Panther Commando

Chapter 2339: roundabout


Zhang Dahu nodded when he heard He Shuai's words, then leaned on the rock and moved the muzzle to observe the surroundings, looked at the pirate corpses lying on the hillside, took a few breaths, and said with some fear: "The situation just now. It's too dangerous. I didn't expect that there will be more pirates than the enemies on the left hillside. Once they reach the top of the mountain, our entire training team will be attacked by the enemy. If it wasn't for the chief instructor and a few people who desperately blocked these pirates, we people I don't know how many people are going to fall here."

He said, looking at the back of the instructor who was rushing down the mountain and sighed: "We are lucky! During this time, if we hadn't gone through the hard training of the instructors, which was almost actual combat, would we still be able to get out of today's battle? Deserted islands are the same thing. This group of pirates is not only experienced in combat, but also several times larger than us. If it was in the past, let’s not say that these pirates were wiped out, it would be hard for anyone to survive.”

As he said that, he pointed at the few instructors who were chasing quickly down the hillside with glowing eyes, and continued to He Shuai: "When I joined this reconnaissance and training team, I always thought I was a special forces soldier, but today I only know about it. What is a real special forces soldier, only those soldiers with such a strong physique and such a ferocious murderous aura are the real special forces soldiers! We are so far behind!"

As he said that, he turned his head and looked behind him together with He Shuai. All the training team members were panting heavily and slumped on the hillside. A few weak team members simply lay on the ground, but all the team members put their guns on the surrounding guns. Aiming at the surrounding on the stone, although everyone's face was covered with sweat, but there was a fierce light in his eyes.

Zhang Dahu and the others looked at the exhausted looks of the training team members, and shook their heads lightly, but then they saw their sharp eyes again, and they both grinned knowingly, they knew that they were already here. Murderous aura erupted on the battlefield where bullets were flying, and as long as they had this murderous aura, they would definitely be able to become outstanding soldiers.

The two looked at each other immediately, Zhang Dahu raised his gun and stood up and said loudly: "Go, kill the last few bastards! We will definitely become excellent scouts!" After saying that, he rushed down the hill again. He Shuai also stood up and rushed down.

At the foot of the mountain, a few pirates were desperately running towards the mountains in the distance. A few black shadows were rapidly rushing down the hillside hundreds of meters away on their left, and two large and one small two were rapidly undulating between the mountains on the right. The shadow quickly ran towards the right wing of the pirate.

Two groups of people are flanking the enemy from left and right directions, one left and one right. And several instructors have also rushed to the foot of the mountain, and are quickly approaching the opponent with the help of the complex terrain of the mountain.

At this time, a pirate suddenly found a dark shadow approaching from the mountain on the right side while running wildly. He turned around suddenly and raised his gun to the right and pulled the trigger. The little flower flew away.

But just as he pulled the trigger, two black shadows on the right, one large and one small, suddenly disappeared from the undulating hillside, and the whistling bullets swept across the rocks around them and burst into flames.

Zhang Dahu and He Shuai, who rushed down from behind, saw the pirates suddenly raise their guns in the distance. The two were startled and raised their assault rifles at the same time, but when they pulled the trigger, a "bang bang bang" sounded on the hillside behind. Bang" and "bang bang bang" machine gun sounds, two strings of machine gun bullets roared over their heads, and a cloud of dust immediately flew from the rocks around the pirates. The pirate who had just opened fire was already flying. Trembling in the rain of bullets, it fell forward.

Zhang Dahu and He Shuai felt the rain of bullets flying overhead, and shrank their heads unconsciously, then turned their heads to look back, and at a glance, they saw that two machine guns had been mounted on the rocks on the hillside, and their muzzles In the face of repeated blue smoke, Wang Dali and Kong Dazhuang, two instructors, were aiming their machine guns against their shoulders and aiming down the mountain.

Both Zhang Dahu and Zhang Dahu's eyes flashed with surprise. They didn't expect that the two instructors could control the machine gun from such a long distance and accurately hit the rushing enemy.

The two lowered their guns and continued to run down the mountain. At this time, Zhang Dahu and He Shuai suddenly understood in their hearts that several instructors did not fire any more shots during the pursuit. They must be preparing to leave these pirates to their own team members to train, or to leave a few alive to ask them. The origin, otherwise, these few enemies who fled in a hurry, have already been cleaned up by these fierce instructors.

The two lowered their guns and ran down the mountain. At this point the enemy is far beyond the effective range of their assault rifle, and it is difficult for them to hit the enemy accurately even if they shoot. The two instructors behind them have set up machine guns to provide cover, and the actions of several pirates are already under their control. The enemy cannot pose a threat to them at all. They can now pursue the enemy without hesitation.

Several pirates who were running wildly in the mountains suddenly felt a hot wind flying overhead, and they immediately rushed to the rocks around them, turned around and swept out a few strings of bullets on the hillside behind. Only then did they discover that there were also several dark shadows rushing towards them in the mountains on the left side, and a group of pirates were startled and turned their guns about to shoot. At this moment, a faint flame suddenly flashed from the shadows on the left.

A few pirates were shocked and immediately understood that this was the fire from the sniper's muzzle. The group of people didn't care to shoot, they quickly shrunk their heads under the rock, and turned to look at their companions in front of them.

The companion not far away was twisting and falling to the side under the powerful impact of the sniper A patch of bright red blood had already appeared on the back, and the assault rifle in his hand also dropped to the hillside, followed by Fallen down among the rocks, motionless.

When several pirates saw the appearance of their companions, they quickly lowered their bodies and hid under the rock in horror. The assault rifles in their hands only exposed the barrels, and they swept the surroundings regardless. But at this time, a rain of machine gun bullets had been swept from the hillside behind, and a dusty mist immediately appeared in the mountains where the pirates were hidden.

Baoya, who was rushing to the foot of the mountain with Zhang Wa, saw the fire on the side, and immediately praised loudly: "Xie Chao, good work!" Then he and Zhang Wa suddenly raised the assault rifle while running, and two strings of bullets whistled. swept to the place where the pirates were hiding.

At this time, the bandage wrapped around Bao Ya's hand had been dyed red by the blood flowing out of the wound, but he still rushed forward as if he didn't feel it.

With the sound of machine guns on the hillside and Zhang Wa and the others, Wan Lin and Xiao Hua in the mountains on the right wing suddenly burst out from under the hidden rocks, rushing towards the side and forward like a cloud of smoke, and then disappeared into the undulating chaos in front of them. in the pile of stones.


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