Panther Commando

Chapter 2331: right hillside


The hillside on the right was already bouncing like locusts, whistling past Wanlin, and the intense gunfire was deafening. On the hillside 300 meters in front of Wan Lin, three silhouettes lay in a skirmish line among the rocks, and three fiery snakes were spraying from the barrels in front of them.

Kong Dazhuang's machine gun was placed between two rocks, and his sturdy body was shaking slightly with the fire snakes spewing from the muzzle. Brother Feng Yu was also lying behind the surrounding rocks, and clusters of firelight were sweeping towards the hillside below.

Wan Lin raised the muzzle of his gun and glanced up the hillside. At a glance, he saw that the wind knife was hiding and running towards the top of the mountain with the help of the cover of a piece of rock, preparing to detour over the enemy to intercept the enemy who was trying to climb the top of the mountain.

Wan Lin observed the positions of several comrades-in-arms, and then moved the muzzle to look towards the hillside ahead. A group of black shadows scattered on the hillside were jumping quickly between the rocks, their movements were as agile as apes, and firelight was spurting out of their jumping figures. of gravel.

At this time, Kong Dazhuang was lying on the back of the rock with his machine gun in his arms, and was shooting from a crack in the rock to shoot in front of him. The Yuwen brothers could only hide behind the rock. Sweep away. In the dense firepower of the enemy, the three did not dare to lean out at all.

Wan Lin raised the muzzle of his gun and looked at the distant hillside. There were four or five motionless shadows lying on the hillside. Apparently, they were shot and killed by a few wind knives who suddenly appeared on the hillside during the rescue, which slowed down the speed of their rescue.

Wan Lin's eyes quickly swept across the battlefield ahead. At present, the pirates on the hillside have been divided into three parts. A dozen black shadows on the hillside in front are hidden on the hillside, and they are shooting bullets at the positions of Kong Dazhuang and the Yuwen brothers with their guns.

On the back slope, there are more than a dozen black shadows running to the top of the mountain quickly, and under the cover of the firepower of the hillside, more than a dozen black shadows are slanting along the hillside to the foot of the mountain, trying to outflank Dali and others from the foot of the mountain. .

Wan Lin saw the situation on the battlefield, and immediately judged in his heart that there were about forty pirates in the group of pirates who rushed to help, and they all had rich combat experience like the group of pirates on the left hillside surrounded by the training team. The battle situation was very unfavorable for Feng Dao and the others.

Judging from the current reaction of the pirates, they have found that the number of air knives is very small from the fire from the front of the hillside, so they are now taking advantage of the large number of people and guns to organize some people to take advantage of the firepower in front to suppress the large number of people. The firepower of Zhuang and Fengyu, while the 20 or 30 people behind them, under the cover of the firepower of their companions, divided their troops into two groups, rushing to the top of the mountain all the way, and the other way from the bottom of the hillside to covertly outflank, trying to solve the opponent on the hillside as soon as possible. Go to the opposite hillside to rescue your companions.

Fortunately, the wind knife was moving up the hillside with a hidden figure, and the enemy did not find him and the sniper who suddenly appeared.

Wan Lin instantly saw the situation in front of him and judged the enemy's action strategy. He immediately commanded into the microphone: "Wind knife, hand over the enemies near the top of the mountain to me, and you can support the big and strong people from the top of the mountain!"

Saying that, he moved the muzzle to aim at a shadow running towards the top of the mountain in the distance and pulled the trigger, then quickly moved the muzzle to aim at another shadow and pulled the trigger.

With the slight gunshots of "poof" and "poof", a group of pirates who were running towards the top of the mountain in the distance suddenly saw two clusters of red blood mist rising above the heads of the two companions in front. It fell sideways to the side of the hillside, rolling down the hillside with a stream of bright red blood.

The surrounding pirates were startled when they saw this, and immediately rushed to the back of the rock on the hillside. There was a horrified cry from behind their hidden rock, apparently to remind their companions that there was a sniper on the other side. The pirates who were running around heard the shouts, and immediately rushed behind the cover on the side of the mountain, and then nervously stuck their heads out of the sides and crevices of the rocks, and looked at Wan Lin vigilantly.

Wan Lin killed two pirates in a row, then grabbed his crutches from the rock beside him, suddenly jumped up from the rock like a big bird, pounced directly on a pile of rocks on the side, and squatted in the pile of rocks. Climb into the middle of a few rocks to hide, slowly extend the sniper barrel from the crack in the rocks, and stare coldly at the movement of the enemy in the distance through the scope.

At this time, his left leg was injured and it was inconvenient to move, so he simply jumped directly from the rock and quickly moved to the second sniping point that was observed in advance, but he did not dare to maneuver in a wide range to avoid the deterioration of the injury.

The gunshots of the pirates on the hillside suddenly disappeared. The hillside in front of them was attacking the dozen or so pirates who were taking advantage of their firepower. At this time, when they heard the shouts of their companions behind, Yeer quickly hid to the surrounding rocks and low-lying places. , No one dared to easily expose his body on the hillside. On the battlefield, no one dares to easily expose their body to the muzzle of a sniper rifle with an ultra-long range.

A group of pirates had just taken cover and were about to stretch out their muzzles to shoot in front of them. Suddenly, the sound of an air knife's assault rifle rang out on the hillside near the top of the mountain. The three pirates who were not on the side of the cover were suddenly attacked. The bullet hit, tumbling out from behind the hidden rock, screaming and rolling down the slope. The gunshots of brothers Dazhuang and Yuwen on the hillside below followed.

Following the shrill screams that suddenly sounded on the hillside, the surrounding pirates immediately stretched out their barrels from the Some of them swept towards the position of Yuwen Brothers and Kong Dazhuang in front of them, while others raised their hands The muzzle of the gun swept "da da da" in the direction of the mountain top where the wind knife was located.

The dense rain of bullets from the enemy immediately covered the front hillside and where the wind knives were. A string of bullets whizzed past where several people were, and the hillside around them splashed with gravel and dust. The several people who were strafing with the wind knives were immediately suppressed by the dense firepower of the enemy, and they all quickly retracted their guns and hid behind the rocks. The pirates in the distance also took advantage of the situation to get out from behind the rocks and bushes, and ran towards the top of the mountain with their guns.

The situation is extremely critical. Once the enemy reaches the top of the mountain, the entire battle situation will be reversed immediately! Wan Lin anxiously aimed at the pirates in the distance and was about to pull the trigger.

At this moment, a few black shadows suddenly flashed from the top of the mountain, followed by seeing a few grenades flying out from the top of the mountain with blue smoke, and flew straight to the hillside where the pirates were, and several guns were rushing towards. The pirate on the top of the mountain suddenly saw the black ball flying straight towards his position, and immediately screamed and turned around and fled down the slope.

"Boom boom boom" grenade explosion sounded on the hillside, and the huge explosion shock wave flew around with steel fragments, dust and gravel whizzing around.


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