Panther Commando

Chapter 2326: Pirates asking for help

? A group of pirates were furious when they saw the empty food cabinet, knowing that the food inside had been taken by the seafarers ahead. ?`? The dozen or so pirates who arrived first immediately scolded and chased after them, chasing and firing at the fleeing sailors.

The pirate leader immediately rushed to the shore with another twenty or so people. He raised his hand to stop his men who were about to get up and chase after him. He looked up at the several containers immersed in the sea water, and his eyes immediately showed a greedy look.

He knew in his heart that the goods in every container were a huge wealth. The sailors in front were bare-handed, and it was enough to catch up with more than a dozen people to grab the food back, and there was no need to rush over.

When they heard someone firing a gun in front of them and shouting "Huaxia soldiers", several pirates who were familiar with the Chinese language immediately translated the other party's shouting. But this group of pirates are very familiar with the situation in the surrounding waters, and they do not believe that Chinese soldiers will suddenly appear on this dangerous island with dense reefs and no living conditions at all.

They always thought that the warning sound and the sudden sound of gunshots were the bluffs of those chased freighter employees finding an assault rifle, so they did not take the sudden situation ahead in their minds. But what they didn't expect was that a sniper appeared on the top of the mountain, and the machine gun sound like fried beans rang violently. ?`

Until then, the pirates were completely panicked. The accurate sniping and the rain of bullets swept out by the machine guns, as well as the black shadows moving fast on the top of the mountain and the hillside in front, made them suddenly realize that this desolate island did indeed appear. Su's Chinese troops.

Most of these pirates have been in the army, and they have gone through trials and tribulations in the life of pirates for many years. At this time, only by the rain of bullets whizzing past, they have already judged that their opponents are by no means ordinary troops.

The opponent's accurate marksmanship and sudden outflanking situation are by no means the combat level of ordinary troops. They must be facing a well-trained special force. The shooting level of ordinary troops is not as accurate and reaction speed. .

At this time, a group of pirates relied on the surrounding reefs and the undulating terrain on the hillside, and while extending their muzzles to shoot at the top of the mountain and the hillside in front, they quietly retreated to the back along the raised rocks and bushes on the hillside.

Wan Lin was lying behind the rock on the top of the mountain and slowly moved the gun body. Through the scope on the gun body, he quietly swept the spot where the opponent was spewing flames, and then the gun muzzle followed to aim at the reef area on the coast. ???.

A burst of shouting was faintly coming from the seaside. He focused his ears and listened carefully. The bursts of "creeping" came clearly into his ears, but after listening to a few words, he didn't even know what language the other party was shouting in.

He slowly moved the muzzle of the gun to search for it, and soon found that the shout was coming from behind a black reef. A black figure was lying behind the reef while watching the surroundings nervously, shouting loudly.

Wan Lin took aim for a while and slowly raised his head, thinking to himself: "This kid must have undergone special training, he is located at a distance of 1500 to 600 meters away from him, obviously he knows that these people can't show up with a heavy sniper. It's on a desert island, so the chosen location is very safe. It seems that this kid has a lot of combat experience and should be the leader of this group of pirates, but what is he shouting with his head down in this unfavorable situation?"

Thinking of this, he felt a move in his heart, and immediately leaned behind the gun and looked at the boy's location again. At this time, he realized that the other party was holding a walkie-talkie in his left hand, and he was desperately shouting into the walkie-talkie.

Wan Lin turned his head and glanced at the right-wing hillside behind him, his face became a little nervous, he turned his head and suddenly shouted into the microphone: "Zhang Dahu, order the electronic countermeasures officer to block the radio signal of the opponent, quickly complete the outflanking, and destroy the enemy below! "

At this moment, he suddenly realized that the pirate chief was holding a walkie-talkie and shouting on this deserted island, indicating that there were most likely their accomplices in other places on the island, or their accomplices on the surrounding sea. According to the effective communication range of the walkie-talkie, the location of the other party's accomplice must be within 20 to 30 kilometers, and the trouble is on the island.

As soon as he issued the order, he saw that the other party suddenly shook the walkie-talkie in his hand a few times, followed by sticking out half of his head from behind the reef, and looked towards the top of the mountain in astonishment, apparently realizing that his radio signal was blocked. .

Wan Lin coldly pulled the trigger when he saw half of the other's head sticking out. "Pfft," his sniper rifle immediately spewed out a faint spark, and a few pieces of rubble burst out from a black reef not far from the opponent.

The boy who just looked up to the top of the mountain suddenly felt a hot wind passing over his head, and with a crisp "pop" sound, several pieces of debris hit by bullets roared from the rocks on his side, sharp and sharp. The gravel slashed several bloodstains on the boy's face like a knife.

The boy groaned, his head shrank back from the side of the rock like lightning, his body was lying in the sea water next to the reef, and he only poked his head against the rock in front of him from the surging sea, and then turned his head in horror. Looking to his side, only then did he see that there was a white mark on a dark reef not far away. It was obviously a mark hit by the opponent's sniper He was stunned for a while, and suddenly understood in his heart. He had already revealed his identity by holding the walkie-talkie. He couldn't help shivering. The top of the mountain was more than a thousand meters away from where he was. This distance must have exceeded the effective range of the opponent's sniper rifle, but the opponent still accurately hit him. Orientation, if it were any closer, his head would definitely bloom!

He was indeed calling for support just now. At that time, several other pirate ships were lucky to pass by this dangerous sea area with the hurricane, so he took out the walkie-talkie on him and tried to make an emergency call, hoping that they would hear the sound and come to the rescue. He knew that although these people had good combat effectiveness, they simply couldn't compare with the group of Chinese soldiers who had undergone special training in front of him.

He called a few times loudly, but he didn't expect the voice of his companion to come through the walkie-talkie. Overjoyed, he recounted the situation on the deserted island and requested emergency support from his companions on the sea. But the pirates on the sea immediately rejected his request on the grounds that the surrounding waters were densely covered with reefs.

This kid scolded a few times in his heart, but he also knew that this sea area is indeed full of hidden reefs. These treacherous and selfish pirates will never take risks easily for no reason. These people are all profit-seeking people, that is, himself. Under such circumstances, it will never come to rescue others in danger.

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