Panther Commando

Chapter 2349: Enjoy

readx(); At the moment when the two pirates raised their daggers, the left palm that Yan Ying and He Shuai vigorously struck suddenly retracted like lightning, and the right foot suddenly lifted up and stepped forward. The elbow of his right arm was stabbed into the opponent's chest like a cannonball.

Yan Ying and He Shuai have different martial arts styles, but they used the same moves at the same time, except that Yan Ying's elbow was pushed up diagonally, and He Shuai's elbow was straight to the opponent. Insert your heart.

Although the movements of the two are slightly different, they are both fast as lightning and have the same effect. With the sound of "click" and "click", the pirates in front of them groaned at the same time, as if they were two big bowed bodies and flew backwards on their backs, their arms spread weakly to their sides. Opened, the dagger in his hand fell to the ground with a cold light in the sun, and two strands of blood immediately sprayed into the air from the mouth of the black shadow that flew backwards.

There was silence all around! Only two pink blood mists flying backward filled the air, and with the sound of "patta" and "patta", a deafening roar suddenly sounded from the mountains: "Okay! "

A deafening roar resounded over the deserted island, and a group of seabirds that had just landed in the mountains in the distance flew up from a cliff in the deafening roar, flashing two huge wings with all their strength. Flying into the distance, pieces of feathers of different colors fluttered down the mountain in the clear air.

When the surrounding instructors and training team members saw that several violent pirates were killed almost at the same time, they roared out unconsciously, and the anger in their hearts erupted with the roar. All of this in front of us really made every instructor and training team member feel a sense of joy!

Wan Lin looked at everything in front of him with a smile on his face. Just now, he had a panoramic view of every movement of Zhang Dahu and the others. There was not a single fancy movement in their movements, but all the martial arts they had learned. The power is perfectly manifested.

At this time, Zhang Wa turned to look at Wan Lin, and said with a smile, "Hahaha, it seems that our training mission should be over! We don't need to call them any more." Wan Lin nodded with a smile and turned his head. Looking at the few instructors around, seeing that they all looked at the murderous training team members with a smile on their faces, they were obviously very satisfied with the performance of Zhang Dahu and the others.

Just then, a vomit sounded suddenly from the side. Everyone quickly turned around to look, only to find that Xu Liang, the leader of the first team, and He Shuai, the team leader of the third team, had run to a rock on the side, and were holding the rock with both hands, bending over and vomiting.

"What a **** disappointment, I was about to praise you a few words, how could it be such a virtue!" Zhang Dahu listened to his chest and cried in frustration as he watched Xu Liang's movements. "Hahahahaha!" The surrounding team members burst out laughing, followed by a few team members who suddenly covered their mouths, turned and ran to the side, bending over and vomiting.

A group of instructors smiled when they saw the group of players vomited. This is a normal reaction often seen by a soldier who has experienced a **** battlefield for the first time, and they have also passed through this time.

"Bah bah bah", Xu Liang straightened up at this time, raised his right arm and wiped his mouth with his sleeve, while tilted his head and spat on the ground awkwardly, followed by staring hard at the one that was killed by himself. The boy raised his head and shouted at Zhang Dahu: "I said Captain Zhang, you are wrong. Why did you throw your food on my plate just now? It completely disrupted my plan to destroy the enemy!"

Zhang Dahu widened his eyes and shouted: "Stinky boy, I see that you haven't cleaned up your food for a long time, I helped you, what plan did you have to destroy the enemy? When your boy's plan is completed, I will go to help you earlier. You've torn up the vegetables into leaves! What plan to destroy the enemy, you boy worry about me!"

"Hahaha" everyone around laughed, Xu Liang also cracked his mouth and laughed, followed by clasping his fists with both hands and said to Zhang Dahu: "Hehehe, don't say anything, thank you!" He understood in his heart, Just now, the captain was afraid that he would have an accident, so he suddenly picked up his opponent and smashed the pirate opposite him to help him.

Zhang Dahu raised his hand and gave Xu Liang a lap on the shoulder, he said with a smile: "Stinky boy, stop being stinky, do you think I'm really helping you? You have the pirate treasure we got with you, you boy can There can be no accidents. Ah? I was worried about those treasures, I'm not being affectionate." Xu Liang grinned, and everyone around heard the two of them teasing, and they all laughed.

Wan Lin looked at the crowd, lightly walked over with a cane and smiled at Xu Liang: "Hehe, you kid and those treasures are our treasures, and there can be no problems."

As he said, he looked up at the training team members who had lost their strength and were sitting limply on the surrounding rocks. He saw that the training uniforms on the arms and legs of many team members had been shattered, and the exposed body parts had scratches one after another. When rushing down the hillside bravely, many team members fell on the rugged hillside without physical strength.

Wan Lin looked at the training team members whose faces were slumped to the but their faces were full of smiles, and then looked at their slightly trembling legs, and suddenly a feeling surged in his heart. A distressed feeling. The team members are physically weak, but they are brave and tenacious in battle, and they really show the brave temperament applied by Chinese soldiers.

He swept the team members silently, then looked at Zhang Dahu and asked in a low voice, "Are there any casualties?" Zhang Dahu quickly replied: "I have ordered three teams to conduct inspections, and a total of eleven team members were injured. Five of the team members were scratched by bullets on their limbs or hit by bulletproof vests, and their injuries were slightly serious. The remaining six team members were tripped by stones and rolled down the hillside during the charge. All of them were bumped and scratched, which are minor injuries. All the wounded are non-life threatening and the wounds have been treated by teammates or hygienists."

Wan Lin breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Zhang Dahu's report. The battle just now was very intense. He had always been worried about the casualties of the training team members. Now that he heard that although some people were injured, everyone was not in danger of life. Heart down.

He then looked at the training team members in front of him and said loudly: "Okay, in the battle just now, everyone showed the momentum of our Chinese soldiers, and the prestige of our Chinese soldiers! All the instructors and I rushed to have team members like you. To be proud. This is what our special forces brigade scouts look like! When we see the enemy, our eyes are red as before, showing the ferocity of leopards and wolves, showing the leopard and wolf nature of our Chinese soldiers!"

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