Panther Commando

Chapter 2348: mountain melee


Xie Chao hesitated for a while when he heard Zhang Dahu's shout and saw their bravely pounced figures, then stood up and glared fiercely at the pirates who had stopped and turned to face the pirates behind him, scolding in a low voice: "Bastard Egg!" Immediately, he lifted his foot and took two steps back, his eyes flashing with cold light, staring closely at the pirates who were fighting with Zhang Dahu and the others.

At this time, he looked at a few comrades who rushed up, and a warm current suddenly flowed in his heart: In a critical moment, not only did the instructors shoot down the flying knives in time to save him, but even the teammates of these training teams did not care about their own safety. He stepped forward with the opponent's gleaming dagger.

At this moment, Xie Chao, a recruit who had only been in the army for dozens of days, suddenly understood what a comrade-in-arms was and what a life-and-death brother on the battlefield was! He, the arrogant young master of the Lingxiu Sect, suddenly felt the warmth of this new family in the army, and felt that he had indeed become a member of this big family.

There were many figures on the field, and there was a sound of "huhu" in the waving of fists and feet, and the cold light waving on the hands of the pirates flashed quickly beside Zhang Dahu and the others.

At this time, Zhang Dahu and the others were all rushing towards their opponents one-on-one. None of them used any weapons in their hands, and they were fighting with their bare hands against the pirates with daggers in their front arms.

A few of them just saw Xie Chao, a new recruit, killing the pirate leader with his bare hands. Naturally, these veterans would not pull out the saber on their legs, so they all rushed to a few opponents with their bare hands without hesitation.

Several pirates are already desperately fighting their opponents with the determination to die. They know that they have no chance of life, and the tragic situation of their leader's being killed has made them completely desperate. The feet of the few people moved quickly to dodge each other's serial attacks, while biting their lips and waving the dagger in their hands. go.

The expressions of the surrounding training team members and several instructors have become extremely nervous, and the swords have no eyes. Now Zhang Dahu and several people are fighting against the enemy with their bare hands. Now they may be stabbed by a sharp dagger!

As the figures on the field swayed rapidly, bursts of "pop" sound of fists hitting the body came out one after another, and the land between the mountains had already formed a cloud of dust with the rapid movement of the feet of several people. Several pirates were repeatedly knocked to the ground by Zhang Dali's powerful fists and feet, but then they swung their daggers on the ground and stabbed their opponents fiercely, then climbed up again holding the daggers, and turned around and rushed towards their opponents like crazy. .

The surrounding training team members and instructors were all staring at the fierce battle on the field. Everyone couldn't help being surprised when they saw how fierce these pirates were. From the fierce appearance of these pirates, everyone has seen the scene when they mutilated the crew at sea. These **** are so fierce before they die, they must be even more cruel and inhuman when they bully the unarmed fishermen and crew!

When everyone thought of this, there was a burst of burning anger in their eyes, and all the hands holding the assault rifles tightly clenched the guns.

When everyone was burning with anger, the tall Zhang Dahu suddenly stared at the opponent's arm holding the knife, his left foot suddenly took a half step back, his body was on one side, and a dagger with a cold light appeared at this moment. It rubbed tightly against his waist.

Just as the pirate dagger passed Zhang Dahu's waist, he suddenly roared loudly, his right hand lifted like lightning with the roar, grabbed the opponent's knife-wielding wrist and twisted it violently to the side, with a "click" sound of fracture. The pirate in front of him suddenly let out a scream like a pig.

At this moment, Wang Dali suddenly burst out with a strong murderous aura. He smashed his wrist bone and pushed his left knee into the opponent's lower abdomen. At the moment when the opponent's body rose up, he grabbed his opponent with his right hand. His arm was swung in the air, and he smashed hard at the side pirate who was holding a knife and stabbed Xu Liang.

At this time, Xu Liang was staring at the opponent in front of him with round eyes. He was about to dodge the opponent's dagger and start a counterattack, but suddenly heard the wind from the side, and a black shadow went straight in front of him. fly!

Xu Liang was shocked and didn't even bother to investigate. He suddenly took a step forward, taking advantage of the moment when the opponent in front of him panicked and evaded, his right fist went straight to the opponent's temple with a "swoosh".

"Ouch!" With a scream, the dagger that the pirate opposite Xu Liang had stabbed at Xu Liang, but at this moment, it has been firmly inserted into the chest of the shadow in front of him. The boy stabbed a knife into the chest of the shadow in front of him, and only then did he see that the shadow that flew over was actually his companion, but before he could withdraw the dagger, a gust of wind had already rushed towards his left face.

He didn't care to take out the dagger from his companion, he squatted down suddenly, released the knife with his right hand and instinctively stretched it to the side of his head, trying to block the iron fist from the opponent with his arm. But at this moment, the side wind stopped suddenly, the opponent's fist shadow suddenly retracted like a snake, and a big foot with the wind had kicked his ribs fiercely!

"Pa!" With the sound of a broken bone under his ribs, he screamed and flew to the right. A bright red column of blood suddenly spewed out of his nose and mouth. He bent and flew to the side, flying out five , Six meters away, he fell softly on a hard rock with a "slap" sound, and a piece of bright red blood spurted out of his mouth with a "gudong" and "gudong", and the rock under him was immediately dyed red by the red blood. .

At this time, the figure lifted by Zhang Dahu also slammed into a raised rock on the With a loud bang, the pirate in his hand was like a pool of mud without a word. He was paralyzed on the rock, and his companion's dagger with only one hilt was inserted into his chest. It is estimated that this kid never thought that his opponent's dagger would be inserted into his chest until he died.

This kid probably never dreamed that he would get such retribution. Before his death, his opponent's arm was broken alive, followed by a heavy blow to his lower abdomen, and then he was stabbed in the chest by his companion in the air. Broken spine!

Zhang Dahu and Xu Liang killed the enemy in front of them, and immediately turned to face the two pirates who were fighting with Yan Ying and He Shuai.

At this moment, Yan Ying and He Shuai, who were not far away, saw the captain Zhang Dahu and the team leader Xu Liang killed the pirates in one fell swoop. A murderous look flashed in their eyes, and at the same time, their body flashed the opponent's dagger that stabbed at their lower abdomen. , followed the left leg and took a step forward, and the left palm slapped the face of the pirate in front of him with the sound of the wind.

The two pirates had already seen the death of their companions not far away, and their hearts were trembling with the screams of their companions. At this time, they saw that the other party suddenly attacked their faces with murderous eyes, and quickly retracted the stabbed dagger and raised it up to block.


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