Panther Commando

Chapter 2305: weight loss center

When Wan Lin heard Zhang Dahu's words, he hurriedly stuffed the phone into his backpack, shook his head vigorously to bring his thoughts back to reality, then looked up at Zhang Dahu and Yan Ying and replied, "Yes, I was just going to talk to you about this. Let everyone find clean water sources to fill the kettles, and then gather the edible things to deal with. Yan Ying, you grew up by the sea, you should know how to deal with these fresh seafood. Let the players talk."

Yan Ying on the side quickly said: "Okay, let the team members clean up the meat, rub it with the salt we carry, and then put it in a cool place to dry. Hehe, this is my chef's specialty, and now I can't find it on the island. To the dry wood, or smoking it will quickly remove the moisture in the food to prevent it from rotting, I will tell the team members." After saying that, he turned around and ran to the side hillside, greeting everyone as he ran.

Zhang Dahu then looked down at Wan Lin's bandaged left leg, and asked in a low voice, "Do you need to call a hygienist to come and take a look?" The wind knife on the side said with a smile, "No, the chief instructor himself is the best hygienist. ."

Wan Lin also smiled and waved his hand and said, "It's alright, just a little skin trauma, it will be fine in two days." He raised his hand to look at the date on his watch and said, "The original ten-day field survival training was scheduled. It's long overdue, and it seems that everyone's harvest is not small this time."

Feng Dao and Zhang Dahu on the side looked at each other's thin faces and nodded with a smile. Zhang Dahu turned his head and glanced at the dark, thin and weak appearance of the surrounding team members, and suddenly said with a smile: "In the past ten days of training, the team members will lose at least seven or eight pounds of meat. There are so many fat people in society today. They are thrown on this deserted island for a few days, I don't believe they can't lose weight, they must succeed in losing weight!"

"Hahaha, great idea!" Zhang Wa and Bao Ya, who were walking by, said with a smile when they heard his words. The two walked in front of Wan Lin and several others, and Zhang Wa continued: "After retiring, we will set up such a weight loss center on a deserted ocean island. I don't believe that we can't make a fortune. Our weight loss center definitely has a reputation for weight loss. Ten days later I guarantee they can let the wind blow away!"

Wan Lin and the others all laughed, and Bao Ya, who was beside him, grinned and said, "Mr. Zhang, that's it, I'll do it with you in the future! Hey, you kid is in charge of investing, and the money we earn can be yours. It should be divided equally", Zhang Wa stared at Bao Ya and shouted: "You kid is too good at reckoning, I want to divide your investment equally with you? What kind of business is this!"

Bao Ya smiled and said: "Who made your kid rich! I'm so poor, I can only throw this stinky bag into it. Besides, our brothers share life and death, as close as brothers, and the money must be divided equally. Otherwise If you talk about it, others will definitely call you a miser, it's too boring, and you will definitely be scolded!"

Feng Dao and Wang Dali on the side also laughed. Wang Dali laughed and said: "Yes, yes, Lao Feng and I also put this pair of stinky skins into it. We will divide it equally, and we must divide it equally! We must not let the baby be scolded."

Zhang Wa stared at Wang Dali and the three of them, as if she didn't know them, and then smiled, "My mother, what kind of people have I handed over here? I'll hurry away from you." He stepped back, but behind him was a tree trunk blown by the typhoon, and his heels stumbled on the thick trunk, and he fell backwards on his back.

"Be careful!" Zhang Dahu hurriedly reached out and grabbed Zhang Wa's arm, but at this moment, Zhang Wa was already in the air, flipped over in the air and fell to the hillside below, and then stepped on a large conch. He swayed violently, then jumped up like a spring to avoid obstacles under his feet, and landed lightly on a rock on the side to stand firm.

"Hahaha, let you be stingy, come and pay for it!" Bao Ya shouted loudly, shaking his bandaged hands, Wan Lin, Feng Dao and Wang Dali also laughed. Zhang Dahu, who was on the side, looked at Zhang Wa, who was turned out like a spring, in astonishment, and opened his mouth for a long time and did not close it.

At this time, he was really shocked when he saw Instructor Zhang's neat skills with his own eyes. He did not expect that all these instructors had such a high level of kung fu. Just a few unintentional revelations by Instructor Zhang had already revealed a martial artist's sensitive reaction, super strength, and deep internal skills in his body.

After the storm, although the deserted island was full of messy and ruined scenes, it made the team members trapped in the dark cave feel a kind of excitement they had never experienced before. This is a personal experience of the rest of their lives.

Before the storm came, they had been complaining about the blazing sunshine above their heads on the desert island, but now they were bathed in the dazzling sunshine, but suddenly they felt a warmth they had never felt before. Although the faces of these team members have become a little black and thin, and their expressions are still extremely tired, but their eyes have shown a kind of vitality.

Everyone felt the super power of nature in this super hurricane, and finally walked out of the dark cave after the catastrophe. This is indeed a rare survival experience. In the past few days, they have experienced the feeling of living and dying together with their comrades in They saw the instructors rushed out of the cave at the risk of their lives. At this moment, each and every one of their training camp members finally understand what is the friendship of life and death, and what is a real special soldier!

At this time, Zhang Dahu was sitting on the rock on the hillside, chewing a piece of conch meat in his mouth, but he looked at the surrounding training team members. The eyes of every hungry team member were shining brightly, and they were nibbling at pieces of raw meat with bloodshot eyes in their hands. It seemed that these jerky seafood in front of them were the best delicacies in the world. They chewed hard in their mouths, but their red eyes were still staring at the corpses of marine animals stuck in the crevices of the rocks, as if the food on the hillside could fit into their stomachs.

Several instructors had already eaten some food. At this time, they stretched the blood-stained saber into the surrounding puddles to carefully clean it, then inserted it into the scabbard by the leg, and then raised their heads to the surrounding area with great interest. Looking at them, they all laughed when they saw each and everyone of the team members devoured them.

Looking at the team members, Wan Lin sighed in his heart: This field survival training has indeed made every team member feel the power and brutality of nature. This kind of violent storm at sea is indeed something that cannot be resisted by manpower. Now, everyone is enjoying the beauty of life to the fullest after experiencing such hardships of life and death. I believe that the experience of survival in the wild during the military career will be forever engraved in the minds of these training camp members, and will accompany them to complete their wonderful life.

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