Panther Commando

Chapter 2332: fire saw


"Da da da", "bang bang bang", Wan Lin's familiar sounds of assault rifles and light machine guns followed from the top of the mountain. The wind knives who were hiding behind the rock were overjoyed and knew that their reinforcements had arrived!

Several people immediately stretched out their muzzles from behind the hidden rocks, and a string of bullets whistled and swept away to several dark shadows in the distance. Several pirates who were flying forward in the blast wave, followed the flying bullets. fell on the hillside.

Several grenades flew from the top of the mountain, and the explosions of "Boom Boom" sounded one after another from the hillside where the pirates gathered, followed by three fire snakes sprayed from the top of the mountain, and the bullets roared towards the hillside where the pirates were hidden. go.

Several pirates who had just moved their bodies to avoid the fragments of the grenade exploded in the sound of the explosion, immediately trembled violently a few times in the dense rain of bullets on the top of the mountain, and then fell limply among the black rocks.

Wan Lin's sniping and the sudden burst of gunshots from the top of the mountain caused the pirates on the hillside to panic. The pirates who were just shooting frantically immediately retracted their bodies to the cover, and the violent gunshots on the hillside immediately weakened at this moment. down.

At this moment, a burst of screeching shouts suddenly sounded from the hillside in the distance, followed by "da-da-da" and "da-da-da", and a burst of intense gunshots sounded again from the hillside where the pirates were. The pirates who had just been suppressed by the firepower suddenly leaned out from behind the cover again, raised their guns and swept towards the hillside and the top of the mountain in front of them. The whistling rain of bullets instantly suppressed the firepower of several instructors.

Intensive gunshots echoed fiercely in the mountains. The mountainside where Fengdao, Fengyu Brothers, and Kong Dazhuang were located, as well as the mountainside where Zhang Wa, Bao Ya, and Wang Dali were located, were flying everywhere. Pieces of gravel hit by dense bullets. He Chenwu, the battlefield situation that had just been reversed, was suppressed by the powerful firepower of the enemy in a blink of an eye.

The wind knife immediately hid behind the rock in the dense rain of bullets from the enemy, then quickly retreated a few meters on the hillside, dodged its shooting position, and crawled behind the rock on the side along the low-lying place on the hillside, followed by another. Raise your gun and sweep at the enemy in front of you. Feng Yu and Kong Dazhuang also changed their shooting positions at the same time, and the gunshots sounded intermittently.

Although several people quickly changed their shooting positions on the hillside, once they fired, their location would be chased by a dense rain of bullets, and the rocks in front of them and the surrounding hillsides were immediately covered by the howling rain of bullets from the enemy. . In this kind of positional warfare, the weakness of the lack of firepower of several people was immediately revealed. At present, when changing shooting positions, they can only shoot short bursts of fire at the location of the enemy in front.

But it was the bullets that were fired intermittently, all of which accurately hit the surrounding rocks on the hillside that were blazing. Shooting forward with an assault rifle. The few pirates who wanted to take advantage of the firepower of their companions to climb forward also quickly hid behind the rock at this time, lest the opponent's accurate bullet hit them.

At this time, the pirates had realized that although the number of opponents was small, they were well-armed, well-trained, and their marksmanship was extremely accurate. Now the opponents occupied the extremely favorable terrain of the top of the mountain. Crossfire was formed on their location.

Now, let alone supporting their comrades on the opposite side of the mountain, it is absolutely impossible for them to retreat. Therefore, they were all lying on the hillside, raising their guns and shooting desperately at the top of the mountain and the hillside in front of them, trying to suppress their opponents with firepower.

Wan Lin was lying in the gap between the two rocks, slowly moving the muzzle to observe the battle situation. At this moment, he aimed at a pirate in the distance who was shooting frantically with his head open, and pulled the trigger lightly.

With the slight shock of his gun, a blood mist immediately rose from the top of the opponent's head. The body lying on the rock suddenly flew out of the rock, and flew backwards like a rag bag with both arms outstretched, and then followed the hillside. After scrolling down twice, he lay there motionless, and the bright red blood stained the surrounding hillside immediately.

The pirates who were shooting around turned their heads in astonishment, and fear flashed in their eyes. In the midst of their fierce firepower, the opponent's sniper actually opened the head of his comrade with a single shot, which really made their hearts. Frightened, his fingers moved away from the trigger involuntarily, and he hurriedly retracted his body behind the sheltered rock.

At the moment when the sound of their gunfire weakened, the sound of "bang bang bang" machine guns was heard from the top of the mountain. Rolling out with the sound of violent machine guns, screaming and rolling down the hillside. The gunshots of several people on the opposite side of the wind knife also rang out.

At this moment, the shouting from the hillside in the distance sounded again. Obviously, the shouting boy was the leader of this group of pirates. With his shouts, the pirates stuck their heads out from behind the cover again, raised their guns and pulled the trigger at the opponent's location.

Every pirate has realized in the shout of his leader: If you want to survive, you can only fight to the death, suppress the opponent's firepower as soon as possible and seize the highest point on the top of the mountain.

One by one, the pirates immediately stretched out their guns from behind the rocks, and the fire snakes roared and spewed out of the guns, and went straight to the front of the hillside to sweep away. At this time, a few grenades were thrown from the top of the mountain, the explosion sound of "Boom" sounded again, and the gunshots on the top of the mountain became more intense.

The firepower of the two sides went up and down like a The battle entered a tense stalemate. Just as the firepower of the pirates was suppressed by the grenades and bullets thrown from the top of the mountain, "Whoosh", "Whoosh", two fiery snakes suddenly flew up from the hillside and flew straight to the top of the mountain with the whistling sound of machine guns.

It was Zhang Wa, Bao Ya and machine gunner Wang Dali who were fighting fiercely on the top of the mountain. At this time, the three of them avoided the fierce firepower of the enemy and suddenly appeared on the top of the mountain. They just suppressed the enemy's arrogance by virtue of the strong firepower of the condescending height.

But the eyes of several people immediately saw two clusters of flames spewing out through the smoke below. The three of them were shocked, and immediately rolled out behind the rocks around them with their guns in their hands.

"Boom", "Boom", the two groups of explosions followed the top of the mountain dozens of meters behind them, and pieces of gravel fell to their hidden places.

With the burst of fire on the top of the mountain, there was another cry of "creeping" from the hillside. With the shouting, a group of pirates who had been suppressed on the half-hillside risked their guns to shoot frantically at the top of the mountain and the hillside in front of them. Grenades also roared towards the hillside where Fengdao and several others were. Several grenades also flew towards the top of the mountain again with a sharp air-breaking sound.


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