Panther Commando

Chapter 2333: tough fight

"Be careful! Gun grenades!" Wan Lin and Feng Dao saw the enemy's gun grenades flying out in succession, and they all shouted loudly into the microphone, reminding Zhang Wa and the others to pay attention to safety.

With the disappearance of the gunshots on the top of the mountain, the firepower of the enemy who had just been suppressed suddenly became fierce again, and the ferocious bullets flew towards the hillside where Wan Lin and Fengdao were located. behind the rock.

In an instant, bullets flew horizontally on the hillside, and the sharp screams of bullets piercing the air echoed over the heads of several people in Wanlin. The clods and gravels hit by the bullets on the hillside flew in front of several people, and bursts of explosions shrouded in flames. On the hillside, black gunpowder smoke filled the entire hillside with the mountain wind.

Wan Lin saw through the crack in the rock in front of him, and saw that the opponent suddenly organized a more ferocious counterattack. His heart trembled, and he immediately moved the muzzle to aim at the top of the mountain through the thick smoke of the hillside. The opponent's firepower suddenly increased, obviously to make some moves.

Sure enough, he looked through the scope on the gunshots, and immediately saw a dozen pirates climbing up the hillside, undulating and rushing towards the top of the mountain under the cover of the fierce firepower of their companions.

Wan Lin moved his gun to aim at the pirates running ahead, and quickly pulled the trigger a few times. Immediately after, he moved his gun to aim at the hill in front of him, pulled the trigger a few times at the pirates who were shooting at the wind knives, and then withdrew the gun and turned his head, and threw himself into another piece of rock on the side. .

On this smoke-filled hillside, after he shot down a few enemies who were rushing to the top of the mountain, he did not immediately move the sniper position, but quickly moved the muzzle and pulled the trigger a few times to the pirates on the hillside ahead. Then he got up and quickly moved the sniper position.

He believed that this group of enemies had not reacted so quickly, and could determine where he was at the moment he shot.

Sure enough, just after he threw himself to the rubble on the side, there was a sound of "smack, slap, slap" from the boulder he had hidden just now, and then he saw a piece of gravel flying out of the rock. . Obviously, after he sniped two groups of enemies in a row, this group of pirates determined the sniping position where he was just now.

Wan Lin glanced coldly at the rock that was splashing with rubble, followed by quietly extending the muzzle from the crack in front of him, leaning on the sniper rifle and continuing to aim forward.

The pirates on the hillside saw their companions being shot and fell to the ground, and immediately understood that the sniper of the other side had made a sudden move again. The enemy still ran to the top of the mountain valiantly, but the running line flickered left and right, obviously worried about being locked by snipers.

Wan Lin looked at the figure of the enemy in the distance, and knew in his heart that he, a sniper, had already exerted enormous psychological pressure on this group of pirates, but the commanding heights on the top of the mountain were a must for all military strategists, so the pirates who were already close to the top of the mountain had already made a desperate attempt. At great risk, he rushed to the top of the mountain. The dozen or so pirates on the hillside in front increased their shooting intensity, trying to cover their companions to the top of the mountain.

Wan Lin saw that the enemy fired a string of bullets without hesitation, and suddenly understood in his heart: This group of reinforcement pirates who suddenly appeared must have come from a pirate ship on the sea, otherwise they would never have carried such sufficient ammunition. .

Most of the enemies on the left hillside were shooting just like the Wind Knife. Most of them used burst shots, but only occasionally used long burst shots, which showed that they didn't carry much ammunition.

However, these pirates did not consider the consumption of ammunition, and directly used the method of strafing during the battle, which showed that they came well prepared, and they must have carried a large amount of ammunition from the pirate ship and ventured through the reefs and entered the desert island. I really don't know what lured these pirates who didn't recognize their six relatives to dare to risk their lives to set foot on this island of death to support their companions, and directly confront their regular troops.

Wan Lin's face became more serious when he thought of this. The battle situation at this time is indeed unfavorable for them. The longer the time is, the more ammunition they will consume. Once the ammunition they carry is exhausted, they will be in a very dangerous situation.

The purpose of their coming out this time is for training. Although their instructors and training team members have carried enough ammunition according to wartime standards, they did not carry high-power firearms, even Zhang Wa and Dali's firepower hands. Having carried some less powerful grenades, now he must find a way to change this unfavorable situation and insist on the training team on the left hillside to wipe out the enemies there.

Just when Wan Lin was anxious, a few grenades were suddenly thrown downwards from the top of the mountain. Zhang Wa, who had just been suppressed by the enemy's firepower, had already appeared on the top of the mountain with the support of Wan Lin. With the burst of fire on the hillside below, their gunshots rang out again.

At this time, a group of enemies that had rushed to the bottom of the mountain had already disappeared into a depression near the top of the mountain at this moment. The depression was not only in the blind spot for shooting at the top of the mountain, but also where Wan Lin was. From the stone wall extending down the mountain, the movements of the invisible pirates could not be observed at all.

Wan Lin's heart sank, and he immediately shouted into the microphone: "Zhang Wa, the enemy is in your four o'clock direction, be careful of the enemy's attack." went straight to the top of the mountain, followed by "da-da-da" and "da-da-da", and a few strings of bullets roared towards the surrounding mountain tops.

Wan Lin shouted loudly into the microphone: "Grenade, be careful!" With his shout, the gunshots that had just sounded on the top of the mountain suddenly disappeared. Zhang Wa, Dali and Bao Ya heard Wan Lin's reminder and immediately held their guns. Rolled out to the side cover.

At this time, the sound of the enemy's gunfire on the hillside became more intense, and a string of bullets frantically swept towards the position of Fengdao and several people. Wan Lin immediately fired a few shots at the enemy's firepower, and then asked anxiously into the microphone, "Zhang Wa, report the situation?"

Zhang Wa's urgent voice came from his earphone: "Safety, we are moving to the top of the mountain ahead", followed by three grenades that fell from the top of the mountain to the hillside with smoke.

Wan Lin heard Zhang Wa's reply and knew that they had escaped the enemy's grenade attack.

The hillside in the distance was filled with gunpowder smoke and explosive flames. Wan Lin suddenly saw from behind the scope that a group of dark shadows flickered and appeared in the depression below the top of the mountain in the distance, rushing towards the top of the mountain, and another shadow was also He was running down the hillside quickly and obliquely, and he was approaching the bottom of the wind knives. Obviously, he wanted to surround them from three directions.

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