Panther Commando

Chapter 2370: Sand table deduction

?readx; At this time, Fengdao stared at the sand table, and suddenly hesitantly asked: "Our leopard commandos are participating in this exercise, won't we violate the regulations of the exercise?"

Li Dongsheng laughed, and Hong Tao immediately replied: "No, your commandos were originally organized in the special forces of the military region, and now the special forces are merged into the special operations brigade, of course your organization is here with us, how can you violate the regulations? You guys They were originally from our special forces brigade."

Wan Lin and the others laughed, and Li Dongsheng also said seriously: "Yes, your organization is indeed affiliated with the Special Forces Brigade, but your operations are directly commanded by the Military Region Operations Department, so there is no violation of regulations for you to participate in this exercise. "

Li Dongsheng laughed when he said this: "Hehehe, if you have problems participating in the exercise, then I, the deputy director of the military region's operations department and the brigade commander of the special operations brigade, will personally direct the red side exercise, then it will be a problem." After that, they all laughed: If this is the case, Li Dongsheng, the commander of the Red Army, will also withdraw from the exercise.

After listening to Fengdao, he smiled and said: "It's fine. I'm really worried that we took a long time to win the Blue Army headquarters and finally won the exercise, but if the Blue Army bites back and says that we illegally use other troops to participate in the war , wouldn't that be troublesome?"

Several people nodded after listening, Li Dongsheng looked at Wan Lin and the others with a smile: "Hehehe, you guys are the sharp knives of our military region, in such an important exercise, how could it be possible for you to hide and watch the battle? "

After he finished speaking, he looked down at Wan Lin's left leg and said, "You should be less active during this time. You must recover from your injuries and regain your strength before the exercise. This exercise is a tough battle, and we must not take it lightly!"

Wan Lin quickly replied: "Don't worry, now Xiaoya asks Xiaohua and Xiaobai to heal me and Bao Ya every day. The injury is recovering very quickly, and I will definitely not lose the chain during the exercise."

Li Dongsheng nodded, looked at the crowd and warned again: "After the exercise starts, I estimate that once the blue army commander feels abnormal, he will definitely take the armored command vehicle to continue the mobile command. You must pay attention to this point in the action to avoid being blue The camouflage interference of the army. Of course, Yu Jing will lead the electronic reconnaissance brigade to find the location of the blue army command organization at any time and give you the necessary technical support. "

Wan Lin nodded solemnly. Now that the equipment of the troops is developing rapidly, each unit has been equipped with an advanced mobile electronic command system. In this kind of complex mountain top military exercise, the combat command system of the two sides will definitely not use a single fixed command system, and will definitely adopt a flexible and mobile command method in the exercise.

Cheng Ru also nodded and said, "Yes, I estimate that when the Blue Army is in a tense exercise, their commander is likely to take an armored command vehicle to go deep into the front line to command himself. I have studied what Chief of Staff Hong gave us in the past two days. According to the Blue Army's information, I found that the Blue Army's commander, Commander Xing, has a more irritable personality, so I guess he will most likely go deep into the front line to command personally when the battle situation is unfavorable."

Li Dongsheng looked at Cheng Ru with admiration and said: "Cheng Ru's analysis is very reasonable, the combat style of a unit will more or less penetrate into the behavior of the military officer of this unit, so when we formulate the exercise plan , The disposition characteristics of the commander of the blue army have been taken into account. You should not be disturbed by superficial intelligence. As far as I know, this commander Xing has a very delicate style of behavior under his rough appearance. It is definitely not vegetarian. You must not underestimate the enemy during the exercise, and you must act cautiously in your actions.”

He turned his face to look at Hong Tao and Qidong and said: "From the perspective of the entire battle, the enemy's armored troops and helicopter brigade are the focus of our firepower. Wan Lin's action is only one of our combat branches, and we focus on dealing with it. It is still the armored units and heavy firepower units of the Blue Army, and the helicopter group and our key strike firepower must be prepared for mobile operations at any time. Once the position of the opponent is found, immediately concentrate superior firepower to kill them!"

"Yes!" Hong Tao and Qidong replied in low voices with serious faces, and Qidong continued: "I suggest that the special reconnaissance team also conduct reconnaissance on the logistics system of the Blue Army. The consumption is an astonishing figure, if we find a storage place or transportation channel for the other party's material supply in advance, then the attack can achieve a multiplier effect."

He said, pressing on the laser pointer in his hand, and after shaking a few times in the blue army area, he continued: "In this area, the material supply vehicles must be transported on relatively flat roads, so the routes I indicated and It may be an important channel for the supply of the Blue Army's battlefield. As long as our scouts follow this route and follow the map, they will definitely find the location of the opponent's material storage, and then hit our precision-guided weapons or air power to strike."

Wan Lin and the others nodded, Feng Dao stared at the lines drawn by Qidong just now, leaned over and pointed to the top of a mountain with an altitude of more than 700 meters in the middle of the lines just now and said, "This mountain is extremely steep, and it is located in a few places. The central location of the mountain road is suitable for our scouts to set up a lookout here. Once we find the blue army's supply convoy, we can not only strike by surprise, but also grasp the deployment of the opponent's troops and the supply warehouse. where."

Wan Lin stared at the top of Feng Dao's finger, frowned, and said, "This mountain is extremely difficult to climb, and it is covered with snow all year round. The temperature on the top of the mountain is always minus 20 to 30 degrees, and the living conditions are extremely harsh. It's difficult to climb up." Fengdao smiled and replied: "It's like this for ordinary people, but we people have no problem dealing with this steep mountain. It is more suitable for me and Lao Bao to perform this task."

Wan Lin shook his head and said, "During the exercise, the electronic reconnaissance unit of the Blue Army will definitely monitor the electronic communication frequency in all areas. Even if you find the convoy of the Blue Army transporting supplies, it is difficult to transmit the information in time. When the Blue Army finds where you are, the other side's artillery fire will definitely cover the top of the mountain. It is difficult to find a hidden place on this top of the mountain. It is too dangerous."

Li Dongsheng and the others frowned when they heard Wan Lin's concern. In the information age, as long as you use electronic devices, you are almost invisible, and the other party will soon detect your location.

The top of the mountain mentioned by Fengdao is the commanding height of that area. As long as there is an unknown radio signal in that position, the Blue Army can guess their intention without accurate positioning. The rapid firepower will definitely cover this mountaintop. It's really dangerous up there.

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