Panther Commando

Chapter 2390: Aggrieved Zhang Wa

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Now don't say that Zhang Wa doesn't carry a time bomb at all, even if it does, it can't be used. Even if you really want to destroy these rocket artillery units on the battlefield, there is also a great risk. These rockets are powerful. Once they are detonated on a large scale, the mountain will not be shaken. If these people do not retreat in time , I am afraid they will be affected by the huge explosion, so they are carrying weapons of great power, and they dare not use them easily in this situation.

Several people quickly fixed their eyes on Wan Lin's face, and Wan Lin continued: "Let our artillery unit take care of it here. After we reach the safety zone, we will send the directions back and let them deal with it." He raised his finger Looking at the foot of the mountain in front of him, he said, "There is a field armored medical vehicle there. There are only three medical soldiers around. We will take it and leave here in a while!"

Zhang Wa and the others were overjoyed, knowing that Leopard Head meant to leave this area as soon as possible, and then send back the direction of the Blue Army's self-propelled rocket company. covered here.

After listening to Cheng Ru mentioning his sniper rifle, he bent down and stood up: "I'm going to kill these boys." Wan Lin quickly grabbed his arm and said, "No, once you hit these medics, their heads will pop up. Out of the smoke of death, the surrounding Blue Army has not immediately surrounded this place? And there must be security personnel of the rocket company around, we must be careful."

Cheng Ru hurriedly squatted in the grass again and said frustratedly: "It's not too much fun, you have to think about it so much!" Several people covered their mouths and laughed in a low voice. Wan Lin followed to look at the few people around him, and whispered to Zhang Wa: "You look slimmer here, hurry up and dress up this wounded soldier."

Cheng Ru and the others were stunned for a moment, and then they understood what Wan Lin meant. They smiled and pressed Zhang Wa onto the grass, and Dali and Brother Yuwen took out the bandages and wrapped him like a zongzi.

After a while, Zhang Wa's chest, arms, and legs were covered with bandages, and even her head was covered with bandages, leaving only two eyes, nostrils, and mouth exposed. Zhang Wa smiled bitterly and said in a low voice, "Wind and rain, you two are so inauthentic, why are you tying me so tightly?"

He stood up with a big smile, and carried Zhang Wa on the ground to his back with a smile: "You kid, make do with it, if you're not honest, we'll wrap your mouth with bandages." Wan Lin also bent over and looked at Zhang Wa beside him. Baby, Xiao Hua, who was wagging her big tail, hugged her and smiled, "Xiao Hua, please feel wronged too." Then he turned around and stuffed it into the backpack behind him.

Several people immediately stood up from behind the rock and swaggered forward along the foot of the mountain. It didn't take long for a few people to see the armored medical vehicle on the face of the dirt road, and in the side of the mountain further ahead, there were artillery companies of self-propelled rocket artillery vehicles hidden in the mountains.

Wan Lin walked beside Dali who was carrying Zhang Wa on his back, and a few people trotted forward, looking very anxious. A few people ran while paying attention to the surrounding mountains. Cheng Ru and Brother Feng Yu followed Wanlin with their guns on their backs. They all seemed anxious on the surface, but their eyes were staring at the armored vehicle with cold light to prevent rocket launchers around. Even the guards.

When a few people approached the armored vehicle more than 200 meters away, Wan Lin coughed softly and ordered the team to prepare for battle, while he accelerated and trotted forward. The Dali people behind him also quickly accelerated, while the Yuwen brothers ran to both sides of Dali, reaching out to support Zhang Wa's body.

The armored vehicle behind the mound in front had already caught the eyes of Wan Lin and the others. Wan Lin trotted while shaking his arms at the three sanitation soldiers who had turned around in front of him. The three Blue Army medics had already seen Dali carrying a wounded man covered in bandages on his back. They quickly turned around to open the back door of the armored vehicle and took out a stretcher, and hurriedly ran towards Wan Lin and the others.

Wan Lin and the others speeded up and ran towards each other. Just as they were about to approach the armored vehicle, two Blue Army soldiers armed with assault rifles suddenly emerged from the mound on the side of the armored vehicle. The two raised their guns at Wan who ran first. Lin shouted: "Stop, password!" He took two steps forward with his gun, just in the middle of Wan Lin and the three medical soldiers approaching.

Wan Lin had an anxious look on his face. He hurried to the front of the two sentries and scolded, "What the **** is the password? Those who didn't see us are dying, get out of the way!" Grabbing the opponent's gun barrel and pushing it to the side, the two sentries staggered and took a step to the side, their eyes widened just as they were about to continue to ask, but seeing that the other party was a lieutenant, they quickly closed their mouths again, still hurriedly running behind with their guns raised. A few strong people came.

At this moment, the first three medics had already run over, and they stared at Zhang Wa, who was covered in bandages behind Dali for a moment. One of the second lieutenant military doctors ran to Zhang Wa and looked at Zhang Wa, who was covered in bandages, and turned his head in a hurry. He asked Wan Lin, "Why are you injured so badly? What's going on?"

"I rolled down from a mountain that is more than 400 meters high. There is no good place in my body. I still have a heartbeat now. Hurry up and send me to the hospital for emergency!" Wan Lin said in a hurry, with an unquestionable tone in his voice. A guard pushed aside.

The second lieutenant military doctor heard Wan Lin's narration, and quickly said to the two medical soldiers around him: "Hurry up and put it on the The two medical soldiers immediately opened the stretcher, and Cheng Ru and Brother Feng Yu quickly closed it. Zhang Wa with eyes lifted from Dali's back and put it on a stretcher, followed by the three medics hurriedly running towards the armored vehicle. The two sentries on the side glanced at each other and followed with guns.

A few people came to the back of the armored car. Brother Feng Yu took the lead in getting into the car through the open car door. The two medics carrying the stretcher had just stuffed the stretcher into the car. Wan Lin, who was standing by the door, turned his head and looked around. Zhong suddenly shouted in a low voice, "Action!" With the words, his hands were already cut to the neck of the two sentinels who were staring at Zhang Wa at the back.

At the same time, Zhang Wa on the stretcher also sat up suddenly, covered a medical soldier's mouth with one hand and pulled him into the car vigorously. The neck of a medic, followed by a few people, lifted the stunned Blue Army soldier and stuffed it into the car. The Yuwen brothers in the car knelt on one knee in the car and leaned forward at the same time, and pulled the two Blue Army sentries in Wan Lin's hands into the car, Dali and Cheng Ru followed and stuffed the other two into the car.

Wan Lin turned around and looked back, the mountains were still silent. The actions of the few people just now were as fast as lightning, and the back door opened by the armored vehicle just blocked both sides, so their actions just now did not alarm the surrounding Blue Army soldiers.

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