths of the surrounding team members were full, and they stretched their necks like ducks, swallowing the food in their mouths. Everyone was chewing hard, but their eyes were staring at the green light of the seafood in the surrounding rock crevices, and no one could care to savor these rare marine creatures.

Wan Lin and Zhang Wa killed a large conch shell. The two looked up at the devoured training campers around and laughed. Zhang Wa laughed and shouted, "Everyone, be careful, eat in moderation, and don't eat too much!" When everyone is hungry, if you eat too much, you may hurt the spleen and stomach.

At this time, Fengdao walked over with a fish while eating, looked at Wan Lin and said, "The communicator of the training team has reported the situation to the navy and the brigade headquarters. The navy said that their ships have been dispatched and are now on their way to We set off from this area. They said that the typhoon has moved to the area where they are located, and it is estimated that the rescue ships will not be able to reach this area until the night after tomorrow. Brigade Litou and the others have been unable to communicate with us for the past few days, and they are all in a panic.”

Wan Lin nodded solemnly, knowing that his family members must have been anxiously waiting in the communication center these days, constantly contacting him. He looked at the clear sky, grabbed his backpack from Dali, took out the satellite phone, and called the brigade directly.

As soon as his call was made, Li Dongsheng's voice came over, Wan Lin quickly reported the situation on his side in detail, and Li Dongsheng said loudly after listening, "Okay, the team members are safe! It's in danger! Survival, this is the real field survival training, the real training for the training team members at this time. There are no wounded members of the team members, right?"

Wan Lin hesitated for a while looking at his injured leg, then said with a smile: "No, everyone is eating fresh seafood outside the cave now! Would you like to bring some for you?" He did not report the injury of himself and Bao Ya. , afraid of Li Tou and the others.

"Fuck you, it won't be stinky fish and rotten shrimp if you bring it back? Just eat more for us!" Li Dongsheng scolded with a smile, his tone was very relaxed, and Xiaoya and Lingling came from Wan Lin's earphones. A crisp laughter.

Li Dongsheng then added: "I just contacted the navy, and they said that the ship picking you up is now on the edge of a typhoon, and its traveling speed is very slow. It is expected to arrive at your waters the day after tomorrow. Do you need to drop some supplies for you?"

Wan Lin looked around and hurriedly said: "No Now the island is full of fresh water and food, we can just enjoy and enjoy these delicious seafood." Li Dongsheng scolded after listening: "Stinky boy , greedy for us. By the way, Xiaoya and Lingling, as well as Cheng Ru, Lao Hong and the others asked me to bring them to say hello to you, you guys have worked hard!" He immediately hung up the phone with a smile.

With a smile on his face, Wan Lin slowly put down the phone that was in his ear, and looked up at the distant coast with an obsessive look in his eyes. At this moment, Xiaoya's anxious face suddenly appeared in front of him, as if those two big beautiful eyes were looking at him anxiously from the sea. His heart jumped a few times, and a blush suddenly flashed across his dark face.

He shook his head gently, and a warm current suddenly rose in his heart. Xiaoya, Lingling, Chengru, Zisheng, Li Tou, and Laohong must have been waiting day and night beside the communication equipment for the past few days without closing their eyes.

At this time, Zhang Dahu and Yan Ying were holding a big fish in their left hand, and they came from the side hillside while eating with saber in their right hand. Zhang Dahu walked up to Wan Lin and said, "Instructor, the navy said we can only arrive the day after tomorrow, and we still need to stock up on some food for the next two days. Yan Ying just said that now after the sun comes out, these edible things on the hillside will disappear. It rots quickly."

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