Panther Commando

Chapter 2391: Glory 1 time

"Go!" Wan Lin shouted in a low voice, then he got into the compartment and closed the door, while Dali and Chengru had already run to the side of the armored vehicle, opened the side door and got into the cab, Dali sat in the cab and started the armored vehicle. As he drove towards the mountain road ahead, Cheng Ru sat beside him with the sniper rifle tightly clenched on his leg and watched the surroundings.

The armored vehicle quickly drove towards the road between the mountains in front. Wan Lin sat in the car and glanced around. There were five comatose blue officers and soldiers lying in the car. Brother Yuwen and Dali were watching nervously outside the car from the sides and back of the car. When there was movement, Zhang Wa sat on a stretcher and watched a few prisoners. Wan Lin immediately turned his head and glanced out the window, and suddenly saw that the rocket launcher not far away was adjusting its direction and seemed to be preparing to launch. He quickly ordered Zhang Wa: "The other party is going to attack! Report the location to the brigade immediately. , let them cover the area in five minutes!"

"Yes" Zhang Wa immediately turned on the communication equipment and sent a message to the Brigade Department. At this time, the strength of driving the armored vehicle had already stepped on the accelerator, and the armored vehicle roared towards the mountain road ahead.

At this time, several blue army soldiers with guns suddenly emerged from different positions in the mountains behind. They looked at the armored vehicles that were madly rushing towards the road in the mountains in astonishment, and one of them asked, "What's going on? Isn't this the medical armored vehicle that protects us, why did it suddenly leave?"

The other person looked at the distant armored vehicle and replied, "Didn't you see that a few people came over with a wounded soldier on their backs? They must be seriously injured, otherwise how could they drive so fast?" After reaching the surrounding concealed objects, several people did not find the two companions who were guarding in front, and the armored vehicles that had been galloping disappeared.

The armored vehicles of Wan Lin and the others rushed up the mountain road in front of them like crazy, and then drove forward along the road. At this moment, a fire suddenly flew from the top of the mountain in the distance, whistling straight to the blue army self-propelled rocket. Even in the mountains flew away.

"Hahaha, kill it!" Brother Yuwen shouted from the car, looking at the smoke rising in the distance, Wan Lin also shouted to the driver in front with a smile on his face: "Slow down, don't Get the attention of the Blues on the road."

Wan Lin said, took the documents that Zhang Wa took from several prisoners, glanced at the ensign's documents and stuffed them into his pocket, then handed back the documents of the other people and said, "With this thing, you can handle it. Checked. Wake them all up, find them where no one else is, shoot them and throw them away. Cheng Ru, look in the car to see if there is their field map. There should be the location of the Blue Army field hospital on it. "

As he said that, he took off the armband of the second lieutenant's military doctor beside him and fixed it on his arm, and then raised his hand to hold the left hand of the second lieutenant who was knocked unconscious and injected an internal force.

"Killed?" Zhang Wa was stunned for a moment, then laughed, knowing that Wan Lin was talking about killing these Blue Army soldiers according to the rules of the exercise. He was about to remove the bandage on his body. Wan Lin waved his hand and said, "Don't remove it first. If you encounter an inspection, you will have to use your injury to deal with it." With a little internal strength, the Yuwen brothers also took off the armbands of the other two medics and put them on their arms.

Not long after, several blue soldiers who were knocked unconscious opened their eyes one after another, and several of them looked at Wan Lin and the others in horror. The second lieutenant looked at Wan Lin and the others, then turned over and sat up from the carriage. He saw Wan Lin's rank of second lieutenant, stared at him and asked, "Brothers, you are too heavy, who are you?" Covering his neck, he turned his head.

Wan Lin looked at a few people and said with a smile: "I'm sorry brothers, we are scouts of the Red Army, there's nothing we can do, we need everyone to cooperate with us later."

At this time, several prisoners had all sat up from the carriage. They all looked at Wan Lin and the others with their necks still in pain. The second lieutenant asked in astonishment, "Cooperation, how can we cooperate?"

Zhang Wa pulled out the pistol from her lap and smiled: "How can I cooperate, just die once?" Then she raised her eyes and looked forward. At this time, Dali had already turned the armored vehicle from the road onto a dirt road, and a thick layer of dust was raised behind the wheeled armored vehicle.

After a while, he vigorously parked the car in the rolling hills, Zhang Wa pushed open the hatch of the armored car, held up a pistol and smiled at a few Blue Army prisoners: "I'm sorry brothers, you guys are here. Glory once again!"

Following Zhang Wa's voice, Brother Yuwen and Dali had already jumped out of the car, raised their hands and dragged a few prisoners of the Blue Army out of the carriage, and took a few steps back with a smile.

Several blue army prisoners looked at the barren hills in astonishment, and a soldier asked in horror, "Just let us die here?" Clap clap clap", with five shots fired, a plume of smoke followed from the smoking devices on the helmets of the five Blues prisoners.

"Hahaha, you're finished like this!" Brother Yuwen laughed as he looked at the thick smoke rising from the heads of several blue army prisoners, and then patted two stunned blue army soldiers while laughing.

The two immediately turned around and took out a few individual rations from the armored raised their hands and threw them to a few people and said, "Brothers, you will have to eat after you die. I'm sorry for you, let's borrow the car first. Let's go!" After speaking, Wan Lin and the others jumped into the car with a smile and walked away.

Cheng Ru turned around and handed a map to Wan Lin who was in the carriage. He said, "This is the blue army map found in the car. The location of the field hospital of the blue army division headquarters is by the lake!" Wan Lin heard the words. Overjoyed, he stretched out his hand to take the map, opened it and glanced at it, and said with a smile on his face: "Great, this means that the Blue Army's command and logistics units are all concentrated by this lake!" He handed the map to Cheng again. Confucianism.

When Zhang Wa heard Wan Lin's words, a worried look suddenly flashed on her face, and then she said: "It seems that the other party's vigilance by the lake must be different. With so many important organs here, the surrounding troops must be the same as iron. It's surrounded by barrels like a barrel, and our action is not easy."

Wan Lin heard Zhang Wa's concern, put away the smile on his face and nodded and said: "It doesn't matter, as long as we get close to this position, we will determine our infiltration plan according to the other party's security deployment. Remember, we don't have to use it unless we have to. Get your hands on it and avoid alerting the Blues."

As he said, he turned his head to look at Zhang Wa's body covered in bandages and said with a smile: "Let's see your performance as a wounded soldier. You will be interrogated by the Blue Army's security forces along the way. You are one of our brothers. shield."

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