Panther Commando

Chapter 2358: well deserved

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The three officers suddenly understood the reason for the brigade commander's rage, and cold sweat broke out on their faces immediately. They are not the officers of the ordinary army now. Since they have been transferred here, they are the officers of this special force.

The instructors with torn clothes and thin soldiers in front of them are really special forces who have returned from the battlefield! What qualifications do they have to judge these soldiers who have just returned from the hail of bullets? What reason do they have to ridicule these hungry soldiers with scars all over their bodies? !

The faces of several people immediately turned red, but their eyes were unblinking at the group of yellow-faced and thin soldiers in front of them. They finally understood from the black, thin and tired faces: such soldiers are the best. Soldiers who really came home alive from gunfire! At this moment, a strong feeling of admiration and guilt surged in their hearts.

Now, Li Dongsheng's roar was like a thunderous explosion, which made their hearts tremble and let them finally know: the title of the special forces brigade is not a simple name of a unit, it is a group that gathers countless The troop of special soldiers, this is a group of steel soldiers who are ready to rush into the battlefield from brigade commanders to soldiers at any time. This is a special force with a steely will!

At this time, Zhang Dahu, the captain of the training team, saw the officers around him, and all saluted his group of junior officers and soldiers with a solemn expression. He hurriedly stood up and shouted: "All the training team members stand up, stand at attention... Salute!" The training team members quickly pulled away the dining chair behind them and stood up, standing upright and raising their arms.

Wan Lin and Bao Ya saw that the training team members had already stood up, and they pressed the table to stand up and return the salute, but Li Dongsheng pressed his and Bao Ya's shoulders hard, and still said a little furiously: "No! I don't care about their military rank. No matter how tall, there are no officers here, only soldiers. They should salute you, these training campers who are born and die!"

After he finished speaking, he glanced sharply at a group of officers and soldiers standing upright, raising their hands in salute, and then shouted in a low voice, "Complete the ceremony!"

Li Dongsheng looked at the training team members who were still standing by the table with bright eyes, raised his hand and ordered: "You all sit down. Remember, in my special operations brigade, as long as they are warriors who have heroically killed the enemy and returned, they are all worth it. We officers salute! Today, you came back full of gunpowder smoke and scars, this military salute is well-deserved by you training team members!"

After he finished speaking, he bent down and pulled Wan Lin and Bao Ya's arms to help them up, and Cheng Ru, who was around him, quickly ordered the Hua Leopard team members in a low voice, "Stand up!"

Li Dongsheng turned his head and swept over a group of leopard team members, still looking sharply at the group of upright school officers and said: "Some of you may not know these people, let me introduce them. They are the military region to strengthen our special operations. The combat effectiveness of the brigade, several instructors specially sent to us to assist in the formation, training and selection of the special reconnaissance team" said, pointing to Wan Lin and introducing: "This is Colonel Wan Lin!"

Several officers from the Special Forces of the Demilitarized Region suddenly heard the word "Colonel", and they immediately stood at attention and stared at Wan Lin, whose legs were covered in bandages. The military rank is high, and a group of people quickly raised their hands to salute. Wan Lin looked at the saluting officer on the side table, a smile floated across his thin and black face, and raised his hand in return.

Li Dongsheng gently pressed Wan Lin and Bao Ya onto the chairs, waved his hands to Feng Dao and the others to let them sit down, then turned his furious eyes at the school officials who were still standing upright, and said loudly: "I hope you will remember that the unit you are currently in is a special operations brigade, and you are already a member of the special operations brigade, an officer who shoulders the glorious mission of the special operations brigade!"

"I don't care what you look like in the original army, but when you arrive in my special operations brigade, you will do as the locals do! I hope you all learn from these excellent soldiers like this group of hungry wolves. Whether it's eating or on the battlefield, you must give them anytime, anywhere. I burst out with the murderous aura of a hungry wolf!!! If you can do it, leave me in the Special Forces Brigade, and if you can't do it, let me go back to the original army!"

Li Dongsheng's last sentence suddenly raised his voice, his furious tone seemed to be a detonated bomb, which shook the restaurant. At this time, everyone's faces became extremely tense, and the three officers standing upright were already covered in cold sweat, their heads lowered, and they dared not let out the air.

There was silence in the restaurant, and the space that was full of joy just now suddenly filled with an unusually tense atmosphere. Everyone already understands in their hearts that the few officers who were disrespectful and whispering just now have made the old special soldier, the brigade commander, furious! Now if these officers show a little more disrespect, Li Dongsheng, the brigade commander of the special operations brigade, will definitely let them pack up and go home on the spot!

At this time, Yu Jing saw Li Dongsheng's furious appearance, and quickly pulled La Li Dongsheng's shirt quietly beside him, and then blinked at Wan Lin next to him.

Seeing Yu Jing's expression, Wan Lin immediately understood that she was asking him to quickly smooth things over to persuade Li Dongsheng to stop him from saying words that would embarrass those officers. Today's drink is for the team members who returned from the **** training camp, and everyone can't be disappointed.

He hurriedly nodded to Yu Jing, and stood up with a smile holding the wine bowl in front of Then he raised a bowl full of wine in both hands, and smiled at the three officers standing upright in cold sweat. : "Hehe, the officers of the special operations brigade are basically from the special forces of the military region, and I know most of them. But this is the first time I met you all. Since we are all in the special operations brigade, then we will be brothers in life and death from now on. We all The camp of the people is also here, and I hope you brothers will take care of you in the future. Come, let me give you a toast!"

Saying that, he turned his back and poured a full bowl of wine into his mouth. The few school officials who were standing saw that the young colonel was so forthright, and they knew in their hearts that he came out at this time to smooth things out for a few of them. They all glanced at Wan Lin gratefully, and immediately picked up the small wine glass in front of them. .

Li Dongsheng stared wide-eyed at the small cups held up by several officers, and suddenly made a "Huh?" He tilted his neck and poured it into his mouth, and then, together with Wan Lin, faced several officers with the bottom of the empty bowl.

Several school officials looked at the empty bowls of the brigade commander and the little colonel in astonishment. At this time, several officers from the special battalion of the old military region also stood up with a smile, greeted the old special forces members of Cheng Ru who had known each other for a long time, and raised a small bowl full of wine and drank it together.

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