Panther Commando

Chapter 2359: thank you instructor

A few officers holding small cups quickly put them down, filled the small bowls with wine bottles, drank them, and then nervously pointed the empty bowls to the brigade commander and Wan Lin. ∷,

Li Dongsheng watched a few people put a bowl full of wine into his mouth, and then he laughed, he waved his hand and said loudly: "Our special forces brigade never pays attention to food and drink, and usually we can't drink in the army. Today's wine is different. It is a wine for the soldiers who have returned from the hail of bullets, and it is also a graduation wine for the special reconnaissance training team to end the arduous training life. Therefore, it must be drunk, and it must be drunk happily. !"

After a bowl of wine, the tension in the restaurant caused by Li Dongsheng's rage just now dissipated, and the nervous expressions on everyone's faces also relaxed, and a peaceful and lively atmosphere enveloped the restaurant again.

Li Dongsheng immediately took the small bowl that Yu Jing had poured for him, and raised it to the training team members who were already sitting on the chairs and said loudly: "Today, your training life ends here! You twenty-one training camp Under the leadership of several instructors, the team has undergone extremely hard training, which not only greatly improved your technical and tactical level, but also cultivated the steely fighting will of our Chinese soldiers, and has passed the test of bullets. Your instructors I am very satisfied with your results and have recorded your performance. I congratulate you on successfully ending this arduous training camp! Come, bring me a wine bowl and do it!"

Following Li Dongsheng's powerful voice, all the training team members suddenly stood up from the table, and one by one, they raised their heads and poured the full bowl of wine into their mouths. Wan Lin laughed while watching a group of excited training team members, and also raised a wine bowl and smiled at the surrounding Hua Leopard team members: "Come on, brothers, we instructors accompany them!"

A group of male instructors took the wine bowls and drank them all, but Xiaoya, Lingling and Yu Jing held up the small wine glasses in front of them and looked at each other: Drink, the glass is too small and not interesting; How many are also instructors?

At this moment, Wan Lin put down the empty wine bowl, turned his head to look at the three of them and laughed: "You can leave it, a small cup is fine", "Yes, yes, a small cup is fine!" Lingling hurriedly spoke to the **** After getting off the donkey, he raised his neck and put the wine glass to his mouth and drank it. Xiaoya and Yu Jing also quickly smiled and brought the wine glass to their mouths.

At this time, Xu Liang finished drinking the wine in the bowl and looked up at the three beautiful beauties holding small wine glasses. He quickly raised the wine bottle to fill the wine bowl, lifted the wine bowl and looked at the three female instructors and shouted: " This small cup will do too? The three beautiful instructors are too disrespectful, don’t they say that there is no distinction between men and women when they fight?” The surrounding training team members heard Xu Liang’s cry and turned their faces to look at the three pretty girls. The instructors should reconcile, grabbing the wine bottles one by one and filling their own bowls with wine, holding up the wine bowls and looking at the three beauties with a smile.

Yu Jing turned to look at Xiaoya and Lingling, smiled and was about to speak, Lingling had already stood up and looked at Xu Liang and said with a smile, "Captain Xu is trying to challenge us, do you really want to drink?" Cheng Ru on the side shouted: "Lao Cheng, give me the wine bottle!"

Lingling's crisp voice sounded, the restaurant was quiet for a while, and everyone's eyes were on Lingling, who was smiling like a flower.

Cheng Ru was stunned at first when he heard Lingling's cry, but he rolled his eyes and said to Xu Liang with a smile, "Xu Liang, you seem to be feeling uncomfortable, do you really want to drink with them?" He held up the half bottle of liquor in front of him, shook it and put it on the table, turned to the waiter behind him and called, "Bring two new bottles, this half bottle is not enough for our Aunt Lingling to plug her teeth."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the field widened their eyes in astonishment. The training team members around Xu Liang had quietly placed their wine bowls on the table. A few people around Zhang Wa covered their mouths and grinned.

Xu Liang stared at Instructor Cheng in astonishment, then turned his head to look at Instructor Lingling, who was standing pretty, and the hand holding the small bowl trembled, grinning and shouting: "My mother, Instructor Lingling, you Can you drink that much?"

At this time, Lingling turned around and took the two bottles of wine handed over by the waiter behind her with a smile, raised her hand and threw one of them at Xu Liang across the two tables, squinting her eyes and smiling: "Hee hee, can you drink me? I don't know, anyway, none of us instructors dared to challenge these three little aunts, come on, Captain Xu, let's blow the bottle." He raised his hand and twisted the lid of the wine bottle.

Xu Liang shrank his neck and stretched out a hand to catch the full bottle of wine thrown by Instructor Lingling, and stammered, "I...I...How dare I fight with Master Lingling? I just... ...I just want to honor the three female instructors with a bowl."

After speaking, he quickly put the wine bottle in his right hand on the table, lifted the wine bowl with trembling hands, and drank the bowl with a sip of his neck, and then quickly said: "I respect the three instructors, do it first as a respect, Do it first as a respect, but just this bowl, just this bowl. Instructor Lingling, you are free, you are free." He shrank his neck and held the empty bowl and hurriedly sat down.

"Hahaha" everyone around laughed when they saw Xu Liang's cowardly look, Yu Jing reached out and grabbed the wine bottle that Lingling was pretending to hold, Xiaoya dragged Lingling to the seat, and the three followed with "giggling" laughed out loud.

Zhang Wa and a few people who knew Lingling's drinking ability a long time just covered their mouths and held back their laughter, but now that Xu Liang was frightened back, they finally burst into laughter, laughing at the same time. He raised his hand and thumped Cheng Ru who was performing with Lingling.

After everyone laughed, Zhang Dahu suddenly looked at the captains of the three training teams and nodded. The four of them raised their wine bowls at the same time and stood up solemnly. Zhang Dahu raised the wine bowls and looked at Wan Lin and said, "Chief instructor, today It is the day when our training team was disbanded, the four of us first thanked the instructors on behalf of all the team members who participated in the training, let’s have a bowl first!” He said and drank with Xu Liang, Yan Ying, and He Shuai around him.

After Zhang Dahu drank the wine in the bowl, he picked up the wine bottle to fill the wine bowls of himself and the three people around him, and then raised the wine bowls and said loudly: "The training is over, we all know that the instructors have prepared them. On the elimination list, all our training team members may not be able to join the special reconnaissance team, but none of our training team members will regret it!"

When he said this, his voice suddenly became a little hoarse, and he said in a serious tone: "Because, during this time, you have repeatedly saved us from life and death, and we have already learned from your instructors what is a soldier and what is our Huaxia. The special soldier! Through this training, we already know how to become an excellent Chinese soldier, and what is a comrade-in-arms who share life and death! So, we take this opportunity today, thank you all the instructors! "

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