Panther Commando

Chapter 2371: virus program


At this moment, a crisp "report" sound came from the door, and everyone turned to look, seeing Lingling walking in first, followed by Yu Jing and Xiaoya. The three were dressed in camouflage uniforms and looked very capable.

Li Dongsheng hurriedly asked the three of them to come over, and then reiterated everyone's concerns just now. After listening, Lingling looked at the top of the mountain that Li Dongsheng pointed to and said with a smile: "Hehe, we have also seen the location you mentioned. The top of the mountain is the commanding height of this tens of square kilometers. Not only will we covet this high point, we estimate The other party will definitely pay attention to this high point. President Yu said that it is very likely that the Blue Army will use it as a communication transfer station. It’s just that the top of the mountain is too steep for the other party to take advantage of.”

Lingling said, raised her finger and pointed to a hill with an altitude of 300 to 400 meters around the top of the mountain and continued: "So President Yu said that this hill may be used by the Blue Army. Therefore, as long as our people can climb to the top of the mountain in secret, And use a communication frequency similar to that of the Blue Army, so that the Blue Army will not be noticed by the Blue Army in a short period of communication."

Li Dongsheng and the others were overjoyed when they heard the explanation of Lingling, an electronic countermeasure expert. Feng Dao smiled and said, "That's no problem. I'm still worried that even if I go up, the other party will monitor it."

At this time, Yu Jing pointed to the hill and said: "I estimate that the Blue Army will build a communication and information processing center around this area to summarize and analyze various electronic reconnaissance intelligence obtained on the battlefield. We are here now, just to discuss with you. Let's see how we can use the Blues as an information processing centre."

Wan Lin and the others looked up, knowing that President Yu must have formulated measures to implement electronic countermeasures against the Blue Army, and they all stared at Yu Jing and the three of them.

Sure enough, Yu Jing went on to say: "Lingling has designed a virus program, but we can't silently invade the other party's system. If we forcibly invade, it will definitely arouse the other party's vigilance. Therefore, we carefully planned an intrusion plan, which requires close It can only be implemented near the information processing equipment of the other party, but this area must be the top priority of the Blue Army, and it is in the hinterland of the Blue Army. It will definitely be heavily guarded here, and it will be difficult for ordinary people to approach. Therefore, we need your cooperation, otherwise it will be difficult implement this plan."

Wan Lin looked at Yu Jing and asked, "How can we cooperate?" Yu Jing pointed at the top of the mountain and said, "As long as you can get close to the location of the opponent's information processing center and use a special method to paralyze and restart the opponent's information processing system, we send The virus software will restart with the other party's device, secretly invade their information system, and continuously send it to our processing system through the processing node we designed."

Li Dongsheng was overjoyed. If he could obtain the combat information of the opponent's processing center, it would be equivalent to placing an eye in the Blue Army, and he could monitor the Blue Army's movements at any time. It played a decisive role in the strike against the Blue Army.

Seeing the overjoyed expressions of the people around Yu Jing, she smiled and shook her head and said, "Don't be so happy, what we have invaded is only a lower-level node of the opponent's information processing, not the processing system of the entire combat system. The Blue Army’s local combat information can be used to speculate on the Blue Army’s next combat operations. We have not been able to directly enter the information center of the opponent’s command center.”

Li Dongsheng said with a smile: "We are enough to have these. If we have mastered every move of the opponent on the full battlefield, how can this exercise continue? The Blue Army was bombarded by us with a burst of artillery as soon as it appeared. Continue the exercise. As long as there is information on the actions of one unit of the Blue Army, we can infer the direction of movement of the various units of the Blue Army, and then we have occupied the commanding heights of the exercise.”

Wan Lin turned his head to look at Cheng Ru and the others, and then asked, "Mr. Yu, just tell me how we can cooperate?"

Yu Jing pointed at the top of the mountain without hesitation and said: "This is the hinterland of the Blue Army, and it is the node of the Blue Army's communication and information processing. The surrounding area must be heavily guarded. Therefore, the people we sent to perform this task, if there is no strong Military literacy is difficult to sneak into this high mountain secretly, which is the most difficult part of this mission."

She looked at Wan Lin and the others and continued: "On our side, only Xiaoya and Lingling are competent for this task, but both of them have important tasks, and it is impossible for them to be dispatched to perform this arduous task, so we I can only come to you for support."

She pointed to the location of the top of the mountain on the sand table and pondered for a while, and then said: "As long as you can sneak into the vicinity of the top of the mountain secretly without disturbing the blue army guards, you can use a miniature electromagnetic transmitter I gave you to At the critical moment of the exercise, we covertly attacked the processing chip of the blue army computer, causing the processing system of the other party to be temporarily paralyzed, and the moment the other party activates the backup system, the virus program we sent will quickly infiltrate their information system, and your mission will be completed. Leave it to me and Lingling."

Wan Lin and the others looked at each other in dismay, Feng Dao whispered in astonishment, "It's so simple?" Yu Jing looked at the group and smiled and said, "Don't underestimate this action, you have to pass through the blue army's various levels. Arriving in this area, at the same time, this mountain is very dangerous and heavily guarded, so don’t underestimate the difficulty of this task.”

At this time, Lingling stared at Wan Lin and the others and said, "What Mr. Yu said is Originally, Xiaoya and I were going to carry out this mission, but the Electronic Information Reconnaissance Brigade still needs our assistance. I looked at the wartime information, so I can only come back and ask for help from your big brothers."

Li Dongsheng pondered for a while, then looked at Yu Jing and said, "This task can be handed over to Captain Wan and the others. As for how they approach the target area, you don't have to think about it. By the way, we are seeking to use electronic means to obtain information about the Blue Army. I don’t think the Blue Army will sit still, and will definitely use their brains to invade our information system, have you come up with a countermeasure?”

Yu Jing nodded and replied confidently: "Don't worry, in this exercise, our special forces brigade used a new information processing system developed by our research institute, which is completely different from the systems of other troops, and the other party does not have this capability. Hack into the software we designed, and once our system is attacked, the system will immediately call the police and automatically track the source of the other party.”

Lingling also said with a smile, "Don't worry, Brigade Commander, I have attacked Mr. Yu's system many times, but they were all unsuccessful, and I was almost caught by that little fat vice-captain. Hee. Hee, that little fat guy approached me from the Internet several times, but I slipped away, so angry that he scolded his mother, and the fat all over his body trembled."


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