Panther Commando

Chapter 2325: greedy pirate

?The shore is soaked on the reef in the sea, and there are several boys with blood and blood on their backs. These people are obviously rolled up by the waves and smashed on the reef. It seems that there is no breath. A large pool of red bloodstains, and the surging sea water around it has turned pink.

A group of pirates gasped mournfully, with despair in their eyes. Although they were fortunate enough to climb to the shore alive, they all knew in their hearts that this was the deserted island known as the Island of Death. They might only temporarily prolong their lives, and the final outcome might be the same as those lying on the rocks in front of them. mates.

At this time, a middle-aged man in his 40s with a pistol hanging from his waist and an assault rifle behind him suddenly stood up shaking. This man is thin, with a black and thin face showing traces of years of life at sea, and a pair of small eyes with a tyrannical look on his high cheekbones. Although there is also a tired look on his face, the whole person They all look very sharp. Obviously, he is the leader of this group of pirates.

He turned his head and glanced at his companion who was sitting on the shore with his head drooping. Suddenly, he said a series of words, and the people around him immediately climbed up from the reef wearily. Several of them just stood up, and their legs trembled violently. Then he squatted down holding his stomach limply.

At this time, the group of pirates felt that their stomachs were already hungry. They battled hurricanes at sea for days on end, had no chance to eat at all on the violently turbulent fishing reels, and even if they ate something in such turbulent waves, they would immediately spit it out in the turbulent turbulence. Now that they have survived the catastrophe, the nerves that have been terrified and tense have finally relaxed, but they immediately feel a strong hunger.

The pirate leader looked at his companions, and his dim eyes suddenly lit up. At this time, he suddenly discovered that these men were still carrying assault rifles.

When the hurricane came, they panicked with their rifles behind their backs and fled into the cabin. These precious weapons were the ones that their pirates used to make a living at sea. No one dared to throw them away unless it was a last resort. The leader of the island did not expect that under such dangerous conditions at sea, these subordinates actually fled to this deserted island with weapons on their backs.

He was overjoyed, as long as he had a weapon in his hand, he believed that he could rely on the bullet in his hand to obtain the prey that flew in the sky and ran on the ground, and they would not starve to death on this uninhabited desert island. And there are some unknown dangers on the deserted island, and he believes that he, the fully armed people, can deal with it.

He said his thoughts to the thirty or so subordinates around him to encourage everyone, and then pulled out his pistol and waved it at everyone, reminding them to pay attention to the danger. Immediately, he took them to the hillside not far away.

The hurricane has just passed, and there are still many remains on the hillside that were rolled up and thrown to the barren hills on the side of the hillside. They sat on the hillside and devoured a meal, and then lay tiredly in the sheltered place on the hillside that night. Fall asleep without moving. They fought against the hurricane at sea for several days. They were already exhausted physically and mentally. After eating, they fell weakly on the hillside and closed their eyes.

When the pirate leader opened his eyes, it was already the next morning. The boy quietly stared at the bright sun above his head, without making a sound for a long time. At this time, he suddenly recalled a legend that had been passed down among their pirates for generations. The legend said that this desert island located in the depths of the sea contained a huge pirate treasure.

Under the great temptation of this legend, the ancestors of these pirates tried to land on this deserted island several times to find this treasure, but no one ever walked out of this barren island alive, and they were all gone without any news. . Now, the boy narrowed his eyes and carefully looked at the dark rocks around him, and a greedy thought suddenly rose in his heart.

He turned his head to look at the still choppy sea around him, and secretly said in his heart: The hurricane has already blown them onto this deserted island, and it is God's will to let him get this huge treasure! Thinking of this, he excitedly stood up from the hillside and looked up into the depths of a messy desert island.

The deserted island is full of scenes of devastation after the hurricane. Apart from the sound of the waves crashing on the shore, there are only a few whining seabirds hovering over the deserted island, as if looking for their lost partner in the hurricane. sad.

Hearing the whine of these seabirds, this kid looked up at the sky and suddenly thought, no matter whether there are treasures on the deserted island, now they must find the living materials to keep them alive. This is their top priority. Those legendary treasures!

At this time, this kid has realized that the most urgent task now is to find the supplies to survive on the deserted island as soon as possible. Those marine creatures on the deserted island that were blown to the island by the strong wind will soon become under the blazing sunlight. A pile of stinky fish and rotten shrimp, if they can't find other food and fresh water as soon as possible, they will starve and die of thirst on this uninhabited desert island sooner or later.

He raised his eyes and looked at the seaside. Now that the hurricane has just passed, it is very likely that there are wrecked freighters or fishing boats blown by the hurricane on the coast. There must be living supplies they need. Since this place is called the island of death, there must be many unknown dangers hidden on the island, otherwise it would not be called the island of death by those fishermen. Therefore, he must bring his men to find the living materials that can He thought of this, and hurriedly called up a group of pirates beside him, ordering them to quickly find some food on the hillside, and immediately brought as they walked along the coast to the depths of the island.

At this time, the deserted island was already bright, and the sea breeze was blowing slowly from the sea, but the sea was already rough, and the white waves were still surging high, slapped the black around the deserted island fiercely. reef.

He took a group of pirates along the coast anxiously looking for the ship in trouble. They walked forward for a few hours, and suddenly found pieces of smashed ship wrecks scattered on the shore ahead. A group of pirates were overjoyed and walked quickly forward.

It was noon at this time, and they had just turned the foot of the mountain along the coast when they saw a group of sailors sitting in front of them hugging and eating in front of a cabinet. A group of pirates rushed forward excitedly, but the group of seamen immediately found their figures and immediately fled to the side of the mountain with their things in their hands.

A group of pirates came to the front cabinet and saw at a glance that it was a food cabinet on a ship. At this time, the cabinet was empty, and only some food scraps such as bread were scattered on the coast.


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