Panther Commando

Chapter 2338: fierce instructor

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Several pirates around saw their companions suddenly rushed down the hillside desperately, and they all woke up suddenly. One of them sprang from behind the rock, and when he raised his arm, he was about to throw out a grenade. "Da da da", "da da da", a few short gunshots sounded immediately on the top of the mountain and the side slopes, and a dense rain of bullets rang out. Lightning passed through the boy's body.

The boy suddenly flew up under the impact of the dense bullet rain, and fell sideways to the side of the hillside. A stream of bright red blood spurted out of the boy's body. On the back of the neck of the pirate rushing out from under the rock below.

The pirate who had just emerged felt the heat on the back of his neck, and turned his head sharply in horror. A fiery column of blood with a strong smell of blood sprayed onto the boy's face impartially.

"Oops!" The boy suddenly saw the blood in front of him, and immediately screamed in horror, his feet softened, he threw away the assault rifle in his hand, and rolled down the steep hill with a **** head.

The two running pirates below suddenly heard the terrified sound of their companions behind them, and they turned around and raised their assault rifles while they were running, and they were about to shoot back, but before they could raise their muzzles, "Da Da Da!" , "Da Da Da", several series of dense gunshots sounded again from the side hillside. The two fell down and rolled down the hillside. Two bright red blood marks immediately appeared on the hillside behind them, and they followed like a dead dog. Motionless on the hillside.

At this time, the boy who was holding his head and quickly rolled down the hillside suddenly stopped with a "bang" on a raised rock on the hillside below, and then saw the boy spread his hands and lay motionless. Under the rock, apparently his head slammed into the rock during the roll and passed out.

Zhang Wa, Bao Ya, and Wang Dali charged down from the hillside above with grim expressions. A puff of green smoke was coming from their guns, and they quickly rushed down from the enemies who had just been killed.

The air knife rushing down from the side also appeared behind Zhang Wa and the others. The air knife loudly ordered to the microphone during the rush: "The machine gunner is covered! Zhang Dahu, order the team members around you to be on the spot and take a look. Is there still life!"

Before they finished speaking, Wang Dali and Kong Dazhuang, who were rushing down with their machine guns, jumped towards the two rocks on the hillside with a fish leap. They quickly put the machine guns on the rocks, and aimed at the pirates running down the mountain with their legs spread apart.

Then Zhang Dahu, who rushed down from the hillside, quickened his pace and rushed below, and then stopped in front of the pirate who was knocked unconscious by the rock. He hid behind the rock and looked around, then reached out and touched the neck of the pirate who fell under the rock, and loudly commanded into the microphone: "The second team is on the spot, and the third team cleans up the battlefield!"

Following his order, a group of training team members who stumbled down the hillside immediately slowed down their pace, hiding behind the surrounding rocks and raising their guns to aim at the surroundings. The other people gasped violently and ran around the hillside. The assault rifles in their hands were aimed at the pirates who had fallen on the hillside, preventing anyone from swindling to death and making a sudden attack.

At this moment, Zhang Dahu retracted his right hand from the neck of the enemy under him, panting violently, grabbed the blood-covered boy with his eyes closed, turned around and threw it to He Shuai, the leader of the third squad, who was following him, and immediately ordered: " Find someone to watch over this kid, and ask him carefully after he wakes up!" He didn't wait for He Shuai to respond, he had already bent over and ran down the **** with his assault rifle.

He Shuai caught the pirate thrown by the captain, kicked away an ak47 assault rifle next to him, bent down and pressed the unconscious pirate to the ground, quickly touched the boy with both hands, and pulled it from his back. He took out a dagger and threw it to the side, and then turned around and ordered the two team members who were following behind him: "Tie it up! Be careful to cover up." With that, he also bent over with a gun and followed behind Zhang Dahu and rushed down the hillside.

Several pirates fleeing down the hillside flew forward, while turning around and swept out bullets to the hillside behind, and the bullets roared and hit the hillside.

Zhang Dahu saw the pirates in the distance suddenly turn around, and quickly rushed to the back of a rock below and squatted down. Breathing heavily, he turned his head to look at the pirate on the side who was killed by Instructor Xiaohua, with a look of horror in his eyes.

At this time, He Shuai, who was behind him, bent over and ran to the captain's side with his gun. He raised his gun and looked around, then turned his head and followed Zhang Dahu's gaze.

The hillside on the side has been covered with black and red blood, and the boy who was killed by Instructor Xiaohua fell on his back. The head on his shoulders is looking up at the sky, his eyes that have become dimmed are full of doubts, as if he didn't understand how he died in the end?

He Shuai looked at the scene in front of him and said in surprise: "My mother, Instructor Xiaohua is too fierce, this time I almost cut off this kid's head!" They were all on the hillside above, and they all saw Instructor Xiaohua like lightning Passed by this kid.

While talking, He Shuai panted violently and turned his head to look down the hillside. He looked at the fast-moving instructors and sighed, "Captain, these instructors are so ferocious, they haven't eaten much for several days. , I didn't expect them to have such physical strength and fighting power!"

Just after he finished speaking, he suddenly turned his head and looked down the mountain on the right side. Zhang Dahu saw his movement and quickly turned his head to look. Two black shadows, one big and one small, had already rushed to the foot of the mountain like meteors. At this time, they were flickering in and out of the rugged mountains, and they quickly flanked the right flanks of the pirates who were running in front of them.

He Shuai saw the two shadows rising and falling in the distance. He knew that they were Chief Instructor and Instructor Xiaohua. He stared at the two fast-moving figures and suddenly patted his head. He suddenly realized Zhang Dahu and said. : "Captain, Chief Instructor, are they the legendary Panther Commando?"

Zhang Dahu turned his head to look around, and then replied in a low voice, "You kid just understood? Besides this troop, what other troop has such a strong combat power? You are so stupid. When I saw Chief Instructor, Major Wan, and Instructor Xiaohua, I had already guessed their origins. At the county hotel at that time, the three chief instructors and grandsons made a neat move, and ordinary special forces did not have such skills. In addition, you Have you ever heard of that unit carrying a strange beast like Instructor Xiaohua?"

He Shuai saw that the captain confirmed his guess, and his eyes flashed with excitement immediately, he whispered: "No wonder these instructors have such high kung fu, if they weren't for us to train troops, these two groups of pirates would have been long ago. They should have been cleaned up by the chief instructor!"

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